
Chapter 62: Survived

In the depth of the destruction, Jack floated in the void.

He had no sense of achievement for everything he had caused. At this moment, his face was serious and even a bit wary.

Because in front of him appeared a woman.

Hmm...a woman with a very good figure, who was also pretty except for her blue skin, but this was not the time to focus on that.

The moment he saw her, he knew his troubles had arrived.

The woman approached more than ten meters away from him. Although it was a space vacuum, she seemed at ease. Next to her were two purple energy shields, inside of which were the Corvus and Proxima.

Seeing her, Jack almost instantly thought of a person.


One of the Black Order's top five generals under Thanos, the most mysterious and powerful one, with abilities so extreme that she had to be taken out of in the movie.

Mind control, Telepathy, And Memory Manipulation

Each of these abilities is incredibly powerful and concentrated in one person. It's no wonder that she's considered to be overpowered.

Jack thought he was going to face Ebony Maw, but he didn't expect to encounter a more difficult opponent, the Supergiant.

Thinking of the opponent's abilities, Jack felt dizzy, and his face changed. Without even uttering a word, he immediately opened the portal and fled.

"Are you just going to stand there and read his mind?"

"Quick, go after him! He's a target of Thanos!"

Upon seeing Jack disappear, Proxima immediately panicked. They came with incredible speed and destroyed several battleships. If they let him escape, they would become a laughingstock of the Black Order.

"He can't escape!"

The Supergiant's cold and arrogant face showed a hint of a sneer. With a wave of her hand, she sent Corvus and Proxima to another warship, and she chased after Jack in her own fighter jet.

Meanwhile, on the other side...

After coming through the space portal, Jack didn't dare to delay for a moment. He quickly boarded a warship and fled at the fastest speed possible.

Sitting down in his chair, Jack had a face full of lingering fear. He had to come across a Supergiant out of everyone he could have encountered.

This woman could read minds, which he was vulnerable to. It would be his end if she were to uncover what was in his head.

And that was just the tip of the iceberg. What if she decided to control him mentally? All in all, encountering a Supergiant was unexpected but not surprising. Her appearance only confirmed a theory that Jack had long held.

This is the real world, not a movie that follows a script.

There's no Supergiant in the movie.

"Hmm?! What's going on!!"

Suddenly, an inexplicable pressure was applied to his head, as if a 300-pound rock had suddenly appeared on top of his head.

Jack was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what had happened.

And at this moment, the prompt from the Red Queen also came late.

"A spacecraft is approaching!"

Damn Supergiant

Jack gritted his teeth and muttered. This girl is really stubborn, and she's caught up with him.

And even across space, she could launch a psychic attack he couldn't defend against. Her abilities were stronger than he had imagined.

While raising his energy to resist the mental attack of the other side, he ordered the Red Queen to advance at full speed towards Earth.

He had to break free from the opponent's psychic sensing range immediately. Otherwise, he would not be able to resist it for long.

"Giving up now!"

"You don't have to struggle so hard!"

"Let me in. I'm your friend."

"We can talk it out. You don't have to resist me like this." Voices are echoing in his head


A hazy and seductive female voice constantly echoed in his mind, like a woman whispering in his ear. Jack shook his head, trying to drive the voice out of his brain, but it was useless.

He knew that this was the Supergiant star seducing him. Once he really relaxed his mind, the opponent would take advantage of the opportunity to control his brain instantly.

Therefore, he couldn't calm down.

"How much longer!!"

Jack widened his eyes and gritted his teeth. His face turned red, and veins bulged on his neck and forehead, his expression looking incredibly frustrated.

"There are twelve more jump points!"


Jack cursed silently. Twelve jump points would take more than ten days to reach the jump point outside of Earth.

The good news is that the Supergiant's spaceship isn't very fast and is just hanging far behind him, but he can't get rid of it. because the

As long as nothing unexpected happens, he can escape, and the Supergiant definitely won't dare to chase him to Earth to catch him.

The bad news is that Jack still needs to endure this torment for more than ten days.

On the spaceship behind him,

"How strange!"

The Supergiant frowned slightly, looking somewhat puzzled.

She had already maximized her psychic abilities. Apart from a few people, no one in the entire universe could withstand her psychic attack.

But now, someone has actually achieved it, and that person is even unknown.

This inevitably made her curious, and she became even more eager to uncover the secrets in Jack's head.

Thus, the two big and small ships engaged in a fierce chase in the vast of space.

Jack could only command the Red Queen to race towards Earth without stopping for a moment.

The supergiant star was much more relaxed, chasing after Jack while trying to invade his mind without any pause.

Soon, in the midst of this chase, the two were finally approaching the jump point of the solar system.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to home, Jack breathed a sigh of relief but also couldn't help but become fully alert again. He knew that the Supergiant would not just let him go. Otherwise, she wouldn't have tormented him for more than ten days.

God knows how he has survived these days

"Damn it!"

As expected by Jack, as the distance to Earth gets closer and closer, the Superstar can no longer remain calm, and his face becomes somewhat anxious.

If he lets him escape and fails to complete her mission of Thanos, he will not grant herself death, which is not what the Superstar wants to see.

"Since I can't get your secret, then destroy it!"

The Superstar's eyes turned cold, and her consciousness suddenly moved!


At the same time, Jack only felt like a needle had pierced his brain. He was exhausted and almost unable to hold onto consciousness due to such a sudden attack.

Although he barely managed to hold on, Jack knew that if it happened a few more times. This will result in brain dead.

"We have arrived at the solar system!"

Just then, the spacecraft shook suddenly as it shot out of the jump point, and Red queen's voice echoed through the cabin.


Jack's face was pale and sweaty, and he felt like he had just been pulled out of the water. He weakly looked outside, and in the distance, he saw a blue planet with a small satellite orbiting it.


Jack gazed at the planet with a complex expression, like a prodigal son who had been away from home for a long time.

But then, another burst of needle-like attacks hit him directly in the head.

However, as exhausted as he was, Jack's mental defenses weakened, especially under the intense emotion of finally coming home, and the attacker broke through and penetrated his deepest consciousness.


Jack clutched his head in agony, rolling on the ground.

Just when he thought he was done for, he heard a cracking sound deep in his brain, like something had broken, and the attack disappeared without a trace.

"I survived..."

Jack gasped for air heavily, his face showing the terror of having just escaped death.

Meanwhile, the Super Giant, who Jack hated, was confused.


Supergiant felt that the power she had used to invade Jack's brain had suddenly disappeared. Before she could figure out what had happened, a weak but persistent force had rushed into her brain from the mental power she had extended

A strange green light flashed in the eyes of the Supergiant, and although the power did not cause any substantial harm to her, it made her one-hit attack fail. She knew she had no chance now.

As she looked at the spaceship getting closer and closer to Earth, she tried to charge forward, but just as she was about to do so, the space in front of the ship shattered like a mirror, blocking her path.

Seeing this, the Supergiant turned pale and remembered Thanos' orders. Without hesitation, she turned the ship around and quickly returned to the jump point.

Just before she left, the shattered space returned to its original state as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, Jack received the news that the Supergiant had finally left. His mind suddenly relaxed, and tiredness hit him like a tsunami. He wanted to sleep and rest for a while.

"Not...not now..."

Jack knew that if he fell asleep now, it would likely take a long time for him to wake up. His mind was seriously injured and needed a long time to recover slowly.

He couldn't stay here. He wouldn't feel at ease until he returned to Earth.

After forcing himself for another three hours, the spacecraft finally reached the outskirts of Earth.

Dragging his exhausted body and mind, Jack boarded the escape pod on the spacecraft and headed towards Earth.

As for the spacecraft, Jack ordered Red Queen to enter stealth mode and be ready for his orders.

However, it seemed that things were a little different here.


Please try to read the novel i am translating DC: RIsing from Darkness


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