
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 175: The Watchers

"Wow, that's a big head..."

Watchers: "..."

It's no wonder Jack is so blunt.

The Watchers have always had big heads, but when they look at Earth from another dimension, their heads look even bigger.

Suddenly, the reflection of the Watchers in the sky disappeared, and then two tall figures, about two meters apart, appeared in front of Jack.

One of them is the Watchers Jack just saw, wearing a robe with a calm expression, as if nothing could scare him.

The other one is slightly different.

Although he is also a Watcher and looks exactly like the other, he appears more messy. His clothes are tattered, and there is a large wound on his chest, as if burnt by fire.

Normally, with the Watchers' abilities, a simple injury can be easily healed.

However, this wound shows no signs of healing.

With just a glance, Jack knows the reason.

The wound is affected by a certain power, and it is this power that is preventing it from healing.

He is very familiar with this power and instantly suspects the cause.

He looks at the Ancient One and then at the Watchers, directly asking, "Did Thanos get all six Infinity Stones?"

With just a glance, he knows that the injuries were caused by the Infinity Stones, not just one but all six stones.

The Watchers doesn't answer him directly; instead, he turns to the Ancient One.

"Is he the one?"

"Yes, Watchers. If anyone can stop that disaster, there is no one other than him."

The Ancient One nods, satisfied, and looks at Jack with curiosity.

"It's up to you now."

"Wait, what do you mean it's up to me? You're..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the Ancient One had already disappeared from the spot.

"...Tell me."

Jack sighs helplessly.

He's already getting used to the Ancient One's habit of leaving conversations unfinished.

Well, wise people have their own ways.

He can only look at the Watchers, who seems to know what he wants to ask.

Without saying a word, the Watcher waves his hand, revealing a set of coordinates in front of Jack.

"Here, you'll find the answers you seek."

After speaking, the two Watchers disappear once again without a word.

Not sure if it's an illusion, but Jack feels like the injured Watcher glanced at him before leaving, and there seems to be a hint of... despair in his eyes?

Or is it hopeless?

Jack isn't sure.

What could make a Watcher feel such despair?

Thinking about the coordinates and the Watchers' words, he shrugs.

"Oh well, let's go and see."

After saying that, he teleports to a bar entrance.

From inside the bar, you can hear soft, relaxing music. On the outside, a crowd has gathered to look at something.

Jack doesn't join the crowd; he is excited to know the truth behind the Watchers' words.

He enters the bar, and as soon as he steps in, his gaze is drawn to a figure leaning against the bar.

The figure has a well-developed physique, with a famous backside and long legs.

It seems somewhat familiar to him.

Just as he thinks about it, Jack is about to go over and introduce himself when someone else arrives before him.

Three people with brightly colored hair and coats in the punk style walk over.

They couldn't be more obvious about being troublemakers.

The leader first looks the woman up and down before putting on a serious face and saying,

"Hey, miss, is that cool motorcycle outside yours? It's parked in my spot, so you might... have to come with us."

As he finishes speaking, the person looks like a pig, with drool almost dripping from his mouth.

His two friends behind him burst into lewd laughter as if they didn't care that they were in a public place.

The other people in the tavern have no intention of getting involved and continue doing whatever they are doing, as if they don't see anything.

However, the woman completely ignores him, lifting her glass and finishing her drink in one go, then letting out a satisfied breath.

When he sees that she doesn't respond, the man starts to feel embarrassed, and his pride is hurt. Slowly, he starts to get angry.

"Hey! Woman! I'm talking to you!"

While saying this, the man reached out and touched the woman's shoulder.

In that instant, something unexpected happened!

Being held on the shoulder, the woman finally reacted.

With a speed that others couldn't see clearly, she quickly took a gun with a strange shape out from under her ribbed clothes.

In one quick move, she pointed the barrel directly at the man's forehead.


The man didn't even have time to see what was in front of him before his head exploded the next second.

That's right, it exploded.

The red and strange sticky substance splattered all over the two of the man's friends behind him.

The bar suddenly fell into silence, and no one expected this result.

Jack was also taken aback. He didn't expect this girl to be so violent.

However, it felt oddly satisfying.


At this moment, the people in the bar finally realized what had happened.

After making sure they weren't dreaming, they fled in an instant.

This involve the two friends who were with the man, and they were the fastest to run away.

Before long, the bar, which had been positive just moments ago, was left with only Jack and the woman.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

After glancing at the bleeding person on the ground and silently mourning him for a second, Jack walked to the edge of the bar.

As if nothing had happened, he casually walked behind the bar counter, took out a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet, and brought two clean glasses, filling them up.

"I'm really curious about what could make an emotionless ace agent like you shoot someone without hesitation."

Setting down the bottle, Jack picked up one of the glasses and motioned slightly to the woman.

"If it's not too much to say, could you tell me? Agent Romanoff!"

That's right, sitting in front of him, the one who killed a person without even blinking was none other than Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.

But... she wasn't Natasha.

Or rather, she wasn't the Natasha that Jack knew.

Although they looked exactly the same, their behavior was completely different.

Natasha in front of him gave off a feeling of despair and hopelessness. Perhaps that's why she was drowning her sorrows here.

The man was just unlucky, ending up with the gun pointed at him while trying to take advantage.

Natasha lifted her eyelids slightly, glanced at him, and then turned her attention away.

She picked up the glass, tilted her head back, and downed the drink in one gulp.

The whiskey flowed down her slender and graceful neck, perhaps the sight that man on the ground had expected to see.

But for Jack, it was just ordinary.



She slapped the empty glass on the bar counter, let out a breath, and finally looked up at him.

"Who are you?"



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.