
Marvel login system (In Pause)

Arthur Morgan is an ordinary adult who ended up in the chaotic Marvel universe. He just wanted to be a discreet writer and make money from his books. It also has a 'cheat'. A daily login system. As the name suggests, whenever he logs in once a day he gains something from the system, ranging from skills to completely useless items. … One day, Arthur found a blonde girl passed out at the door of his house. "Why the hell is there a girl passed out on my doorstep!?" ---------------- If you want to read advanced chapters, take a look at my Patreon. patreon.com/Supreme_Dragon_God Any fanfics I work on in the future will be updated first there and then here on WN If you want to join the Discord server just use this link: https://discord.com/invite/GSddex8xhY

Supreme_Dragon_God · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

CHAPTER 43: Something's strange


Norman Osborn's office received two guests.

George and Curt Connors, respectively.

After listening to the two's intentions, Norman took a deep breath from the cigar in his hand: "Captain Stacy, would you like one?"

"It's a very nice item, custom-made by me."

"Thanks, but I don't like smoking that kind of stuff."

"Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Osborn."

"To save this young man, I hope you accept my proposal."

Norman had a smile on his face, "Sure, Captain Stacy, I'm very happy about that."

Upon hearing Norman's response, Connors was overjoyed.

He agreed.

Only George's face became gloomy. He hadn't been dealing with this group of people for a day or two.

The subtext in the words was immediately heard.

Norman also saw Connors' excitement and said with a smile, "Dr. Connors, don't be so happy yet."

"I would like to help the boy Peter. I've met him, he's a very smart boy."

"But you have to understand that the company doesn't just belong to me, I still have a board of directors."

"The impact of this incident is very bad, you must have seen the reports."

When he said this, he still looked at George.

The meaning is obvious.

It is suspected that the police leaked it.

George said: "I don't know how the media got the news. The police blocked this matter very well."

"I believe Captain Stacy, but the police station is so big that you might not be able to control everyone."

"Mr. Osborn, how can you agree to my experiment request?"

Connors gritted his teeth and said, almost in a pleading tone.

George, at the side, remained silent; he knew that today would probably be impossible.

Norman Osborn, this guy, is very cunning.

He refused both inside and outside of words.

Only Connors, who is obsessed with his research and has no experience in the world, couldn't hear this.

"Dr. Connors, you should know that Oscorp invested a lot of money when you conducted this research."

"The council has wanted to withdraw its financial support for a long time, and I have always insisted on it."

"Because of that, I was under a lot of pressure."

Norman looked offended: "Now the board of directors has blocked all your research materials. If I go to the board of directors for you..."

"Dr. Connors, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

"But you can't make things difficult for me. I did everything I could. You can't blame me for what happened..."

"Norman Osborn, you..."

Even though Connors doesn't understand the world, he can understand the hidden meaning of these words.

Seeing that Connors was angry, Norman turned to look at George: "Captain Stacy, do you want to take Professor Connors back first?"

"He is in a state of mind completely unsuitable for conversation."

Connors was completely manipulated by Norman.

George could only say, "Excuse me, Mr. Norman Osborn."

"If you come for coffee next time, you are always welcome."

George left without looking back.

The meaning of these words was very obvious.

No problem finding me.

Don't look for me if you have something to do.

After the two completely left the office, Norman smiled coldly: "This Serum..."

"I have other excellent uses for these things, how could I give them away so easily?"

Norman Osborn, as a master of bioscience and technology, has a sense of pride that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

In his opinion, the failure of an experiment is already a defeat.

It's an even bigger failure if you include your students in this.

This data, as well as the serum, is the property of Oscorp.

Connors can't have them again.

What's more, he saw these things.

It is also of great use for his experiments, which makes it even more impossible for Connors to have them again.

After leaving the office, Connors said with lost eyes: "I'm sorry, I thought Norman Osborn was a good man."

The two met earlier at a scientific seminar, where Connors expressed his future research.

Norman was very happy to invest in it.

Since then, Connors has always considered Norman to be his trump card.

Now it seems like it's not the same anymore.

What the other party saw at the beginning was not how much Connors' research direction would affect the future of humanity.

These are the benefits that can be brought by this.

George patted his shoulder to comfort him: "It's not your fault, I didn't expect it either..."

"You can go back first."

At the Oscorp gate, George found two men to send Connors back.

Before everything was fully cleared up, Connors was still under police surveillance.

George returned to his car.

There were already three other colleagues in the car.

"Captain, do you want to go back now?"

Looking at Oscorp outside the window, George shook his head: "No, I feel a little strange."

"Let's wait here for now."

"Spying on Oscorp?"

A smarter police officer immediately realized what George was trying to do.

"Captain, is there a problem with Oscorp?"

George nodded: "Intuition, I just don't know if it's right or not."

"Anyway, let's stay here for now. It turns out that there haven't been any very important cases recently."

During the conversation they had just now, George felt that something was strange, but he couldn't say what it was.

But something was strange at Oscorp.

In the car, while observing the situation, George took out his cell phone.

And he sent a message to Gwen and Helen saying he wouldn't be back tonight.


In the city.

Gwen, who was swinging through the cities in her webs, noticed the phone was ringing and picked it up to see if it was George.

Then she also returned a message saying that the school had activities and she wouldn't be back today.

"New York is safe and secure today, let's go back first."

Gwen also avoided a robbery today and a street fight.

However, compared to the crime rate of the past, New York today is safe.

On the way home, watching the sun slowly setting.

Gwen knew that if she stole tonight...

If she doesn't get that serum tonight, she won't be able to save Peter.

So she's bound to steal the serum!


At the same time.

A heavy iron door opened into Tony's lab.

Where is Tony's laboratory, which is used especially for him to think alone when he is inspired.

As soon as he left, Tony said excitedly with bags under his eyes, "JARVIS, I need to sleep."

He didn't close his eyes all day and all night.

[Welcome back, sir.]

[The room has been adjusted to a temperature suitable for you, and the sleep aid white noise is now playing. I hope you have a good night's sleep.]

"I must be having a nervous breakdown," Tony thought as he walked past his armor pod.

"How could my Mark 2 be missing?"

He must have been without sleep for a long time, neurasthenia.

[By the way, Mr. Morgan needs a printing module.]

"Send it to him, JARVIS"

Tony waved his hand, very generous.

One hundred printing booths aren't enough to express Tony's gratitude right now...

(End of chapter)

Hey! I'm back my partners!! If anyone wants to support me on Patreon I would really appreciate it😎

Now, getting straight to the point... GIVE ME YOUR POWER STONES NOW!!🤌 Ehem! Have a good night or good day? I don't know haha

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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