
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Infinite Winter Train Target

The harsh whistling air flew through the sky, completely breaking the tranquility of the snowy mountains.

The steel train kept rushing forward without stopping, releasing thick smoke, as the speed on the rails continued to soar, with no intentions of stopping.

Kyle cleared all the train's cabins filled with soldiers and wondered why the train wasn't stopping, 'Did Steve mess up?'

As Kyle was thinking, the entire train went dark for a moment.

The train entered a tunnel, the light in the carriage was dimmed, and only the faint light from the aisles kept minor illumination.

Kyle looked into the next passage of the train, which was the second cabin. He saw two main arches of each compartment were equipped with more automatic mechanical doors, which had been completely locked by the conductor.

With a short thought, a translucent Green Item Card emerged between his two fingers.

In the next second, a small stick of red dynamite quickly appeared in reality and was held in Kyle's hand.

Kyle threw the explosive stick at the locked door.

*Bang!* *Bang!*


The mechanical door was immediately broken by the blast. Kyle took the chance to go through the passage and quickly rushed to the control area at the front end of the train.

While on the way, he passes through the rear of the carriage which was a mess.

"They should be here." Kyle looked at the final door before using another piece of dynamite again.

The mechanical door made of steel was shredded by the explosion. The small explosion surprisingly for Kyle did not thicken the heat inside the train. The smoke was instead blown away with a cool breeze.

"This is..." Kyle looked at the scene with a startled look.

When the tragic scene of the control room came into view, Kyle was surprised by what he saw.

At the sides of the cabin, the steel-clad train shell was blown apart from a huge hole.

Kyle could even see the rapid-passing tunnel wall and the sparks on the wheel.

The ground of the cab compartment is full of broken bodies with scarlet blood. Smoke and flaring lights erupted from the train's driving console.

Steve was tired and sat on the floor of the carriage, next to a bald soldier with a cigar, and a hairy man with glasses who was also smoking. Kyle recognized the man with glasses as the target of the mission.

"Kyle, you took so long that we were about to leave," Steve said as he looked up at Kyle.

"Are you injured?" Kyle stepped forward to lift Steve. Fury seemed to realize what the inquiry Kyle asked. Fury was smoking and told Kyle "Motherfucker, what about me!? That guy just used his stupid-ass brain to alert the guards without locating the target! I got the guy, so I win the game."

Kyle sighed while grabbing Steve's shoulder. Kyle couldn't help but insert fake regret and sorrow in his voice and tell him. "Steve. To gain back this loss of honor, we should team up against Nick to complete the mission faster than him. After we win, no one will say that Captain America is a stupid-ass. Are you with me?"

Understanding the alliance being formed, Steve shook Kyle's hand and told him, "Kyle my brother, we will not fall! Let us reclaim it in the next mission! For now, let's secure the doctor to the assigned meeting point with the others."

Together they high-fived and patted each other back. Fury sighed and adjusted his eyepatch in response to them.

All of them took a moment to appreciate the light at the end of the tunnel.

After a few seconds, they all were in the light again, snow all around them.

Hugo Adelberg kept smoking while keeping quiet, knowing that although he was essentially captured, it is not over for him, a future of torture is more painful than death. He has been controlled by other governments to become a tool that annihilates the other side for more than half a decade.

He is a man that has already been tortured before and would choose to escape this time rather than be captured again by the British or French again.


Kyle is not the best at comforting people, but he is well-versed in reading people. It was easy to tell when someone was being too quiet for someone that was about to be arrested.

Deciding to take a gamble, Kyle's hand twitched for a fraction of a second before anyone could notice.

At that moment, a reflection appeared in Kyle's dim eyes. It was just a short blue dim that lasted too quickly for anyone to perceive it.

"Hey Nick, can I borrow that notebook you keep on you? The one where you write down random things inside. I will use it for a little bit while we are resting until we reach the meetup point." Kyle told Fury, who gave them a white notebook without hesitation. Kyle held it in his hands and looked at the silent doctor.


With a smile, Kyle bent down to the sitting Hugo's shoulder and said, "I want you to know, that special pen you have won't work on me. As a soldier, it is very common to detect when someone is carrying a weapon. Don't influence the mission because of something petty like an attempted escape from incarceration."

Hugo heard what Kyle said and pretended to ignore it, leaving Kyle to return to his area.

Once Kyle left, Hugo touched his pocket and widened his eyes at Kyle.

When Hugo saw Kyle, something left a small shock inside of him. In the notebook, Kyle was drawing stick figures for Steve with the pen that was in Hugo's pocket.

It was a pen that had venom for ink and nitroglycerine inside the upper cam. The spring inside could even launch the pen point to kill someone. The reason he was smoking in the first place was to use the pen to cause a ruckus to escape.

"I know." Hugo took a deep breath and sighed. He said, "Your task is finished, I completely surrender." The doctor personally wants to bite off the poison capsule in his mouth and commit suicide. Hugo chose not to since Kyle was very lenient on the fact that Hugo was holding a dangerous weapon.

'It seems that the American kid is soft. The staff will hopefully not be too hard like the others.' Hugo thought and nodded.


"The problem is we can't stop the train." Steve's persevering face showed a bitter smile, pointing to the controls surrounded by smoke and fire. "The explosions not only blew up the steel bodies on both sides of the cabin but also destroyed the train's console, now the train is in a state of growing speed."

"The train should now be traveling faster than 105 kilometers per hour, and it is still speeding up. It's impossible to stop."

Kyle looked at Fury on the ground and thought about something quickly.

Such a fast speed means that the others will have their life threatened when jumping off the train, not to mention that the cliffs on the snow valley are very sharp.

'If there was just one person, using a forced teleport by [Sneak] would work. All I would need to do is be discrete about it. The problem is that there is also Steve and the target, so it won't work." Kyle was thinking about solutions with the different cards he possessed. He only had a couple of minutes before they would be late to the meeting point.

Fury gave his suggestion to the group, "It seems that we can only do one damn thing. One of us go to the cart behind the cabin, by separating the connection between the locomotive and the rear, hopefully, this son of a bitch will stop moving."

Kyle shook his head and vetoed, "I thought about that already. I remembered the nearby map of glaciers. If the train keeps going for about a minute, it will turn immediately. At this speed, even if the front and back carts are separated... The train will still be too late to stop and it will derail."

Steve's face was dignified and as he asked: "What should we do? We can't do nothing. Do we just wait for the train to derail and fall?"

Kyle silent for a moment, suddenly held out his hand for Steve, and asked, "Do you trust me?"

"Ah." Steve gave a slight glimpse and immediately answered without hesitation, "Of course! In this world, if I don't believe you, who else would I trust?"

"Then there's nothing more to do." Kyle smiled mysteriously, after making the decision, it was a lot easier for Kyle to proceed. His face became relaxed and there was a sense of confidence in his smile.

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