
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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A Mission with Super Soldier Steve

Approximately fifteen days later, Kyle boarded a plane for his next mission. Steve filed a request that Kyle approved to join the mission.

Howard Stark and Peggy Carter joined the mission due to being familiar with each other from the previous missions.


On the plane, Carter seriously told the three men about the command of General Chester.

"Listen here. Kyle and Steve, you two are the team leaders, picking up soldiers at the training base to form an armed team and one by one German attack on six factory bases in the war zone. As long as the factory base providing weapons and resources are gone, Germany is no threat to the Allies!"

"Steve, from now on you are the rank of corporal." Carter said, her eyes then fell on Kyle: "As for you, the battle will continue to grow fiercer, this time there are no additional reinforcements given."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle nodded. The documents of the plan were already discussed many times, but Kyle was not scared. He was not complacent or arrogant like before, but he only trusted his skills were adequate for this level of difficulty.

After the corner of Steve's lips rose, Carter continued to say seriously: "Stark, you are tasked with the responsibility of two Super Soldiers, try to pay more attention."

"Oh." Howard was driving the plane, and he responded with a sigh of relief. Then quickly realized something and started to turn back his head, "Two Super Soldiers this time?"

"Yes, did you forget Steve got approval for the mission?" Kyle replied with a stoic face full of pity.

Turning his head back to the controls, Howard said with nervousness, "Haha, no way..."

Carter noticed Howard's nervous tone, as she said to him, "I refuse to believe what you said."

Hearing what Carter said, Kyle intervened and told her, "I refuse your refusal of that..."

Looking over, Howard was giving Kyle a thumbs up from his seat because of Kyle's backup. They both smiled thinking they outsmarted Carter together.

Carter pretended not to see it, staying cool and elegant.

She then stared at Kyle and said seriously, "Don't forget, you will also be responsible for supervising the reconnaissance about collecting information on the physical limits of Super Soldiers."

"Understood." Kyle replied with a voice of assurance and spoke, "I am a Second Lieutenant Officer, it is my responsibility to keep everyone safe. Steve, I will be entrusting my back to you."

Immediately, Steve suggested that "we should also not stay too close in order to get the mission done efficiently and not risk more by being together for too long."

"No problem. we can take care of communication easily," Kyle said.



A few hours later in the evening, the team arrived at the Western Front of the war.

The Western Front was a military theatre of World War II encompassing Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany.

Steve called soldiers gathered from earlier, and soon set up a unit of a dozen well-trained men.

It also helped spread his own personal charisma and a sense of justice. It was the same affinity as a captain they would gladly follow.


At nighttime, a helicopter landed at the training base. Fury came out of it, carrying a military package while walking off the plane. He looked around a little tired since he didn't know why he was transferred from the front line suddenly.

Walking up to Fury, Kyle went up and gave a greeting, "You don't look so good Nick, did you not find a lady to cozy with for the night?" Kyle deliberately had a smirk on his face, hinting that he was trying to annoy Fury.

"Motherfucker. Did you forget I'm still a Sergeant and can report your ass?" Fury did not hold back. Still, he also couldn't help but smirk and feel his fatigue fading with the conversation.

"Come on. You like me too much to report me. Also, I'm not an enlisted anymore, so I doubt they would care." Kyle shrugged.

"Let's talk, about the mission then. There has been a slight change to the plan." Fury's voice was a little angry. Although Fury knew Kyle was strong, he would still prefer not to be tasked suddenly to fight with a Super Soldier out of nowhere. Fury still had to deal with his tasks.

Kyle is not the kind of person to be a devout follower of the U.S. military. If one day he could grasp hold of leading another stronger organization using his rank, he would not hesitate. It is not too much to say that Kyle is a madman to others for doing this, but it doesn't matter.

Fury lit a cigar and sighed, "We're not on the frontline battlefield this time." Fury told Kyle, before puffing out white smoke.

Kyle was just preparing to question Fury, but the next sentence made Kyle stop, "It's going into the enemy's backdoor. The mission is attacking the German military factory base, oh it's six bases this time." Fury said this and blew another puff of smoke.

"So the mission is six times harder? We also have to change some of our plans for this." Kyle was slightly frustrated and wanted to strangle a German soldier at the moment.

"I am deliberately being transferred on this mission so that your commanding ability can be assessed in combat. I'm telling you this so you make a good impression." Fury told Kyle while scratching his black eyepatch on his left eye.

At this moment, they heard the steps of someone approaching them.

Kyle took a pistol he was hiding in his belt.

When Kyle saw who it was, he smiled and put the pistol back.

Some people noticed it from outside, a blue-colored figure rushed over to Kyle and Fury.

It was a man with big muscles and blue colors, he asked, "Kyle, I found you. How do you feel about my new battle suit?"

The man was Steve, who asked Kyle's opinion, before stopping at the sight of Fury with a salute. A Sergeant is still his superior and he had to show respect with a salute.

"Well, it..." Kyle's eyes fell on Steve. At this time, he changed into a tight-fitting leather that was much better than the previous quality and fashion. It was just the usual blue background, and the whole costume reeked of patriotism.

A giant silver five-star on his chest, while wearing a dark blue mask that covers half of his face.

The suit is flamboyant and conspicuous. The question everyone had was: is this meant to wear when going to war?

Seeing Steve's suit, Kyle thought, 'The enemy does not have to think about it, wearing such clothing is the giveaway of a team's leader. The only way to make it more obvious is to have an American flag as a cape...'

But after thinking about it, Kyle's words were completely different, telling Steve, "It's very good! By wearing it, you can bring more morale to the soldiers. Such courage and faith for the country are astonishing!"

"Yes. It's great." Fury nodded and finished his cigar, only then noticing that was the last one: "Do one of you have a smoke?"

Both shook their head in denial, causing Fury to sigh in disappointment.

"Kyle, I know, you are satisfied with the American captain's combat suit I helped design. Let me tell you, the material of the outfit is not ordinary leather, but high-fiber material, not easy to damage. Also, it is dust and heat-resistant, with a certain bulletproof ability in the chest region. Howard helped me with it."

Although it was an impressive suit for battle despite the appearance, Kyle was not jealous since he had a vibranium suit. The only thing he was missing was a helmet or mask to protect him.

Kyle also realized that Steve had a new shield made of vibranium, but that was not his type of weapon. Howard gave it to Steve since he assumed Steve would need it more than Kyle.

In Kyle's opinion, Steve would still be wearing the most embarrassing uniform while representing America. In a way, it made Kyle cringe he was part of the same team.

Smiling, Kyle looked at Steve and thought to himself, 'At least that guy will now be able to handle the harder enemies.'


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