
Marvel: It’s All Misunderstanding

Plot is crap filled with holes, my grammar is same level with mtl aka shit, and characters are all basically out of character. So if you want high quality novel then go somewhere else. This is just for fun so remember that.

Blah_Blah_05 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Ch 1: Shoot Here

'So I crossed to another world while I'm sleeping? Life is really full of surprises.' James observes himself in mirror curiously.

'Everything of this body is almost same as my previous one. It's as if I come here with my body not my soul alone.' If it wasn't luxurious house he can't afford in his previous life and unfamiliar memories he wouldn't even noticed if he come to the other world.

'In this life I'm owner of cult that's covered by my own company. It's either cult or company both of them are doing very well. Especially when both of their earnings are legal.' He glances at expensive brand clothing and sport cars parked outside that he could never afford in his previous life.

[Ding! System finished loading.]

'Oh, my cheat system is here.' Changing his clothes from his pajamas to black cotton shirt, gray jacket, and black jeans. He tries his best to make himself look neat as possible.

'I guess if I getting thrown into Marvel then at least this kind of thing expected. System, what's your function.'

[System will absorb emtional fluctuations related with host and turns it into energy measured by EP. Host can use it to buy things from [Shop] or open [Packs].]

[Shop: You can use it to buy specific things.]

[Packs: Each pack contains 3 random things of chosen category and rank. There is three catagories: Character, Power, And Items.]

[Character catagory is the most expensive because you can absorb them and gain all their powers, skills, experiences, equipment, etc. while item is the cheapest because their possible drawbacks and how situational they can be. Price ratio in pack section is 10:5:1 for example F-Rank [Character Pack] priced 10000, [Power Pack] priced 5000, and [Item Pack] priced 1000.]

'[Pack] basically lottery or gacha from my previous life.' While leaving the house in sport car he lets out a quiet sigh. 'This is life I guess.'

[+199 EP.]

[+120 EP.]

[+100 EP.]

[+50 EP.]

[+200 EP.]


'Oh, is this EP generated by the cult members or company employees?'

[+79 EP From Raven Darkholme.]

'Mystique? Why is she here? And why is her EP alone name after itself?'

[Because host knows the generator of EP. Also it will only show you identity host knows so if host only knows the alias of EP generator then system will only show the alias not real identity.]

[Do you wanna do purchase using your current EP?]

[EP: 7910]

'Hmm, Mystique got related to me somehow. There is no memory of her in original is memory. And I doubt she got emotional because our company's products or service. So my life might get in danger. I wanna go through [Shop] and search for suitable powers or characters but I am already outside company building. Which means I might don't have much time. Gambling isn't really my thing but desperate times calls desperate actions. Buy one [F-Rank Power Pack].'

[You gained three F-Rank Powers: [You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.], [Fear From Fearless], [Poker Face].]

[Power: You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!

Rank: F

Origin: Fallout

Effect: You gained max level in all attributes and perks. That's not all you gained all the skills and abilities of all the legendary figures of the Wasteland. You can beat super mutant with power armor using only your fists, take several headshots from heavy caliber or energy guns and keeps walking like nothing happened, smart enough to modify almost any kind of weapons. You are literally super mutant in human skin which makes you SPECIAL.]

[Power: Fear From Fearless

Rank: F

Origin: Unknown

Effect: Whenever you act fearless or do something that make others you aren't afraid of anything they will feel unnamed fear. They will feel afraid of you, terrified of you, they will feel like facing against something far above human. Something mightier, something more terrifying.]

[Power: Calmness

Rank: F

Origin: Unknown

Effect: You now carries aura of calmness and coldness. You looks fearless and calm no matter how terrified you are. Your body won't show any kind of abnormality even if you are terrified. Everything about you will makes you look calm when facing against anything.]

'S.P.E.C.I.A.L. huh. S for Strength, P for Perception, E for Endurance, C for Charisma, I for Intelligence, A for Agility, and lastly L for Luck. Brings back some nostalgia right there.'

After entering the company building he directly heads to his office. After greeting with secretary outside his office door he enters it. Sits on the office chair and starts trying to remember perks related to each attributes.

'System didn't said perks will be limited by one game. Will I have the perks from previous game and even quests or other special conditions?'

But for some reason whenever he think about fallout perks there is one he just seems can't forget. One called [Nuclear Anomaly] which allows player erupt into explosion equal to mini nuke. It's perk from Fallout 3 that appears in the late game.

'Power description literally said I can ignore headshots. I wonder if I really can do this?' He pulls out 44 caliber magnum from the drawer of his desk.

Aims it into his own temple and tries to pull the trigger but few seconds later he gives up. 'Well, I was still normal person few minutes ago. I just can't pull the trigger like it's nothing.'

Normal person would have probably stopped there but Marcus wasn't exactly normal in both his original life and in this life. So he calls his secretary inside his office.

"Did you call me sir?" His secretary Miranda Copper asks from him respectfully. She was fresh college graduate in her early twenties also one of the earliest members of his cult. She wasn't exactly beautiful but she attractive enough to become small time model if she want to.

With faint smile on his face he pushes the rifle towards her. "Miranda pick up the gun." Hearing his words Miranda looked little hesitant before picking up the gun.

He points at his forehead with his finger, which suddenly startles her. "I'm sure you know what I want you to do right."

Mystique feels the weight of gun in her hands as she stares at Marcus is calm face. His face was almost experionless if it wasn't his faint smile, his eyes were calm almost cold and emotionless, his body didn't show any kind of sign of fear or panic. He was calm as if he is doing everyday thing.

'Maybe it's everyday thing? He is cult leader right? He might preforms this kind of thing to deceive his followers? Maybe gun is empty, maybe it's fake. W-why am I even shaking? Why? Why? Why?! Why!' She forces herself aim at his forehead.

Tightens her grip over the gun, she starts sweating, her breath becomes heavier. Sound of her heart beating echoes inside her mind. Her mind fills with confusion.

She replaced the secretary so she can get close to the owner of this company and get fund for the brotherhood. She will basically shapeshift into him and transfer all his personal money to fake account to wash the money. After all Magneto is experiments and bunch of other projects aren't exactly cheapest.

Part of her screaming at her shoot him but her body won't follow her order. Her visions start becoming blurry, she feels her body becoming even heavier, her strength leaving her legs, she doesn't know why but just looking at her made her feel weak… afraid.

'Did he know who am I? Did he noticed I replaced his secretary? But so then why does he doing this? Show his confidence? His power? His superiority? What's the reason behind his action? I-I don't know anymore!'

Soon all her strength leaves her legs and she fell on the floor while looking at Marcus is cold emotionless expression, his faint smile is no longer there. Tears fall from her eyes for unknown reason maybe it's because fear or perhaps something else.

Only thing she know is she is no longer in form of Milanda Copper. She reverted back to her base form with blue skin and red hair. Her yellow eyes stares at Marcus is eyes as she let go of the gun. At that moment she felt something other than fear when seeing at him it was awe. She felt awe from him and his fearlessness.