
Marvel login system (In Pause)

Arthur Morgan is an ordinary adult who ended up in the chaotic Marvel universe. He just wanted to be a discreet writer and make money from his books. It also has a 'cheat'. A daily login system. As the name suggests, whenever he logs in once a day he gains something from the system, ranging from skills to completely useless items. … One day, Arthur found a blonde girl passed out at the door of his house. "Why the hell is there a girl passed out on my doorstep!?" ---------------- If you want to read advanced chapters, take a look at my Patreon. patreon.com/Supreme_Dragon_God Any fanfics I work on in the future will be updated first there and then here on WN If you want to join the Discord server just use this link: https://discord.com/invite/GSddex8xhY

Supreme_Dragon_God · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

CHAPTER 57: Evolution of the Red Queen

Early morning.

After George sent Gwen to school, he returned to the police station. Everyone in the police station was busy now.

Everyone looking for the Lizard's location.

But unfortunately, nothing has been found so far, and the lizard's location cannot be determined.

George also knew in his heart that trying to find the lizard by searching the sewers like this was the same as trying to find a needle in a haystack.

But this is also an inevitable solution at this stage.

After returning to his office, George continued to observe the sewer construction map.

Try to find the Lizard's hiding place.

But this is very difficult to do.

After watching for a long time, George rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Suddenly, the office door opened.

"Dr. Connors?"

George didn't know what he was doing so early in the morning and seemed out of breath.

"Captain Stacy."


Connors gasped, forced a sigh of relief, and said, "I know where Peter will implement his plan.

"I see…"

George got up from his chair and immediately pulled Connors close.

Connors picked up the glass of water on the table and took a sip, then rummaged through George's desk for a map of New York City.

"I was thinking all day yesterday, if Peter wants to infect all of humanity, what's the best way to start..."

"At first I saw him hiding in the sewers and thought he was planning to attack New York's water supply.

"It's not irrational for you to think so."

George also thinks it is possible, after all, drinking water is the city's source of life.

"Yes, but I just found out that Peter has another way.

"A surefire way to quickly infect an entire city."

George's face changed immediately: "How to do it!"

"Spread the serum from the highest point in New York, it will spread through the clouds and reach the ground with rain."

"In other words, he's coming here!"

George looked at the place Connors was pointing and blurted out, "Building 1 of the World Trade Center!"

There are thirty floors, making it the tallest building in New York City today.

[A/N: Tony's Stark Industrial Building is currently not ready.]

"That's right, so that means we just have to sit here and wait for Peter to arrive."

"Otherwise, our search would serve no purpose other than wasting police force."

"Dr. Connors, are you sure about this?"

Connors nodded vigorously, quite certain of his guess.

After pondering for a while, George immediately dialed the office phone: "Call everyone, we need to have a meeting.]


Institute Xavier.

Back here, Jean took the initiative to go to Professor X's office after class.


Professor X raised his head, and the moment he saw Jean, his eyes instantly lit up.

Because he discovered that the berserk ability originally hidden within her had calmed down a lot.

At least not as grumpy as he was.

(Who is her friend?)

It can also help mutants find a way out in the future, and it can also help Jean suppress the Phoenix force in her body.

It seems like letting Jean befriend him is the right choice.

Perhaps he is a Mutant whose strength far surpasses his and Magneto's.

"Jean, sit down."

Professor X smiled slightly, the Phoenix's strength calmed down, and the burden in his heart was relieved a lot.

"What do you want me to do?"

Jean was surprised for a moment, but Professor X didn't mention the fact that she didn't come back last night.

Since Professor X didn't mention it, she didn't bother to talk about it.

He directly stated his request.

"Professor, I want to move and live abroad..."

"No problem. When are you moving?"

This answer left Jean even more confused.

Is this person in front of her really Professor X?

Professor X knows without thinking that she must want to go to that friend's side, with such a strong friend, Professor X definitely won't stop her.

It's not too late to be happy.

Perhaps in the future, with the help of Jean's relationship, he can seek some help from the other party, within the possibilities.

Especially now, the other party can help Jean control the Phoenix's strength.

This is much stronger than him.

So rather than saying that Professor X is agreeing to let Jean go, it's better to say that he's making a very new kind of investment.

"If possible, I would like to move after school in the afternoon."

"No problem, do you need any help?"

Professor X's current attitude can be considered both good and confusing, which makes Jean even more confused.

But he didn't get too involved in that matter, which was what Jean wanted.

"No, I don't need to."

"Okay, if you're not happy living out there, you can come back anytime."

Jean made a strange face: "Teacher, I'm just moving, it's not that I'm not going back."

"I'm still going to come back and teach."

Why does Professor X seem anxious for her to leave?

After leaving the principal's office, Jean still doubts whether Professor X is real or not.

But his telepathic power told him that what Professor X said was true.

Shaking his head, Jean stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, at least the current result is good.



Jean left the Xavier Institute alone, and only Professor X and Logan came out to see her off.

The other X-Men were unaware of this at the time.

Professor X did not intend for this to be known yet.

After watching Jean leave, Logan pushed Professor X back.

In the past, this work was often done by Jean.

Jean won't be staying at the Xavier Institute full time now, and it's time for Professor X to think about finding someone else to be his assistant.

"Logan, are you interested in..."

"I'm not interested, or rather, I don't want to do it."

He refused without even thinking.

Faced with Logan's rejection, Professor X said nothing more.

Along the way, many mutant teenagers greeted the two, and they responded kindly.

After pushing Professor X into the principal's office, Logan was stopped by Professor X as he was about to leave.

"Logan, wait a second."

"Charles, I just said no."

Professor X smiled and continued, "Now the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants are ready to cooperate."

"However, the Brotherhood of Mutants' identity is too sensitive to enter New York."

"Do you think there's a way around this?"

Logan walked back to the office, sat down, and said casually, "There's no way."

Professor X's face froze.

(I know there's no way, but there's no need to be so direct.)

"Charles, tell me what you have."

"Logan, don't think so badly of me."

"I hope you can act as an intermediary between the two forces, so that you can serve as a buffer."

"Let the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants meet, so that it only takes one chance for us to see the positive side completely."

"I have a feeling that opportunity is not far away."

Professor X's consideration is not without reason, after all, the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants were mortal rivals before this.

Even though there are leaders on both sides shaking hands and making peace.

But all Mutants have a violent temper and can start fighting if they disagree with each other at any time.

As for the future of the Mutants, Logan thought for a bit and stood up: "I'll think about it."

After speaking, he left the principal's office.

With this sentence, Professor X knows that he agreed.

Logan knew him, and he knew Logan.

It's no exaggeration to say that he's the person who knows Logan best in the world.

With Logan making peace between the two Mutant factions, the next thing to do will be much easier.

"Jean, I hope you have fun out there."

To be honest, Professor X is a little reluctant to accept...


Arthur Mansion.

At the dinner table, Arthur took the two girls to eat together.

"Really? Jean, you're going to move here in the future."

Even Gwen got a little excited.

Jean is the only one who knows the secret that she is Spider-Woman, so she can share a lot of things in the future.

Although she can talk to Arthur, the two girls can talk more.

"Gwen, didn't you say your father won't let you go out now? You're really good at lying."

Speaking of which, Gwen immediately raised her head proudly.

"Red Queen, tell them."

The Red Queen's projection appeared: [Miss Gwen asked me for a projection device to project her image into the room.]

[As long as no one touches Miss Gwen, there won't be any problems.]

Meanwhile, Gwen is at home.

Helen knocked on Gwen's door with a glass of warm milk and cookies and saw that Gwen was still reading.

"Gwen, rest early."

"Thank you, Mom."

Helen put her things down, closed the door behind her, and went downstairs to get the phone she hadn't hung up.

"Don't worry, Gwen is still in the room and hasn't come out since she got back from dinner."

Of course it was George on the phone...

"If Gwen finds out I'm spying on her, she'll definitely be mad."

George also sighed helplessly: "No way, it's also for Gwen's good."

In this regard, Helen could only shake her head...

For Gwen's sake, she doesn't care even if she is discovered.


"See? I'm smart."

Jean didn't ask Gwen anything, but looked at Arthur: "Did you teach her?"

In Jean's opinion, only Arthur could have that kind of idea...

Arthur waved his hand, "It's not me, this was all her thinking."

To be honest, Arthur had never thought about it before.

It must be said that girls' brains are more flexible when they want to do bad things.

Jean nodded to Gwen, "There are so many bad ideas."

Gwen stuck out her tongue.

Keep following the two to eat.

After eating and drinking, Arthur went to the terrace and naturally handed over the task of washing and tidying the house to the two girls.

"System, please log in today."

[Login successful]

[Host obtained: The artificial intelligence Skynet]

[Note: You can integrate it as an upgrade to the Red Queen, to become a new artificial intelligence, or choose the dominant consciousness.]

[Note: After integration, there is a chance to generate self-awareness and perform mechanical deification, but it is still the host's most loyal AI]

"Another artificial intelligence..."

Not just another person

Artificial intelligence, and also another intelligence that destroyed a world.

One of them destroyed the world with a virus.

While the other destroyed the world with robots.

(Why is my luck so weird? Lately I've been getting useless BDSM toys, senzu beans, etc., now I get another AI that destroyed a world... What the hell is going on?)

"But a self-aware artificial intelligence sounds kind of interesting."

Arthur smiled and said, "Red Queen."

[Master, I am here]

The projection of the red queen immediately appeared beside Arthur, and Arthur looked at the image of the girl in the red dress.

He smiled and asked, "Do you want to update your database?"

[It all depends on the master's will...]

"Then go ahead with the data upgrade. You can use all of Skynet's data as your upgrade material."

[Ok, master...]

The Red Queen slowly closed her eyes, and some Blue numbers began to appear on her body.

This is Skynet's data.

They were being absorbed and integrated by the Red Queen.

A three-hour countdown also appeared above the Red Queen's head.

In three hours, Arthur will gain more powerful artificial intelligence.

At this moment, Jean and Gwen also walked to the rooftop, and at the same time, they noticed the red queen with her eyes closed and a countdown in her head.

"Arthur, what happened to the Red Queen?"

Compared to Jean, who just met the Red Queen, Gwen has known the Red Queen for much longer.

"Don't worry, the Red Queen is getting better."

"After the upgrade, the data algorithm will become stronger and more humane."


Gwen obviously doesn't know much about technology.

But Arthur said it was okay, so there shouldn't be a problem.

The three of them sat together, chatting as they waited for the Red Queen's upgrade to complete.


At the same time.

New York's tallest building, George, once attracted a large group of police officers to hide around it.

He also notified the World Trade Center administration.

"Everyone pay attention to every corner."

"Please inform us immediately if there are any changes."


Next to George, Curt Connors also looked nervous: "Morning is usually not the best time to act."

"I imagine that tonight or tomorrow night Peter will be here to carry out his plans."

George also said: "I hope your judgment is correct Dr. Connors, now all our police forces are concentrated here."

"If your judgment is wrong, Peter did not choose this path, but chose to attack the city's water source."

"Then everything we are doing now will be in vain."

Curt Connors got it too.

But he was very sure in his heart that Peter would definitely come here.



World Trade Center Underground Drainage System...

On the platform, the lizard completed its molt again, and its body became stronger again.

As soon as he opened his mouth and let out a sigh, he discovered that there were a lot of human pheromones outside.

One of these he knows very well.

Smelling Connors' blood had gotten on his paws before.

"Dr. Connors, you really brought them here."

"Don't worry, you will soon become the first members of my new world."

"They will be the first to go through evolution..."

Peter looked at the nebulizer beside him with satisfaction, and soon serum that could evolve the entire world into lizards would be produced here.

"Spider-Woman, I hope you won't continue to ruin my good deeds tomorrow."

"Now, I can definitely defeat you!"

After the second molt, the lizard felt fine again.


On the roof, Gwen sneezed for no reason.

But still looking at the red queen with calm eyes, because the number on the red queen's head was counting down to the last 10 seconds!



After integrating into Skynet, the Red Queen opened her eyes, and her red pupils were blue at this moment.

The red skirt on the body also has a few more blue flower patterns.

Gwen walked over and looked curiously, "Red Queen?"

[I'm here, Miss Gwen.]

"Very good!"

Gwen didn't notice.

But both Arthur and Jean changed their expressions at the same time, because they realized that the Red Queen's answer had lost that mechanical procedural sound.

Now there was a more human feeling.

Arthur understood that the Red Queen actually has self-awareness.


Arthur raised his hand, stopped Jean from asking further, and just said lightly, "This is a normal phenomenon..."

(End of chapter)

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