
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 303: The Miracle of Life

Jack didn't know how busy people were outside, but he himself was quite busy.

"How about this one?"

"Well... it's too flashy; it's not suitable for you."

"Then how about this one?"

"...It feels too plain again. Maybe the one you tried earlier is better?"

"And... what about this one?"


Jack covered his nosebleed, which almost burst out, and looked around with shame. He realized that nobody noticed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He ran over, snatched the thin clothes Wanda was holding, and tossed them into the pile of clothes next to him.

"No way! Absolutely not."

Jack firmly said, "Even if you wear it, only I can see it."

"And what did you expect?"

Wanda looked at Jack playfully and with a hint of a grin as she continued to pick out clothes.

They were currently in Budapest, half a month since their last visit to Hawaii.

Their honeymoon trip was quite amazing, and they didn't have any plans. They just picked a place that looked interesting on the map at random and went there.

Wanda picked Hungary, saying she wanted to see the famous medieval city and experience the ancient atmosphere.

They had seen a lot of what Budapest had to offer. Today, they went out to buy souvenirs and decide where they would go next.

As they walked out of the mall after buying clothes, after just a few steps, Jack stopped and looked at a TV in a roadside display case.

The TV was playing news about Stark Industries on loop.

Even though Tony's disappearance caused Stark Industries' stock to drop quite a bit, it didn't drop too much thanks to Rhodey's return and what he did next.

Jack hadn't been paying much attention to this news recently, but what he saw today surprised him.

The news was simple: Obadiah had once again become the second-largest private shareholder in Stark Industries.

A few years ago, the company took back his shares because he was selling illegal weapons. Now he had returned and regained his shares.

Tony had always been the largest individual shareholder, but now that he was gone, Obadiah was back to being the second-biggest shareholder.

This was not good news.

Not to mention the many people on the board who supported him. Once he had more support than Tony Stark, it was likely that Stark Industries would be changed into Stane Industries.

"This Obadiah is very anxious."

Looking at the confident Obadiah on the TV, Wanda shook her head with disdain.

"I don't know what will happen to Stark, and he's clearly getting ready to take over."

"They haven't gotten along for a long time."

Jack nodded and shrugged, saying, "But he clearly missed something."


"I know this guy. He has always thought that his efforts made Stark Industries what it is today. But in reality, it's only because the company is named Stark Industries. That's all."

Jack shook his head and continued walking forward.

"If he really takes over, believe me, the company will go bankrupt in less than twenty years."

"Is it true? Is it going that too far?"

"Of course, it's true! And not at all going that too far."

When they left Budapest, the next place they traveled to was Santorini.

Santorini is a group of islands in the Aegean Sea, about 200 kilometers southeast of Greece.

It is made up of a group of volcanoes and is between the two deepest valleys of the two biggest tectonic plates in the world.

The biggest island in the Aegean Sea is also called Santorini Island, also known as Thera Island.

Steve and Peggy moved to Santorini and settled in the town of Pyrgos, which was on the highest point of the island and had great views in all directions.

This time, they could also visit Steve and Peggy.


Ding dong~

Ding dong~

Peggy was sitting on the balcony, reading a book while wrapped in a thin blanket.

The doorbell rang, and she was about to get up to see who was there. But Steve ran out of the kitchen as fast as a wind gust.

"I'll deal with it! I've got it!"

Steve said this while walking to the door and opening it.

"Hello there, chef!"

Jack held a basket of fruits in his hand and smiled at Steve, who was wearing an apron with Wanda by his side.


Seeing Jack, Steve was clearly surprised, and then he was happy to see an old friend.

"Come in, come in quickly."

He quickly invited the two people into the house and sat them down in the living room.

Peggy heard the noise and came in from the balcony. When she saw Jack and Wanda, she was just as shocked as Steve.

"Jack, Wanda, What brings you here?

Glancing at Peggy's slightly fat belly, Jack raised an eyebrow and said,

It looks like good news is on the way."

"Not so fast, it will still be a few months.

Peggy answered while rubbing her stomach with a mix of happiness and helplessness.

"After having him, I feel like a completely different person—nothing like before!"

"Well, you have a responsibility now, so you can't have as much fun as before.

Steve sounded in, coming out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee in hand and handing them to Jack and Wanda.

"Thank you,"

Jack said, gratefully accepting the coffee.

Then he remembered something and reached into his pocket, taking out a jewelry box and handing it to Peggy.

"This is a gift."

"A necklace?"

Peggy opened the box, revealing an ordinary-looking diamond necklace.

"With your current situation, I don't trust Steve to take care of you. He's just a soldier; what does he know about taking care of pregnant women?"

Jack remarked.


Steve protested.

"I can learn quickly, you know?"

Jack glanced at him disdainfully and continued, "Well, forget it then. This necklace will replace you."

Ignoring Steve's disgruntled expression, Jack added,

"I just hope Peggy has a smooth delivery. I'm looking forward to being the child's godfather."


Steve and Peggy's eyes lit up, and they thought it was a great idea.

Wanda had been quiet the whole time and had been looking at Peggy's belly since they got there. Her face showed a mix of envy, excitement, and a bit of sweet nostalgia.

Steve and Jack were having an interesting talk, and Peggy looked over at Wanda and noticed Wanda's expression.

"Why don't you two old friends catch up? We ladies won't disturb you.

Peggy suggested standing up and turning to Wanda.

"Shall we go to the balcony?"


Wanda accepted gladly.

On the balcony, although it wasn't very big, Steve had put a small table, two lounge chairs, and a beautiful blooming rose on it to make it look nice.

They both sat down, and Peggy glanced back at the two men happily chatting in the living room before turning to Wanda.

"It seems like you're living a happy married life. Where are you planning to go for the next honeymoon?"

"Well... we don't know yet. We don't have a specific plan. Jack said, We'll go wherever we end up."

Wanda replied, excitedly taking out her phone to show Peggy the photos they had taken during their travels. Peggy couldn't help but feel envious.

"You two are really lucky to be able to go out and travel. Unlike me,"

Peggy spoke with a mix of envy and disappointment in her voice.

She patted her baby bump. "Ever since this little one arrived, Steve won't even let me step into the kitchen. He's filled the study with a bunch of parenting books."

"Speaking of which..."

Wanda looked at Peggy's small belly with a hint of desire on her face.

"Can I touch it?"

"Of course, come!"

Peggy said, not minding at all. She lifted the thin blanket and placed Wanda's hand on her belly.

"How does it feel? Can you feel it?"

Peggy asked.


Wanda cautiously placed her hand on Peggy's belly, as if touching a precious treasure.

"Steve always says he can hear movements, but I can't."

When hearing this, Wanda raised an eyebrow, and a surge of power flowed through her hand, reaching the unborn child inside Peggy's womb.

"I can really feel him!"

Wanda exclaimed. Through her magic, she could vividly sense the presence of the newborn, even though the tiny heart hadn't fully formed yet.

"Life... it's truly a miracle!"

A sense of amazement gradually appeared on Wanda's face. At that moment, she seemed to understand something.



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