
Chapter 269: Superman

Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO)

The full name is the Department of Extranormal Operations, and its main responsibility is to manage threats from aliens or individuals with superpowers to prevent them from harming ordinary people.

In the headquarters not far from National City, Alex hung up the phone with a sigh of satisfaction and took a small patch off her neck.

"How did it go?"

The speaker was a tall man who stood with his hands on his hips and gave off an oppressive aura.

He is the Director of DEO, Hank Henshaw.

Of course, his true identity is J'onn J'onzz, a Martian from Mars seeking refuge on Earth, and he is the last surviving Green Martian.

His powers are almost as strong as Superman's, but for years he has lived on Earth as a normal person named Hank Henshaw.

"It should be fine. He didn't suspect anything, and I made an appointment to meet him at the designated location."

Suddenly, Alex's expression became low, and she sighed softly,

"I wonder if Kara will be mad at me when she finds out."

"Have you contacted Superman?"

Hank didn't pay much attention to Alex's feelings. He believed that such thoughts were a waste of time and energy.

Instead of thinking about that, they should be focusing on how to deal with the person in question.

"Yes, I contacted him. I told him it was about Kara, and he said he would be there on time."

Alex glanced at her watch and said,

"It's about time."

Just as she finished speaking, a beeping sound came from Hank's pocket.

He took out a communicator from his pants pocket, looked at it, and nodded.

"He's already here. You need to explain the situation to him."

"No problem."

The two of them walked side by side to the outside of the DEO headquarters.

A few sonic booms were heard in the sky, and then a person flew quickly from the far distance and landed in front of Alex and Hank in the blink of an eye.

He landed softly on the ground, wearing a classic blue suit with a red cape and a highly shining S symbol on his chest.

Seeing him arrive, Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

She was about to say something when Superman raised his hand to stop her and said,

"I've already learned about it before coming here. I understand your concern, but let me handle the situation. My thoughts are the same as Kara's, but we need to have a proper conversation with him."

Superman did his work a long time ago. He has super hearing and can hear every sound on Earth and in the vast universe.

And his thoughts were the same as his cousin's; neither of them believed that Jack was a bad person.

Alex felt somewhat helpless at his words, but she could only go along with them.

Whatever Superman wanted to do, no one could stop him.

And Alex also believed that Superman would never let Kara be in danger.

It did not matter how he talked to the other person or what would happen later.

"Superman, it's nice to meet you for the first time."

Hank reached out his hand and shook hands with Superman while speaking seriously,

"I think you should understand how dangerous it is to have someone who was strong as Krypton in terms of power. I hope you can find out his true intentions and why he wants to get close to Ms. Danvers."

"No problem. However, I advise you to remove the snipers around the park,"

Superman nodded, changing the topic.

"That would be completely useless and would only cause hatred from the other side."

Hank thought for a moment and agreed to Superman's suggestion. After all, what he said was indeed true.

On the other side, Jack was not familiar with the area, but the taxi driver knew it as soon as he mentioned the place.

Half an hour later, Jack got off around a campground, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand.

He had picked it up from a flower shop on the way here, and it was a good choice.

Today was the weekend, so there should have been many people camping here.

Strangely, when Jack walked deeper into the area, he didn't see a single person.

With his perception, how could he not feel the eyes watching him from the shadows?

Realizing this, he knew that this was probably not Kara looking for him.


A loud explosion sounded from the sky, and Jack didn't even need to look up to know who had arrived.

He slowly turned around and looked at Superman, landing gracefully.

"Superman! Nice to meet you for the first time."

Jack nodded politely and looked around,

"This meeting place seems a bit hidden. I thought Kara got lost earlier, but now it seems that you found me, not her."

"Sir, I have no ill intentions."

Sensing Jack's obvious friendliness, Superman secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the other person was indeed, as he had suspected, not a villain.

"I can tell. If it were me and a stranger tried to get close to my cousin, I would also investigate the person."

Jack stayed calm when he felt Superman's X-ray vision and turned on his bio-force field, which blocked Superman's vision.

"But why didn't you just ask me directly? It's not good to snoop without permission, you know."

Even Superman, who has a lot of experience, felt embarrassed when his X-ray vision did not work, and he was found out immediately.

"I know your intentions. I just didn't expect a strong reaction from you."

Jack sighed and spoke seriously, "If you want to know something, just ask. Seeing as how you are kind of like a relative to me."


Superman clearly understood what "relative" meant, but he didn't understand what Jack meant by saying that.

However, he quickly understood when Jack's feet slowly left the ground, and he floated in mid-air, not far away.

"Yes, relative... or rather, half relative."

Two beams of heat vision shot out from Jack's eyes, precisely and cleanly cutting a blackened trench on the ground.

The sand and gravel underneath were even crystallized under the extreme heat, showing just how high the temperature was in that less than a second.

Superman broke out in a cold sweat as he watched the scene.

He could do this move too, but his power wasn't as strong.

The fact that the other person claimed to be a fellow relative and had immense power made Superman suddenly feel threatened.

A life-threatening threat.

After telling everyone who he was, Jack landed slowly and smoothly, watching the person watching him without being seen.

He walked straight to a nearby bench and sat down with his legs crossed and the bouquet of roses still in his hands.

"Have a seat, Clark. Let's talk about Kara."

When he saw that Superman was surprised, he patted the empty seat next to him and helplessly said,

"Come on, do you really think a pair of glasses can hide your true identity?"


Superman, or rather Clark, was speechless. Indeed, a pair of glasses seemed a bit plain.

Maybe he should try adding a fake mustache.

He'll give it a try when he gets back.

Thinking about it, Clark sat down at the other end of the bench.

Jack glanced at Clark, who remained cautious, and slowly began,

"Actually, I come from another universe, not a multiverse, but a more distant universe. And the reason I came here is to find someone, someone who is very likely to be Kara."




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