
Chapter 139: The High Table

Meanwhile at the newly acquired Luciano Family Docks,

A ship slowly pulled into port as a woman stood on the balcony, her gaze locked onto the view.

Her arrival wasn't marked by a grand show; those who glimpsed her on the horizon might spare her a passing glance, but nothing more.

However, to beings who defied the natural order, those attuned to the magical resonance of the world around them, the air thickened, the density of the area abruptly increasing. 

Even then, only one person capable of sensing such a dramatic shift remained unaware of the force sailing toward her.

The ship docked and life seemingly continued as usual, but as the luxurious boat anchored, only one woman disembarked. 

The moment her foot touched the dock, her presence rippled outward.

Agatha, currently tending to Johnny, had her smile freeze as every inch of her skin formed goosebumps as she immediately felt the disturbance. 

Her expression filled with horror, sensing the ominous force that had arrived and only knowing one person capable of this.


"Lock down the entire coven, DO IT NOW!" Agatha roared, her magic amplifying the command throughout the coven since there was only one person capable of instilling fear in a witch as powerful as her.

"Selene is here!"

Meanwhile at Midtown 20 W 44th Street,

"Thanks for the heads up right before we went into the meeting," Ricky said sarcastically, watching Lucky snicker as the towering luxury apartment came into view.

"Listen, these meetings don't happen when we want them; it's the other way around. Right now, it's most convenient for the High Table," Lucky explained, only for Ricky to suddenly glance out the window from the corner of his eye.

"What's with that look-"

"This place gives me the f*cking creeps," Ricky muttered, though his eyes remained as sharp as the blade at his waist.

Much like Agatha, who possessed the skill of Magic Awareness, Ricky also had the ability, though he wasn't as attuned to magic as Agatha, who had honed it for centuries. 

However, his newly acquired skill, Temporal Insight, was screaming at him with an intensity he hadn't felt since his last battle with Dracula.

It made him on edge, positioning his body in the line in which it was blaring and somewhat shielding Lucky if a fight were to occur.

Lucky stayed silent, watching as Ricky gazed out the window until they arrived at the luxury hotel.

Even when they got out of the car, Ricky didn't loosen up until his skill vanished the second he crossed into the boundaries of the continental which caught him off guard.

Lucky continued forward while Ricky stared intently at the door, stepping just outside the boundary and feeling a faint twinge before quickly pulling his foot back, where the sensation vanished. 

His skill essentially indicated that no threat would reach him as long as he remained within the confines of the hotel and strangely enough, he understood this perfectly.

'Damn, this skill is specific.' Ricky thought, feeling a little weirded out but going with the flow, turning around to follow Lucky.

He was a few steps behind due to a brief pause, but Ricky, striding along with his usual sleazy smile, suddenly scoffed.

The reason entirely had to do with the stares which were completely evident; Ricky could literally see through his void sight the murderous intent lurking around him at every subtle twitch the surroundings guests gave off.

Usually Ricky wouldn't care in the least, only when they started to outwardly express this murderous intent did he slowly come to a stop at the very heart of the lobby.

Red threads surrounded his eyes, revealing the clear intentions emanating from the people around him, intentions he had never seen before in the trial as these carried real intent to kill as he slowly raised a bloody smile.

Ricky usually followed his own whims and didn't care for hostility directed at him, finding it honestly hilarious when people insulted him with fear laced in their tone. 

But when the intentions to kill spiraled all around him, his shamelessness sharpened, as if he couldn't shy away from confrontation.

Lucky didn't notice at first, only realizing Ricky wasn't behind him as he turned around only to see that look he knew too well. 

"Slick don't you f*cking dare-"


A heavy weight pressed down on the heads of all the guests, his sovereign will bearing upon their refined psyches, each one hardened by the trials and tribulations of their own unspoken horrors.

Yet, despite all the atrocities they had seen and committed, their heads slowly started to bend under his green aura.

"What kind of dipsh*ts look at me like that but don't have the balls to do anything about it, come on, I insist-" Ricky immediately mouthed off, forgetting the rules for a moment as he was too caught up in retaliating.

"Excuse me, sir?" The receptionist called out to Ricky, noticing that only those who had shown any intent at all had their heads lowered forcefully as he turned to her.

"Violence of any kind is prohibited within continental grounds. I'd like to ask you to please refrain from using your powers on the premises," the receptionist added politely and Ricky immediately halted his use, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, my bad, I kinda forgot," Ricky said, his tone softening as he noticed the receptionist's lack of hostility and the kind smile on his face. 

Knowing employees like her always had to put up with other people's sh*t, and seeing her genuine response, Ricky disarmed himself willingly.

"Not a problem, sir. We at the Continental understand your situation and are not bothered by your unfamiliarity with its rules. I thank you for your understanding," the receptionist said, offering a pleased smile as she found Ricky much easier to talk to than most of the people who walked through the doors.

"Now, how may I help you, sirs?" the receptionist asked with a polite smile as Ricky walked up next to Lucky at the front desk.

"I have an appointment under the Luciano family name," Lucky said calmly, pointing to the book as the receptionist smiled, opening the meeting book and patiently scanning through it.

"Luciano, Luciano-ah, here it is," the receptionist said with a calm tone, using her finger to scroll down until she found their name and finally looked up at them with a smile.

"You are here to be certified under the High Table and have your organization recognized as New York's territory, correct?" The receptionist asked as Lucky nodded at the accurate summary, smiling in response.

"They are preparing the review board. Would you be so kind as to wait in the lobby? And do not worry, everything will be complimentary during your stay," the receptionist gestured to the side as Lucky flicked his head, and Ricky followed, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Pretty swanky place-ow," Ricky whistled, commenting on everything around him, only to let Lucky smack him in the back of the head since he had literally warned him about the continental grounds beforehand.

"Really Slick, in the building-"

"I forgot-"

"Oh, save it for the chumps. We both know you would've kept going until you got a warning, regardless," Lucky scoffed, annoyed at his shamelessness as he plopped down on a seat with Ricky shrugging as a server approached them shortly after.

"Hello, I'm Holster, and I'll be your waiter for the duration of your stay. Would you care for anything to start?" Holster asked with a practiced smile, spitting out the same line that was seemingly ingrained into his brain as Ricky glanced at the menu briefly.

"Yeah, can I get a bacon, egg, and cheese with a-hmm, I wanna say, sangria?" Ricky mused, really taking the time to think out what alcoholic drink he wanted with his meal as the waiter smiled at the request.

"And for you Mr. Luciano?" Holster turned to Lucky, holding up his pen and paper to the seasoned man.

"Water is fine." Lucky smiled, holding up his hand to Holster who went to fill their order only for Ricky to frown.

"Wait, stop." Ricky suddenly held up his hand, halting Holster movements as he showed a look of concern.

"Did I miss something-"

"It's not that, get him a ham and cheese sandwich." Ricky immediately dissuaded Holster words, promptly ordering a meal for Lucky who scrunched his brows.

"What the hell are you doing, I ain't hungry-"

"Bull. Fcking. Sht." Ricky emphasized each word, scoffing with a laugh trickling in between as he wagged his finger side to side.

"I know what you're doing and it's not happening." Ricky crossed his arms, showing a smug expression as Lucky spread out his hands.

"Am I some sort of communist for ordering a glass of water-"

"No, no, don't you try to play it off and don't give this guy that look of innocence." Ricky laughed, literally stopping Lucky from doing what he always did when he was pissed off by him.

"Holster I'm fine, ignore this wack-"

"Holster, you bring that man a f*cking Ham and cheese sandwich-"

"Slick, I'm good, stop." Lucky raised his voice, stopping Ricky who was wiping his mouth before raising a hand.

"I am confused-"

"Holster, water is fine," Lucky said with a smile, beckoning the poor waiter away as Holster slowly backed up, making sure he wasn't going to be called back before he turned to leave.

Ricky frowned, slumping in his chair, almost as if he was pouting at the stunt Lucky was about to pull.

"Listen up-"

"I know, don't f*ck it up, I got it," Ricky said, holding up his hand, but Lucky met him with a serious expression, his gaze unwavering.

"That's not it, Slick. Listen, I'm officially gonna step down as head of the family," Lucky suddenly said, his words almost forcing Ricky to flinch, the unexpected words catching him off guard.

"Wait, what?"

"Listen, Lucky Legacy Bank is booming, and with everything going on, I barely have time for the family," Lucky explained, gesturing towards Ricky as the weight of balancing both the bank and the family was clear, revealing just how stressful the responsibility had become.

"And when you came back, y'know, with everything you've gone through and ended up doing, I sort of used your time at the trial to see if you were ready." Lucky explained, his words carrying a sincereness that was usually foreign to him.

"I mean, you're not, but beggars can't be choosers. To really be a leader, you have to grow into the role, it's not something you're just born with." Lucky couldn't help but joke, but Ricky, taken aback, sat in silence for a while, pondering the weight of it all.

It had always been clear what Lucky wanted for Ricky, he never hid his intentions for him to eventually take over the family. 

But hearing it and having Lucky acknowledge that Ricky was ready were two entirely different matters. 

Lucky would never jeopardize the family, and he would never step down unless he truly believed Ricky was prepared. 

Even when he tried to brush it off with humor, it was a deeply significant moment, one that Ricky found hard to fully process, the weight of it lingering longer than he expected.

"I know it's gonna be rocky for a while, but I want you to take the reins of the family, and I want you to do it after getting the High Table's approval, by yourself," Lucky said, gesturing towards Ricky, who suddenly realized something.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yeah, kid, you're on your own," Lucky smiled, a hint of cheekiness laced with the warmth of pride as he looked at Ricky and in that moment, he was genuinely proud of him.

There's always that moment, the one only truly defined by a father and son relationship, where the father offers his recognition that his son has truly grown up. 

It's rarely straightforward and usually subtle, like sharing a beer or handing over the keys to an old car but for Lucky, it was handing the family over to Ricky.

Ricky had grown used to people in his past life giving up on him, and in a twisted way, he always took pride in it, embracing the role of the irredeemable scumbag.

Ricky's father in his past life was an asshole, the kind who wanted him to commit suicide just to get back at his cheating mother. 

It was why that void of a strong father figure had always lingered in him, a gnawing emptiness that made him unable to really grow out of that childish way.

But Lucky, he was his father. 

He was the only one who never gave up on him, the only one who stood by him, even though they weren't blood. 

When they first met, Ricky was a complete mess, drunk at the ripe old age of ten, yet for some strange reason, Lucky saw something in him that no one else ever had.

People often wondered why Ricky respected Lucky so much, but the answer was simple. 

Lucky was the one who taught him how to be a real man, how to take responsibility, like any father should.

"Mr. Luciano, the review will start now." The receptionist said, walking over to Lucky as he gestured for Ricky to follow, still somewhat reeling from the weight of the conversation.

"I know it's sudden, but Slick here is the new head of the family so I think it's only right he shoulders this, right?" Lucky asked, clearly giving him an indirect chance to back down if he wasn't ready but Ricky simply smiled.

There was no need to hesitate, no need to ponder if he was truly ready, it didn't matter, Ricky wanted it. 

He wanted the power, the family, and the heights he couldn't have even imagined before.

Ricky already had power, but now, he craved the notoriety that came with it as he was determined to be the man Lucky had raised him to be, the man who could carry the weight of it all.

"That's right, pops, I'm ready," Ricky smirked, standing up as the receptionist watched quietly, then calmly guided him to the side.

Lucky sat still, watching Ricky walk ahead, knowing he had done all he could as he had guided him, protected him, and helped shape him into the man he was now. 

But he couldn't hold his hand forever, couldn't always clean up his messes and now, it was Ricky's time to stand on his own.

It was then that his breakfast arrived but instead of walking after Ricky, Lucky gestured for Holster to come over as he was handed the sangria and a bacon, egg, and cheese. 

"Kid was right, Sangria was the move."



The sound of dress shoes clicking echoed through the vast hallway as Ricky walked, his eyes scanning the serene surroundings before shifting to the receptionist, who met his gaze with a neutral expression.

"So, how does it work? Do I just kinda sit in a chair and get interviewed or?" Ricky left the latter half of his question open, asking the receptionist who gave him a smile.

"A review is standard for any organization seeking recognition in the eyes of the High Table," the receptionist explained politely, her footsteps echoing as she walked a few paces ahead of him.

"Usually, a harbinger, an emissary of the High Table, is sent out," the receptionist informed him, her voice steady. 

"But the Autem Imperator herself has come to review your petition personally. It is a great honor, which is why you were treated with such sincerity." The receptionist explained, arriving at the double doors, gesturing for Ricky to enter.

"I cannot enter through these doors; this is as far as I go." The receptionist notified Ricky as he glanced at the doors before shrugging, then pushed them open with a steady motion, stepping inside.

"So it was you," Ricky unabashedly proclaimed, his voice steady as he felt the same heavy presence from earlier as he gazed up at the figure shrouded in darkness.

There was no immediate response, only the subtle rhythmic tapping of a long black fingernail against the surface, the sound reverberating in the silence before slowly, the figure leaned in and out of the shadows that clung to them.

"It was," the figure hummed, her voice smooth yet chilling while Ricky's pants immediately stiffened as he locked eyes with her, watching as her lips, coated in black lipstick, curled into a slow, calculated smile.

Her beauty was a weapon sharper than any blade, her features carved with an elegance that bordered on the predatory. 

Her eyes, deep and dark as the void, seemed to drink in the light around them, only to ignite with a faint red glow when her emotions flared. 

Those pupils of hers carried the weight of centuries, a gaze that could pierce through the strongest of resolves and unravel secrets with unnerving ease.

Her brows arched sharply, a natural frame to her penetrating stare, lending her an air of imperious authority. 

Beneath them, her nose was straight and refined, a perfect balance of symmetry and subtle dominance. 

High cheekbones sculpted her face into something both regal and haunting, casting faint shadows that only enhanced her ethereal beauty.

Her lips, full and inviting, curved with the faintest hint of amusement or cruelty. 

When she smiled, it was a masterpiece of control, a gesture that could just as easily ensnare as destroy. 

Her jawline was a sculptor's dream, angular and defined, completing a face that was as much a work of art as it was a harbinger of doom. 

This was Selene Gallio's visage and she was timeless, a haunting reminder of the power and danger lurking beneath such extravagant beauty.

"Did I scare you?" Selene playfully pondered aloud, puffing her lips as her eyes remained fixed on him, studying his every reaction with a quiet intensity.

"If anything, you've excited me," Ricky said, walking forward with confidence, shamelessly engaging with such a dangerous woman.

"Ricky Luciano," Ricky introduced himself, his smile sleazy and his eyes gleaming with the same audacity, betraying no hint of hesitation.

"Selene Gallio," Selene replied, her voice smooth and measured, observing Ricky's every move.

As he reached for her hand, she lowered it gracefully, allowing him to touch it and Ricky, ever the bold one, pressed his lips to the top of her palm.


[Mission Received: Selene Gallio]

Difficulty: Hell

Character Sheet: SS+

Description: Selene is a woman draped in mystery, a figure who slips through the annals of history like a shadow, present, yet always just out of reach, too elusive to be captured in the grand narrative of time. Her presence stirs intrigue, a quiet force that beckons without revealing all of herself. She is someone who desires power, yet only the kind that doesn't consume or overwhelm her. Her strength is controlled, measured, never tipping over into chaos, as if she is always aware of the delicate balance she must maintain.

Objective: Do it raw with no regrets

Reward: 1,000,000 IP

Main Mission:

Impregnante Once: 10 Legendary Gacha, 30 Epic Gacha, and 100 regular gacha or Selene's Powers


Impregnate Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

In your first sexual exchange, stimulate an organism from her first(Incomplete):

Reward: Mythic Coupon

Somehow get Selene to admit her love for you without admitting it first(Incomplete):

Reward: Mythic Level Up

F*ck her out of the realm of control she always abides by(Incomplete):

Reward: 15 Selectable Stat Points

Bonus Missions:







'Is this real? Of course yes, what the f*ck?" Ricky didn't hesitate, but it wasn't until he examined the strange missions and their peculiar specifics that the rewards started to make sense.

"Alright, I gotta know, how is it that someone so breathtaking is standing before me? Like, how did I get so lucky to be in this moment, with you, right now?" Ricky genuinely asked, a small smile forming on Selene's lips as she began tracing her fingers along the desk.

"I think we both know the how and why, but the question really is, whether or not the interest is real or a facade." Selene chuckled, tilting her head and merely observing Ricky.

"Oh, baby, there ain't nothing more real than this connection right here, right now." Ricky spread his arms wide, then quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"But shouldn't we save that for later? I don't want you to think my sincerity is just a way to gain your favor, but a true admiration for the beautiful woman standing before me." Ricky suddenly pulled back, sensing no reaction to his bluntness as his words shifted, almost instinctively, as if adjusting to a rhythm he was all too familiar with.

"So whatever happens, let's put a pin in this and pick it up after dinner, no matter what goes down here. What do you think?" Ricky asked, raising and dropping his eyebrows playfully but Selene, however, simply stared at him, her expression unchanged, as if weighing his words carefully.

"I think it's a proposal, worthy of deeper consideration." Selene gave a response that hinted at its possibility but left enough room for rejection later.

"Then, let's get to the matter at hand, shall we?" Selene slowly raised the folder containing the High Table's dossier on Ricky, her eyes narrowing slightly as she prepared to delve into the details.

"Ricky Luciano, born as Ricky Freeman, was given up for adoption by a nun after he was conceived with the result of his mother dying during childbirth," Selene read aloud, her voice steady and deliberate and yet, the words didn't seem to faze Ricky in the slightest.

"Wait, is my birth mother the nun, or the person who gave me up for adoption, I'm confused?" Ricky asked, hearing the wording of the question but when he thought about it, he didn't really know if his mother was a nun or the person who gave him to the orphanage was the nun.

"From then on, he resided in the Roosevelt orphanage until the age of nine, when he saved Lucky Luciano from near-fatal injuries," Selene continued, her tone deliberate, allowing the weight of the words to hang in the air as Ricky was still confused until the mention of Lucky's rescue, which caught his attention, pulling him back into focus.

"It was then that he was dragged into a scuffle with the Five Points gang, which led to the awakening of his mutant powers. After that, he was adopted by Lucky Luciano and took his name, becoming Ricky Luciano," Selene read, her voice smooth and controlled as Ricky's lips curled into a faint smirk as the story of his life, or at least part of it, unfolded in front of him.

"Years passed, and so did Ricky Luciano's childish and unnerved potential, leading him to incite what was later referred to as 'the Irish Massacre of 1932'," Selene continued, her tone steady as she revealed another dark part of Ricky's life.

"Oh, I remember that-"

"He then took over the operations of Harlem, parts of Manhattan, and received the clubs to operate." Selene skipped over Ricky's interjection, flipping the page of the extensive report and continuing.

"However, it was Jake Lankey who did all the work, which would later lead to his drug problem in the near future," Selene continued, her voice steady, but Ricky's smile slowly faded as the report was becoming too detailed, and it hit closer to home than he'd expected.

"Then, while searching for the sun pendant, Xarus enlisted the Jewish mob, killing two of Ricky Luciano's friends, Eddy and Rocco." Selene seemingly pressed further, her tone the same as someone reading off a presentation they didn't even do.

"It was there that Ricky was exposed to the supernatural world, eventually gaining his revenge, only to have his powers exposed later as a mutant by an attorney named Dewey." Selene paused, letting the words sink in before continuing. 

"This led to his subsequent banishment, where he would go on to become the Black Knight and serve until he met Dracula." Selene almost chuckled, holding it in as she read the next passage.

"Under Abraham Van Helsing's tutelage, Ricky grew, but not enough, as Dracula toyed with him like he had with the Van Helsing family for centuries." Selene's voice carried an almost mocking edge as she read, seemingly talking down to him.

"It was then, after three years, that Ricky Luciano finally succeeded in killing Dracula. He returned to New York, only to ignite a civil fight with the government—and he won." Selene paused, letting the gravity of Ricky's rise settle in the air before continuing once more, her voice smooth but cutting.

"Now, after wiping out the other heads of the mob families, the Luciano family stands as a force to be reckoned with. This is the promise Lucky ensured eight years ago after killing his own boss." Selene finished, finally remembering who Lucky was since she actually remembered that meeting.

"Impressive life story, if I do say so myself," Selene remarked, setting the paper down with a deliberate motion. 

"Don't worry, I still have a couple of surprises left," Ricky chuckled, his gaze hinting downwards at his pants but Selene ignored it.

"I will not lie, your actions whether it be through your Black Knight persona up until your announcement as Ricky Luciano has proned my interest and attention." Selene revealed, having outwardly expressed her interest in him.

"But I must say, I've been keeping my eye on you a little more closely ever since you crossed paths with that little pest, Eliphas," Selene said, her voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of something darker as her eyes flashed for just a moment, revealing an emotion that was fleeting and impossible to fully decipher.

"Ha~" Ricky chuckled, wiping his mouth as his eyes glimmered with a faint green aura, a hateful gleam creeping into his expression.

"Speaking of little rats, since you brought him up," Ricky leaned in slightly, his voice low and dark.

"Happen to know where the guy is? Cause I got a debt I need to repay to him." Ricky wondered out loud, not even hiding that he was going to twist that vampire's head clean off.

Selene, unfazed, rested her hand gently on his head, a silent motion that conveyed both authority and affection as she kept her gaze steady on him, her lips curling into a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

"I do."

"Care to share."

"Where would be the fun in that?"

The exchange was brief, but it conveyed everything and despite the dismissive tone Selene used when speaking of Eliphas, there was an undeniable amusement in her eyes. 

She didn't seem to view him as much more than a nuisance, but there was something in the way she lingered on the thought that suggested she took a certain pleasure in watching Eliphas squirm. 

"Alright, well, if you see him can you pass a message for me?" Ricky asked, forcing a smile at the man who had indirectly led to Abraham and Henry's deaths.

"Tell him 'sh*t's about to get real and he still has a debt/interest to pay' and make sure to punch him in the face when you or whoever delivers it." Ricky said, highlighting very specific outlines for the message to be delivered.

"Alright," Selene chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement as she leaned back, her posture relaxed but her attention never wavering from Ricky.

"Now Ricky, do you know why no organization has been certified within New York?" Selene asked, her tone shifting slightly as she studied him while Ricky shrugged casually, his lips curling into a smirk.

"Not even a little bit."

"You see, ever since the tea was thrown into that harbor all those years ago, the government has been mercilessly crushing any attempts at an organization gaining any threshold in this city," Selene explained, recounting the formation of the Americas and their futiles attempt to stop this city from being zoned by the High table.

"It's actually quite fascinating on that topic, as this group in particular, notably called the Freemasons, have been hell-bent on making sure that none of these organizations flourish." Selen purposely revealed, calmly tracing her fingernail along the groves of the table beneath her.

"That is, however, until the mob showed up, and they just suddenly disappeared." Selene traced her hand along the desk, her gaze lingering on the smooth surface.

"Isn't that peculiar?" Selene wondered, turning her gaze to Ricky as if this topic had nothing to do with him.

"Yeah, I guess it's pretty strange." Ricky, who had this sort of mambo jumbo imparted onto his life that always revealed a deep secret about something he always thought he knew, wasn't bothered by these reveals but was just really bored of them by now.

"Hm, indeed it is." Selen voiced out, looking at Ricky with piercing eyes before continuing.

"And now, not only has an organization solidified itself here, but an organization led by a mutant." Selene's voice was cool, as if weighing the implications of those words.

"I won't lie, I'm only here because of that fact," Selene continued, her voice soft but intense. 

"It fascinates me how far you've come, especially after winning that civil case. Quite the feat, really." Selene leaned in slightly, her smile both intrigued and amused.

"But I've also heard that you've retained the support of Elias," Selene remarked, revealing her knowledge but Ricky, however, wasn't surprised even if she knew about the freckle on his left ass cheek too.

"Is that a deal breaker?" Ricky asked, wondering if he was going to get cock blocked by a pair of floating red eyes.

"It depends on your answer to my question." Selene purposely halted her words, leaving it up in that air as if she enjoyed the prospect of leading someone on.

"Ricky Luciano, are you attending the Hellfire Ball at the end of the year?" Selene's smile slowly faded, her eyes narrowing slightly as if the answer would determine something crucial. 

A dark energy started to pulse around her as her eyes slowly turned a dark shade of black, all the while Ricky sort of stood there a little confused since there was no danger in the least and this sort of display felt meaningless after he knew that.


"Fantastic." Selene suddenly smiled, the dark energy around her dissipating as she grabbed a stamp. 

"Under the position of Autem Imperator, I, Selene Gallio, approve of Ricky Luciano's application for the Luciano Family to be certified under the High Table as a functioning criminal organization," Selene announced, officially recognizing Ricky under the condition that he attend the Hellfire Ball.


Selene slammed the stamp onto the folder, sealing the Luciano family's entrance into the High Table's ranks and solidifying their position as the sole inheritor of New York, zoning it out to their control.

"Congratulations," Selene said, her voice smooth as she leaned back in her chair. 

"And I can assume that you've taken the mantle as head of your family with your bank's recent success, which is why Lucky isn't here, correct?" Selene asked, already guessing the shift in power and Ricky nodded, confirming her assumption.

"Yeah, my pops wants to focus on the bank while I take the reins of the family," Ricky revealed, watching Selene carefully as she sat there for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in his words.

"Your pops sure is a perceptive fellow," Selene mused aloud, her fingers tapping lightly against the desk as she leaned back, her gaze steady on Ricky. 

She pondered the implications of his rise, whether it was a strategic move fueled by his own abilities or simply a coincidence, especially with her being a mutant as well. 

"Don't I know it," Ricky chuckled, a smirk spreading across his face as he imagined Lucky's smug reaction to such a comment. 

"The procedures for how to operate and a guidebook will be sent to your operations threshold, and Ricky." Selene paused, her smile widening as she turned to face him.

"May I be the first to welcome you under the High Table," Selene said, her voice smooth and filled with an unspoken challenge, before she swayed her gorgeous hips as she turned away.

"I'll see you at the Hellfire Ball." Selene's words implied only one thing as Ricky immediately tried to salvage the moment.

"What about our dinner-"

"Raincheck," Selene remarked, casting a final glance over her shoulder as she walked away, leaving Ricky high and dry.

"Of course it wouldn't be that easy."

10 minutes later,

"You son of a b*tch, really?" Ricky muttered as he walked over, his eyes narrowing on Lucky, who was already leisurely rubbing his stomach, the very same one that held almost all of his bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

"The sangria, by the way, was just the perfect touch," Lucky commented, fueling the fire as Ricky laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.


"Whatever let me have a bite-" Ricky reached over to the plate only for Lucky to pull it away.

"Hell no, get your own." Lucky shamelessly said, scoffing at his nerve as Ricky had his mouth a little agape before scrunching his brows.

"That is my own!"

Meanwhile at the Penthouse Room,

Selene was sipping on a very dark wine, her eyes fixed on a mirror that didn't reflect her own captivating figure but instead captured the exchange between Lucky and Ricky. 

Her gaze remained steady, intrigued by their dynamic, as she savored each sip as the glass in her hand caught the light, a stark contrast to the shadowed room around her.

"Mistress, the preparations for your departure have-"

"Constance, I've decided to prolong my stay." Selene swirled the wine, her eyes never leaving Ricky as he fumbled with his hand, continuously swatted away by Lucky's playful yet firm gestures. 

The slight tension in the air only seemed to draw her deeper into the scene, her lips curling into a faint, knowing smile as she observed the interaction unfold.

"But miss—" Constance tried to speak, but his words were caught in his throat, the air feeling as though it had been sucked from the room as a wave of pressure slammed into his chest, forcing him to his knees, gasping for breath.

Scratching at his throat, Constance's face began to turn purple, his breaths ragged and shallow.

Selene's smile curved ever so slightly, the amusement in her eyes barely noticeable, as Ricky's attention was momentarily distracted by a waitress walking by.

"Do you know what I love about a stray dog?" Selene asked casually, her voice smooth as she ignored Constance's struggle to breathe, his gasps growing weaker.

"It's that they're so much fun to tame, to control." Selene's voice was dripping with satisfaction as she took another sip of her wine, savoring it as if it were the final taste of a victory. 

She cleared the last drop, holding out her glass with a gesture that was both commanding and graceful.

"Inform the club that I will have a plus one for the ball," Selene instructed coolly, her eyes never leaving the mirror as she released her grip on Constance. 


Constance gasped for air, his chest heaving as he stumbled back to his feet as he steadied himself, then walked to the bar, hands trembling slightly as he poured her another glass, though the near-death experience was still fresh in his mind. 

"Yes, Mistress."

20 minutes later,

"Are you sure this is where you want to have your office?" Lucky asked, tilting his head slightly as Ricky crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on the peculiar space in front of him.

"It's perfect, the nostalgia, the smell, and the pizza-oh god, the pizza!" Garfield spoke before Ricky could even muster a word, his chubby cheeks due from Ezmerilda overfeeding, jiggling as he waddled excitedly toward Italiano's.




"P-Pizza~" Garfield gasped, taking a moment to catch his breath before sitting down after only ten steps as Chester, looking exasperated, shook his head.

"No self-control whatsoever," Chester sighed lightly, shaking his head as he watched Garfield struggle toward the establishment.

"At least he's resilient," Alexander pointed out with a faint smile, watching Garfield crawl toward Italiano's, determined despite the odds.

"Woah!" Asterion yelled out, pointing at the towering highrise in the distance, his eyes wide with awe as he took in the sight of it for the first time.

Asterion's body was practically weighed down by the collection of trinkets and souvenirs, becoming a walking testament to the tourist experience. 

Covered in everything from keychains to t-shirts, he looked like someone who had taken New York's commercial offerings to heart. 

Being in the city, with Ricky's privileges, felt like a dream come true, like a child let loose in a candy store, unable to decide where to start.

The city was Asterion's playground as he had the freedom to go anywhere, and go everywhere he did. 

He visited the Statue of Liberty, his eyes wide with awe at the monumental symbol of freedom, then laughed with genuine joy from the top of the Empire State Building, marveling at the vastness of the city below.

For Asterion, it was the first time in a long while that he felt truly alive. 

Seeing what humanity had built, the heights of creativity and ambition that New York represented, filled him with a sense of purpose he hadn't felt before. 

He had struggled for centuries to find his passion, unsure of his place or whether his purpose was right. 

But as he saw each new sight, each landmark, and each part of the city come to life, Asterion found himself more and more excited to keep exploring, to see what would come next. 

Each new experience sparked a thrill in him, something fresh and different, something worth looking forward to.

"Well, alright," Lucky shrugged, deciding not to argue with Ricky, especially since he had practically lived out of Italiano's for the longest time.

Walking into the establishment, Ricky scooped up the huffing Garfield and immediately inhaled the mouthwatering scent of a freshly baked pizza pie.

"SLICK!" Antonio, in his older form, cheered out as he walked from around the counter and pulled Ricky into a warm hug.

"Antonio, it's been too long!" Ricky laughed, hugging the old, chubby man who gleefully chuckled in return.

"What do you need, anything, it's on me!" Antonio patted Ricky's shoulder, smiling ear to ear at the young man before stepping back, his arms open as if offering the whole place to him.

"Antonio, I'm gonna be honest with you cause you're someone I'd never lie to." Ricky put his hand on his heart, showing a sincere expression as Antonio nodded his head.

"If I don't get one of your pizzas, I think I might die," Ricky laughed, his tone light and playful as Antonio quickly hurried to the kitchen, a knowing grin spreading across his face.

"Then I'll cook up New York's best just for you!"

Walking towards a booth, Ricky sat down next to Lucky, who still felt a bit uneasy beneath Asterion's towering presence, though he was gradually growing more accustomed to it. 

The pizza was soon set down before them, and without hesitation, they began grabbing slice after slice.

No one was an exception; for once, they all set aside their worries, the future problems, and just focused on the simple pleasure of enjoying a slice together.

Laughter echoed in the booth as they all reveled in the moment, each enjoying the camaraderie and the makeshift feast. 

By the time they were done, they leaned back in their seats, bellies stuffed and faces content, with over ten empty trays stacked high around them.


"I-I can't~" Alexander muttered, sprawled out on the table, his face flushed from the indulgence as beside him, Chester was laying on his back as well, rubbing his belly in exaggerated satisfaction.

"Seriously, Slick, where did you get these guys?" Lucky muttered, unbuckling his belt as he glanced over at Asterion and Garfield, who were still scarfing down food, one slice after another, without a care in the world.

"That fat cat literally popped out of reality, and this guy was in a cave," Ricky said with a shrug, offering a quick explanation and Lucky just sighed, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.

"Garfield, your stomach is mighty, but alas, this is a fight that cannot be won," Asterion said, patting his own stomach, revealing that he had four.

"I-I-" Garfield, who still had pizza sauce on his mouth, struggled to continue, his words lost in between bites.

Still holding the slice, Garfield stared at it, the cheesy goodness reflecting in his eyes as he looked up, determination burning in his gaze.

"I will not, I cannot give up!" Garfield roared, stuffing his face with the pizza and chewing it thoroughly, ignoring the exhaustion from his earlier indulgence.

"I am Garfield, the cosmic cat, and I will not fall in the face of food, never!" Garfield cheered, his voice full of conviction and Alexander, hearing the bold declaration, raised his paw in moral support.

"HAZZAH!" Alexander roared, his spirit as unyielding as Garfield's, cheering him on as Garfield dove back into the pizza with renewed determination.

However, soon Garfield's invigorated motion slowed as he stuffed his mouth, slice after slice, tray after tray, and briefly looked up at Asterion to see his pace.

It was then that he saw it, Asterion's raised gaze, looking down at him from his summit of victory. 

The sheer size of Asterion's feast made Garfield's efforts seem trivial; Asterion had quadrupled everything Garfield had eaten, and his composure remained unshaken as he looked at the fat cat, seemingly amused.

"Your courage and spirit are commendable, but you're three hundred years from being a worthy opponent." Asterion set down another tray of pizza, watching Garfield slowly fall to his knees in defeat before the mighty Asterion. 

The cosmic cat, the very same that was once brimming with confidence, now stared up at the towering figure, his once indomitable spirit faltering as he bowed to the greater force of appetite.

"I-I lost?" Garfield's chubby cheeks puffed out as he huffed, his gaze shaking in disbelief at the stark disparity between them.

"B-But I am supposed to eat the most-"

"Not anymore." Asterion's voice was calm, almost serene, as he set down another tray, then another, stacking them high in front of Garfield, whose stomach was already stretched to its limit. 

Garfield's eyes widened in disbelief, unable to comprehend how one could continue to eat so much as even he was at a loss before this mighty minotaur.

It was then that it all hit Garfield, his stomach, already full to the brim, finally succumbed to the pressure. 

He fell to the side, his face contorted in a mix of exhaustion and disbelief as the overwhelming stuffed sensation eclipsed him. 

Asterion stood towering over all of him, the epitome of hunger and triumph, having claimed the title of the hungriest with ease

"Uh, ok?" Ricky, also full by the side, simply let this all happen while looking at the almost comatose cat.

"Do you guys think I should put Garfield on some sort of diet-"

"Yes." Literally all of them said in union as Ricky nodded, sighing lightly.

"Alright, Slick, are you finally ready to step up?" Lucky asked with a smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement as he gestured towards the side, where Antonio was clearing the metal plates from the table.

It was then that some men began stacking paper in front of Ricky, towering high toward the ceiling before Ricky's eyes narrowed as he looked at his new opponent, his next nemesis, paperwork.

"You said you wanted to be like me, better than me. But to do that, you've gotta start from the bottom," Lucky said, tapping the table with a deliberate rhythm as he soon stood up, smoothly wrapping his scarf around his neck, the fabric settling with ease.

"You delegated too much from the start and still don't really understand how to manage not just the family, but even a simple club," Lucky said, his tone sharp but not unkind. 

"Now, you've got to play the game. You ready?" Lucky gestured to the mountain of papers in front of Ricky, showing that this wasn't just about handling family affairs, but also managing the club's operations.

Lucky had thrived as the head of the family because he understood every position within the organization and made it run smoothly. 

He had experienced the struggles and demands of each role firsthand, which allowed him to operate with precision and efficiency.

Ricky, on the other hand, had been a runner, even an enforcer at times, but he had never fully embraced the true responsibility of a Capo, paperwork. 

The numbers, the files, the contracts, the book keeping, they were the backbone of the operation, and it was a side of the business Ricky had yet to master.

The job of a Capo wasn't just about leading; it was about managing. 

They were responsible for overseeing the paper trail and the intricate web of business under the family's control. 

Ricky had been supposed to learn the ropes through managing the clubs, but he had continuously passed that responsibility off to Jake. 

Lucky knew he had made a mistake by letting it happen in the first place, and now, he was determined to make sure it never happened again. 

Ricky's eyes narrowed as he stared at the towering stack of paper in front of him, his resolve hardening. 

Some people believed that once you climbed one mountain, you'd reached the peak of another, but that was a misconception. 

Right now, standing at the summit of the mountain he'd climbed over the past three years, Ricky saw only a new, much higher peak ahead.

But to reach that next peak, he first had to descend, and it wasn't the climb up that broke most people, it was the journey down towards the next.

A lot of people can climb a mountain, but it's the way down that breaks them, because that's the moment when you're truly alone.

Because that will be the moment that Ricky is truly alone and even now, even when he hadn't even started descending, he will be faced with the questions.

One that required not just physical strength, but mental fortitude, one that demanded not only his tireless effort but his unwavering resolve.

This was something he needed to climb, to do in order to become the man Lucky envisioned for him, the man that he wanted to be, and the man that was needed to be the roots of the family, to be a leader.

Ricky took a second, really taking in the surroundings of this summit while gazing around at everything he had done.

Ricky had done it, he had climbed the mountain and finally gave himself that second of recognition that everyone else had already given him.

But it was then that he took a step forward, towards the descent because Ricky was no longer afraid of the climb, of the challenges, and was alright starting from the bottom.

Ricky was ready, Ricky was determined, and Ricky was hungry.

"Yeah pops, I'm ready."

2 weeks later,

"I'm not ready~"


5 advanced chaps on my paterion https://www.patreon.com/LaughingFiend