
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Small Break Notice

Hello everyone, Author-san here.

I have been getting many great suggestions and feedback from many people on how to grow the story more. Thank you to everyone who helped inspire me. This arc is just about over, so brand new exciting things are up ahead that I got planned.

After writing and translating for the past few days non-stop while making future drafts, I have been getting a little burnt out. Sorry for that, but I am still human and need breaks.

I plan to take a small break while creating a few drafts in the meantime. I am doing this to refresh myself and learn more about what I should do ahead of time for the story. It should only take around one or two days, then I'll return to 1-2 chapters daily for my own health.

Also, Carter was basically a split half/half with MC and America's Ass, so I will pick what I think would be the right choice. I won't spoil it yet, so continue reading.

Now onto the questionnaire. . .

- Should I add mutants? I really would like to, but it will have to be much later to make sense in the story because of the whole Thanos issue.

- Who should be the Main Wife. I mean like seriously, there is always a main wife in any harem. They will need to make sense in the story, so choose wisely.

Also any Suggestions would be great! Please be patient for more chapters while I am on my small break.

Thanks once again for reading this story that I enjoy making. BTW Thena will be joining him later.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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