
Marvel: Man of Tomorrow

Watch and watch as a mechanic from Earth dies and is reborn as the Invincible Iron Man, but not quite the version he and almost everyone knows. Marvel 616 with certain changes.

Pedro_Marques_3020 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


[Stark Mansion: 06/02/1949]


Three days had passed since that conversation. In his room, Tony was packing his things. His father's decision still weighed heavily on him, and the pressure seemed to mount with each passing moment. Books, notebooks, and clothes were strewn across the floor as he tried to organize everything for his imminent departure.

"At least I'll have a space to work in. I've managed my allowance well for fifteen years," Tony thought with a slight smile, already formulating some plans in his mind.

Tony paused for a moment, holding a book on advanced calculus, and looked out the window. The garden where he and Susan had talked was there, peaceful and inviting, in contrast to the turmoil within his mind.

"Funny, I ended up meeting one of the most impressive people in the world in the future, and I didn't even realize it. I wonder if I'll meet her again," Tony thought with a smile.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Maria entered the room, carrying a tray with a snack. "I thought you might want something to eat," she said with a sad smile.

Tony sighed and set the book aside. "Thank you, Mom."

Maria sat on the edge of the bed and observed her son for a moment. "Tony, I know your father can be... difficult. But I want you to know that I'm here for you, always. And I'm sure you'll do your best, no matter what path you choose," she said tenderly.

Tony nodded, feeling some relief at his mother's words. "I know, Mom. It's just... a lot of pressure. What if I can't make it?"

"You're a brilliant boy, Tony. Trust yourself. The most important thing is that you're happy and pursuing what you love. The rest will follow," she reassured him, comforting him.

Tony smiled for the first time in days. "I'll try, Mom. Thank you for believing in me."

Maria smiled back.

"You never told me what course you wanted to pursue," she recalled.

"Well," Tony began, eyes shining, "I've chosen electrical engineering and physics. I know it won't be easy, but these are the areas that interest me the most. And who knows, maybe I can combine that with some computer science classes, I want to explore my options."

Maria smiled proudly. "That's wonderful, Tony. I'm sure you'll excel. Remember, I'll always be here for you."

Tony felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thank you, Mom. That means a lot to me."

Maria stood up and kissed Tony on the forehead before leaving the room. "Now, finish packing your things. The future waits for no one, son."


Half an hour later, Tony was at the family estate's helipad, where the helicopter awaited to take him to a nearby helipad near MIT. The helicopter blades' wind tousled his hair, and he gripped his luggage firmly, ready for the new journey ahead.

Howard stood beside him, more serious than ever. "Remember, Tony. You're there to learn and become the best. Don't get distracted by irrelevant things."

Tony simply nodded, knowing that arguing would be futile. "I'll do my best, Dad."

Howard placed a firm hand on Tony's shoulder. "I know you will. Good luck, son."

Tony boarded the helicopter and settled in, looking out the window as the helicopter began to lift off. The Stark mansion grounds grew smaller and smaller, and he felt a mix of anxiety and excitement for what lay ahead. He knew this was just the beginning of a great adventure and was determined to cherish every moment.

"In a way, this is the freest moment of my new life, away from everything, the chores, the tutors, and... his schemes," he thought as he watched his father from afar.

After a smooth flight, the helicopter landed at a helipad near MIT. Tony disembarked with his luggage, and a car awaited them to take them to their new address. As the car navigated the streets, Tony looked out the window, absorbing every detail of the city that would become his new home.

The car stopped in front of an elegant house located at 45 Brattle Street in Cambridge. The residence was situated in an affluent, well-to-do area, surrounded by other mansions and well-kept gardens. Tony's house, though much smaller than the Stark mansion, exuded its own charm.

The house had a facade of red bricks, with large windows and a dark wooden door that gave it a welcoming feel. The front garden was immaculate, with neatly trimmed bushes and colorful flowers that added a touch of life to the surroundings. A spacious garage housed a sports car that Howard had arranged for Tony.

Inside, the house was modern and well-equipped, featuring a comfortable living room, a gourmet kitchen with state-of-the-art appliances, and an office that Tony could use for his studies and projects. The bedrooms were spacious and bright, with elegant and functional furniture.

"Hello, I guess it's just you and me for now," Tony said as he entered the house.


[Tony House: 08/02/1949]


Two days later, Tony had already settled into his new home. He sat in his office, surrounded by books and equipment, preparing for his first day of classes at MIT. The phone rang, and he answered quickly, knowing it would be his mother.

"Hi, Mom," Tony said with a smile. He knew she was worried.

<Tony, sweetheart, how are you? It's your first day of classes. Are you okay? Did sleep well? Eat properly?> Maria's voice was laden with concern.

Tony chuckled softly. "I'm fine, Mom. The house is great, and I've already met some neighbors. Don't worry, okay? I know it's a big change, but I'm excited to start classes."

<I know, Tony, but you've always been homeschooled. This is so different. And you're far from us...>

"I know, Mom. But this is an incredible opportunity. I'll do my best. And if I need anything, you'll be the first to know."

Maria sighed, still sounding a bit anxious.

"And Dad? How is he?" Tony asked, wanting to inquire more about the situation.

Maria hesitated for a moment, trying to conceal her own worry. <He... he's busy, as always. I'm sure working on something big. You know how he is.>

Tony nodded, understanding the undertone in his mother's response. "I know, Mom. I just want to make sure you're okay and that he's not overwhelming you."

<That's all I ask, Tony. Call me after classes, okay? And good luck today!>

"Thanks, Mom. I'll call as soon as I get home. Love you."

<Love you too, Tony. Have a great day.>

Tony hung up the phone, feeling somewhat lighter after the conversation. He knew his mother was right to worry, but he also knew this was the best opportunity for him to grow and develop his skills.


[77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139]


Tony arrived at MIT in his sleek red Stark Industries sports car, a stylish and modern model that reflected his personality and taste. He stood tall with an athletic build. His dark hair was impeccably styled, and he was dressed in a well-tailored pantsuit, showcasing his fashion sense.

Stepping out of the car, Tony took a deep breath, admiring the MIT campus. The historic buildings blended with modern structures, giving it a vintage feel in his opinion.

Tony walked across the campus, eager to start his classes, feeling prepared for everything.

"Look out!" Someone shouted.

Except for a young African-American boy coming towards him at a high speed on a bicycle