
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 128: Diana

When Jack left the bathroom, he walked down a hall and into a grand lobby.

The hallway was loud and full of people. The walls around him were lit up with different colors of light. Men and women in suits and evening dresses walked around the lobby with wine glasses in hand and talked with each other. Even the atmosphere was full of a feeling of luxury.

Obviously, this was a party, but the theme was unknown for the time being.

Jack's casual clothes made him a bit strange at this kind of event, so many people looked at him with curiosity. But he didn't care about the people who pointed and talked about him for no reason.

He looked at the decorations and the guest's dress clothes, which looked expensive but were clearly outdated formal styles. Coupled with the music that was playing at the time, he probably figured out where he was.

From the American English accent of the people around him, he could tell that he was still in the United States, and it was probably in the 1970s or 80s. Everything around him looked like it was from the last century.

It was good news but also bad news.

The good news was that the DC world was still pretty peaceful at this time.

The bad news was that Superman, who was one of the best superheroes on Earth, isn't on arrive yet. Lucky for him, Wonder Woman was still around, and as long as he could find her, she would be enough.

'But then again, where could he find her?'

During this time, the internet was not as developed as it was in the future, and even for someone like Red Queen, trying to invade and search for a person would be very difficult.

The problem was that as an immortal hiding in the human world, Diana often needed to change her identity, work, and place, and Jack is not even sure whether Red Queen could find her.

"Ai, this is troublesome," Jack said, scratching his head and looking around. Suddenly, his gaze landed on a table not far away. "There's no point in being upset. Let's eat something delicious first."

Jack moved toward the table, where there were drinks and food, and thought about this. He happily picked up a pudding and ate it until he was full. Even though he had never eaten pudding before, just looking at it made him feel happy.

When Jack put the soft, yellow pudding in his mouth, he happily closed his eyes. It was really delicious, He slowly forgot about his problems as the smooth texture and delicious taste of the food took over his mouth and tongue.

Click, click, click

The sound of high heels tapping the floor approached from behind Jack, but he paid no attention. There were dozens of women wearing high heels here, so what was there to be concerned about?

But for some reason, Jack's heart began to race, and at the same time, he could smell a faint smell into his nose.

"Hmm? The feeling felt is familiar."

Jack stopped eating the food to turn around and find the smell.

But unfortunately, he found that there were too many people at the party, and the smells were all different. Even though he had a sense of smell like Wolverine, it was almost useless at the time.

Jack put down the half-eaten pudding and looked behind him because he thought someone had just passed him from behind. But all he saw were people coming and going.

He had no choice but to go over and look into it himself.

There were a lot of people at the party, He discovered that it seemed to be a charity event and that there would be an auction for the charity later.

Jack didn't care about the charity event. He was still looking for the reason that made his heart race.

Even though he went around the hallway several times, he still didn't find anything.

He couldn't say he didn't get anything because he saw a familiar face.

If he remembered correctly, that guy should be a movie star in the past world, but here, he seemed to be a businessman. When Jack noticed him, he was bragging about his company to some people. But judging from their expressions, they seemed to be bored.

Ignoring that, Jack continued to search but still found nothing.

"Playing hide and seek with me? Ha, childish."

Standing on the second floor, Jack laughed as he stood on the second floor, held on to the bar, and looked down at the crowd below. His senses were quickly freed.


This time, he found a problem again.

His perception range...had shrunk, and it had shortened by 99%, and now he could only barely sense half of the hallway.

'Is it because of the different universes?'

Jack also had some guesses about this.

All of his powers came from the Marvel world, and it wasn't sure if they would work here or not.

I remember in the Marvel-DC crossover comic when Darkseid got the Infinity Gauntlet and sneeringly mocked it as garbage because it couldn't be used in the DC universe.

It was probably the same for him now.

When he tried to use the Infinity Stones to make his abilities work, it was no surprise that he couldn't, but he could still use his ability to absorb energy and the Cross's inheritance.

Jack thought it might be because the Salvage Pool caught the different abilities

'With energy absorption, there's at least some way to defend myself.'

He didn't think about this too much. In fact, he could fight everything on Earth with the power of his energy absorption in just a few minutes.

However, he still needed to hurry up and complete the fusion. Jack decided that if he couldn't find Wonder Woman within a month, he would proceed with the fusion anyway. He could just make Red Queen go into hiding.

He had three months in this world, that's why he wanted to make use of it.

When Jack thought about it, he stopped looking for the cause of that familiar feeling and went outside.

However, at this moment.

A tall figure in a white dress suddenly passed him as he turned around, and Jack's foot stepped in mid-air. He didn't say anything, just slowly turned around and looked back.

The tall figure behind him had also stopped at some point and slowly turned to look at him.

As soon as Jack saw her, he recognized her immediately without even looking at her face, just by the long legs.

Wonder Woman, Diana

He didn't expect to see her here, and Jack was also somewhat puzzled.

'Why did his heart beat so fast when he saw her, and why did he feel a bit dry in his mouth?'

He had thought of the words he wanted to say, but not a single word could come out. There was just one thing he was curious about.

'why did Wonder Woman look at him with such a weird look in her eyes?'

She looked at him with a burning gaze that made it look like she wanted to eat him.

He was looking at Diana, and Diana was looking at him. Both of them had smiles on their faces, staring at each other without saying a word.

The atmosphere slowly became intense.



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