
Marvel knowledge in DC

a guy who loves comics and stories and novels end up dying for a stupid reason, he gets compensated and sent to the turmoil filled world of DC's justice league to save it and correct the wrongs with a set of wishes. I don't own DC or marvel am just a fan making a novel to pass time .

moh999 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

12.making use of power

mc pov

As always I was in the palace trying my best to improve the circuits of the CPU I designed, I was alone in the lap when i was informed that all the corrupt officials on the list were arrested , i sighed in resignation and left the lab for the dungeon, the amount of worms in our country wasn't something to scoff about, but it wasn't large , when I asked the system what happened because my third wish was messed up the system replied :

( if host wanted loyal subjects , then it's only logical for to be some unloyal ones within , not every one is perfect and that's why host third wish was granted by the creation of the king's prestige, due to natural causes , but that item is weakening due to high magical interference, by a lord of chaos because a totally loyal nation would bring stability and order , something that the lords of chaose hate the most so he weakened the prestige to allow some people to collude with demons and bring disorder even if it's in minimal amounts, and it would require a powerful telepath to bring the prestige true potential again ,that's why it seems to host that the third wish wasn't fulfilled properly, as for the captain America strength, it can be easily realised with host's father serum which have exactly the same properties).

meaning I had to wear that crown, Haaaaah, troublesome, like a certain pineapple headed shinobi use to say ,first , the citizens are now grateful for the throne to ridden them of the scum , second, the stations of Richards reactorare all working splendidly and without a hitch ,third, many advancement are being made on frequent basis in all fields , fourth, our economy is thriving internally and externally, but I had put the wild ones on a leash .

next day I spoke to my grandfather and told him about my theory , he thought I would like to take the throne off his head I stopped him and told him that what I meant was for him to train his telepathic abilities, he looked apprehensive and looked at me looking at him with brow raised and he gave a sheepish smile , well that smile wasn't staying on his face , the next four months were very grueling for the old man but I didn't care, I gave him a huge crash course on his abilities that changed his mind for good , and for his telepathic training we used prisoners, he became a better telepath , I can tell and the crown is amplifying his powers by so much , it was like a mini portable ceribero .

( congratulations host on changing another future event , that event would have ended in a rebellion and the prestige lost for ever .

rewards poll

Marvel universe - Mandarin's ten Rings )

Fuck me , this is a huge boost of power ,the ten rings ,These ten cylinders were Makluan pieces of technology. Each contained the soul of a long-dead legendary cosmic warrior, trapped in a phantasmal state limited by their respective device. Each of these artifacts additionally possessed a quarantined A.I. for when the rings were separated from their wielders.

They found their way to Earth aboard the starship of Makluan explorer Axonn-Karr, who had to retreat to a cave in the Valley of Spirits in China after being fatally wounded by the scared natives of the land. The Mandarin discovered Axonn-Karr and his ship, and became transfixed by the cylinders. Ignoring the pleas of the moribund Axonn-Karr not to touch them, the Mandarin finished him off with his sword and took the devices for himself.Having found them similar in shape to rings, the Mandarin began to wear them as such, one on each of his fingers, learning how to use them and unlock their powers.

The rings power are introduced as :

Matter-Rearranger Ring : This Ring allows the Mandarin to manipulate the atomic and molecular structures of matter. It cannot transmute elements or affect objects encased in force or energy fields.

Poison Gas – The Mandarin may transform the surrounding air into a Toxic gas.

Solidify Gas – The Mandarin may solidify the air around opponents, encasing them in blocks of cement-like material.

Rearrange costume and/or alter appearance.

Impact Beam Ring : This Ring allows the Mandarin to generate and project various beams of concussive force.

Force Blast (Electron Beam, Neutron Beam) – The Mandarin may project blasts of concussive energy.

Sonic Beam – The Mandarin may project waves of high-intensity sound.

Vortex Beam Ring : The ring causes the air to move about at high speed in a vortex. The vortex can be used as an offensive weapon, as a means of levitating objects, or as a means of propelling the ring's wearer through the air.

Disintegration Beam Ring : This ring allows the Mandarin to project a beam of energy capable of destroying the bonds between the atoms and molecules, causing inanimate objects to disintegrate. This ring must recharge for 20 minutes after each use.

Black Light Ring : This Ring allows the Mandarin to create an area of darkness, presumably using Darkforce energy to do so.

White Light Ring : This ring allows the Mandarin to generate and manipulate various forms of electromagnetic energy.

Light Burst – The Mandarin may generate bursts of high intensity light to blind opponents.

Gravity Field – The Mandarin may encase opponents in a field of heavy gravity, pinning them to the surfaces.

Magnetic Levitation – The Mandarin may utilize electromagnetic fields to levitate and manipulate objects.

Image Projection – The Mandarin may project holographic illusions. He can also produce multiple images to confuse an opponent, or make a substantially larger version of himself.

Flame-Blast Ring : This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of infrared to produce flame or ignite combustible materials.

Mento-Intensifier Ring : This ring magnifies the Mandarin's psionic energies, allowing him to mentally manipulate the thoughts and actions of others.

Mental Illusions – The Mandarin may psionically generate illusions within the minds of others. These illusions are very realistic and are capable of affecting all of the senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell).

Mental Paralysis – The Mandarin may psionically manipulate the minds of others, temporarily paralyzing them.

Electro-Blast Ring : This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of Electrical Energy.

Ice Blast Ring : This ring allows the Mandarin to project waves of up intense cold and ice, including trapping foes in ice blocks and sheaths.

To whoever weild their powers his mentality will be influenced by the existence of Mandarin's personality and the AI, I have to somehow rewrite these rings to make them used by my family only , plus locking away their powers incase a foriegn weilder ever came in their possession, a difficult task , damn it , wait a minute why don't use Magic to bound them by blood , yes that's the best course of action , I will give them to Jason and mom and have them Tinker some thing .

After showing these in front of the family they began working on them and work they did , for each a ring we added a gem correspond to the rings power and magically amplifying them plus having mental shields preventing any problem that may rise and have them ( the gems on top be blood bound to Richard's blood),gramps came in possession of Mento-Intensifier Ring and Impact Beam Ring , dad and grandma didn't want any , Jason picked Matter-Rearranger Ring and the Disintegration Beam Ring,mom picked Vortex Beam Ring , the Black Light Ring and white Light Ring , as for me I chose not have any and gave my share to Willis, I had to make the boy accepted somehow and this is the best thing I thought of , the family except Jason protested but I told them I read the boy's mind and how he is in need of attention and love , they looked guilty and accepted my decision and so I called Willis and told him about the origins of the rings , his first response was either destroying them or locking them away, but after putting his mind to ease I told him I called him to gift him the rings , he then looked at me and his eyes welled up in tears and after a touching moment he took the Ice Blast Ring , Electro Blast Ring ,Flame-Blast Ring and I started to joke how he could now control elements and how he should check the limits of his power put he took it to heart and started diligently training, gotta give to him.

After dealing with the Rings who were now with my family giving them a much needed power boost and easing up my mind abit I dedicated myself to completing my supercomputer, I have 3 more months to reach 13 years old I estimate it will be ready by and in a month and a half I will be launching my own satellite to orbit, that thing was huge , multipurpose, and provided with cutting edge technology, will be used to monitor situation up in the sky informing us about all invasions , I had wizards use mini pouches to store tons of nuclear weapons lasers , offcourse it had repulsar weapons , lasers, uni-beams , and the thrusters were better than anything this planet will see in the next half century, it was a true beauty.

2 and half months later

I did it, I managed to finish the first supercomputer, the red alice project is now up and running, monitoring everything in the country, I also downloaded the complete data of JARVIS It took over FRIDAY and used her experience as reference to react, offcourse it was under my control 100 %, it took over T800 all over and thanks to that I also loaded him into the satellite and let it be manned by T800S and launched it to space.after taking control i managed to focus on my daily life more thankfully the saitama training regime was finished half a month later and I manged to make all the training with less stress than previously.

( congratulations host , a new hidden quest completed By 100 percent . would host like to receive the rewards?)

'ok what's the details of the mission '

(hidden quset make use of tony stark knowledge:

1. build miniature Ark reactor (100%)

2. build Jericho missile (100%)

3. build IRON MAN suits (100%)

4. recreate Baddasium (100%)

5. recreate either Friday or JARVIS (200%)

5. using your knowledge finish an original project

(T800 project ) (100%).


Howard Anthony Walter Stark knowledge )

World renowned weapons manufacturer and dealer Howard Anthony Walter Stark,

Stark was an exceptionally intelligent person, creating weapons and devices that were considered futuristic to most, including other geniuses. Indeed, Howard is one of the few modern scientists famous and prominent enough to be pictured in the science lab of Midtown School of Science and Technology.

Stark has created formidable inventions that induced his friends, notably Peggy Carter, fear him and wish him monitored.

Stark was brilliant in several scientific fields, having helped in the creation of Captain America in Project Rebirth, theorized a new element helped develop the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project, and created many formidable inventions, most notably molecular Nitramene and Midnight Oil, which were all devastating in the wrong hands. Stark also managed to finally recreate the Super Soldier Serum shortly before his death, with it being used by HYDRA to create the Winter Soldiers.

plus despite his poor upbringing, was able to found the company Stark Industries, which became viewed as the apex among its competitors, and made him a millionaire. Howard would also later help Peggy Carter and Chester Phillips found the agency S.H.I.E.L.D. and according to Peggy Carter, was the best civilian pilot she had ever seen, with her enlisting his help to fly over enemy airspace during World War II while transporting Captain America to Austria.

Stark was fluent in his native English, as well as Latin, Spanish, French, Japanese and Korean.

Howard Stark's Designs were Nothing to belittle

Modified Car ,Hovercar,Vita-Ray Chamber,Captain America's Shield,Nitramene

Constrictor,Blitzkrieg Button,Electroshocker

Camera Pen,Havoc Reactor,Photonic Amplifier

Midnight Oil,Stark Heat Vest,Self-Piloting Airplane,Jitterbug,Gamma Cannon,baddasium etc...

well here goes nothing , ' system please assimilate the knowledge of Howard stark please ' .

( yes host extracting knowledge, assimilate knowledge in fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering ,mechanical engineering , business management, espionage , human physiology,Gentics, Genetic engineering, Electronics , Metallurgy, nanotechnology, piloting ,quantum mechanics,status:

Name: Franklin Richards

status: prince of Eden , Inventor

current IQ:270

knowledge: English language 52% (master), Latin language 57%(master), Spanish language 30% (master), French language 54%(master) ,Japanese language 60%(master),korean language 23 (master), calligraphy 4%(master) , etiquette 100% (general),history of Eden 9%(master) , science 100%(advanced) ,mathematics 100%(master) ,geography 4% (master),literature 90%(advanced),politics 57%(master), arts 79% (advanced),music 50%(advanced),magic theory 60%(advanced),magical herbology 90%(advanced),potions 70%(advanced),runes 80%(advanced),arithmancy 80(advanced), astronomy 5%(advanced), physics 100% (master), chemistry 97%(master),biology 76%(master), computer science 100%( master), electrical engineering 100%(master), mechanical engineering 100%(master),robotics 100% (master),electronics 100%(master), artificial intelligence 100%(master) ,quantum mechanics 100%(master), business management 100%(master), espionage 34%(master) , human physiology 79%(master),Gentics 88%(master), Genetic engineering 67%(master), Metallurgy78%(master), nanotechnology50%(master), piloting30% (master),wing Chun 50%(advanced),karate 40%(advanced), kali 38%(advanced),boxing 60%(advanced), krav Maga 29%(advanced),Jeet June do 42%(advanced).

powers: Telepathy 76%(range effect 10 km), Empathy 79%( range 200 km),Telekinesis 74%(25 ton),flight 82%(14m/s),probability manipulation 68%(1 hour ),luck manipulation 65%(1 hour) ,will power constructs manipulation 79%(swords, arms,daggers, hammers ...etc tops 250),power warping 73%, energy blasts 76%, magic 1 %, reality manipulation 9 %.)

now that's a nice advancement, fuck my head's dizzy well gotta have some sleep .

author note : hey guys this is moh999 back with a new chap , hope you like it , I have clear winners for the girlfriend contest put will be keeping it a secret till I write it down , am back with new fanfiction worth your attention

1.Ron weasley a noble's ascension, this right here is a good fic , plus their author is really good and release rate are fantastic, really rooting for the novel and hope you like too it reached 36 chapters and still going.

2.the path of the great sovereign this one about a guy and his trip to become over god of the multiverse so far finished naruto,bleach, doulu doulo , and is in overlord world

3. the z pirates , about a guy who transmigrated to one piece, a dark and awesome novel .

4. quick sword Bob, another one piece fanfiction, but with a LOL system and a smart mc , had alot of reading it.

5. big daddy pirates , yet another one piece fanfiction, about the Happo prince whom in his place was transmigrated a man with knowledge for One Piece events and end up getting Fruit depicting a well known legendary creature the Qilin.

that's all for now folks and thanks for reading and donating stones love moh999