
Marvel: Impregnation System

A filthy, idiotic, hypocritical alcoholic degenerate, known to most as Ricky Freeman, died in a tragic car accident when his lower half was crushed by a drunk driver. Coughing out a bloody mourning for his balls, Ricky finally dies only to wake up in his next life. Reincarnated in the 1920s as a orphaned kid, how will he live in a universe filled to it's brim with cosmic beings- *DING* 'Huh?' [Congratulations Host for receiving the Impregnation System] ***Warning: I'm really messing around with this fic*** 4-5 Chaps a week

LaughingFiend · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

Chapter 1: Death (Short R18)

"Ricky, you're a pathetic piece of sewage grade level sh*t."

In a well lit room with a seemingly hazy ambiance held two figures with one at either side of a stained oakwood desk.

The one situated on the actual side of the desk who was reprimanding Ricky was a very well dressed man.

His suit fashioned out of a fine material as gold accessories littered his whole body with it all culminating together with a disappointing stare.

"I can't even call you Slick cause I can't find the familiarity between us anymore." The man rubbed his forehead in immediate distress at the situation unfolding before him.


"Sticks and stones Tyrone, sticks and stones." Ricky wiped his busted lip courtesy of Tyrone in front of him.

"Why couldn't we have just stuck with the common loan shark and sucker relationship we used to have, huh?" Tyrone pointed to him before himself as he shook his head.

"Listen Tyrone, I'm not saying your sister is a liar-"


"Watch your words, Ricky." Tyrone tone was deadly as a man standing behind him clicked a pistol as he held up his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, I was just joking, come on man." Ricky chuckled nervously, raising his hands.

However, as he looked at Tyrone, he noticed a complete absence of humor in Tyrone's expression.

"Now you listen well Ricky, I don't know what made you suddenly grow balls of steel to knock up my sister, but you better use those big ass ears of yours to listen to me next words." Tyrone's voice seethed as Ricky frowned, immediately rubbing his ear with a weird face.

"Are they really that big-"


Right as he was about to make a retort, Tyrone's henchmen busted him in the mouth once more as he gripped his face.

"F*ck!" Ricky cursed, clutching his cheek as he looked up at Tyrone.

"You're going to stay away from Denice but stay in my soon to be nephew's life, got it?" Tyrone gently placed a pistol upon the desk at the behest of his words, and Ricky glanced at it hesitantly.

"Of course, sure whatever-"


Tyrone's henchmen delivered a punch to his side, causing Ricky to grunt in pain while clutching both his stomach and face.

"My kidneys~" Ricky grimaced as Tyrone leaned back, pinching the bridge of his nose with an annoyed and exhausted look.

"I know all about you Ricky, thirteen confirmed bastards and probably a hundred more of your little spawns kicking out there in some random abandoned trailer parks." Tyrone pointed at Ricky while desperately holding back the mass urge to tear his skin off.

'Abandoned trailer parks?' Ricky thought, gazing down before actually nodding since he currently looked like white trash.

"You're gonna be in my soon to be nephew's life, now Ricky I want to hear you say 'I understand'." 

"I understand."

Without hesitation, Ricky acknowledged, prompting Tyrone to sigh, shake his head, and gesture for the henchman to step back.

"Now get out of my sight." Tyrone gestured as Ricky nodded though didn't immediately leave.

"I know we aren't on the best of terms but can you lend me like 10k? For old times sake." Ricky asked before seeing Tyrone reaching for the pistol on the desk.

"Okay, nevermind." Hastily limping out of the room, Ricky felt Tyrone pointing the muzzle at his back, yet Tyrone refrained from pulling the trigger.

"F*cking white boys man."

5 hours of constant drinking later,

"Slick, are you going to place a bet?" The dealer addressed a thoroughly intoxicated Ricky, who wasn't even focused on the game where he had placed three thousand dollars.

"You're kidding, you're a Tarus? I'm a Cancer~" Ricky drunkenly spoke to the cocktail waitress who gasped in complete shock.

This girl was approximately twenty years younger than Ricky, who, at forty-six, wasn't fixated on her personality so much as he was on her ginormous knockers.

"Oh my god! I literally read that my sign would meet a naughty cancer~" The girl held onto the pink crystal hanging from her neck, biting her lip with curiosity.

"SLICK!" The dealer shouted, and Ricky rolled his eyes in his direction before placing his hands on all of his chips.

 "I'm all in-"


Ricky vomited his dinner onto the floor beside him, eliciting disgusted expressions from the people in the immediate vicinity.

"Dammit Slick!" the dealer reprimanded Ricky while showing a disgusted expression at the seemingly never-ending puke constantly spouting out of Ricky's mouth. 

"My bad." Ricky apologized, wiping his sleeve with the puke staining the ends of his mouth. 

"I'm just glad I got all those impurities out of my system." Ricky winked at the cocktail waitress, seeming to register Ricky's words before gasping in awe. 

"Hey Slick, place yer bet already!" A toothless man on the side reprimanded Ricky who held up his hands. 


"I apologize but as I was saying, I'm all in-" 



Those were the last words Ricky heard as his consciousness faded into darkness.




"WH-WHAT?" Ricky, still half asleep, suddenly jumped up only to immediately grab his forehead as an immense pain rippled throughout his brain.

"F*ck, you're a mess." 

Gazing to the side, Ricky saw one of the outcomes of his irresponsible actions presenting itself as his son, Trevor. 

Trevor seemed to inherit all of the better qualities of Ricky, which led him to have a successful life as a real estate broker while marrying a girl from a wealthy and respectable family. 

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" Ricky smiled at his son, only to hear a scoff in return. 

"How old are you, Ricky?" Trevor rubbed his disgruntled forehead as Ricky scratched his scruffy beard. 

"Thirty-seven?" Ricky seemingly asked Trevor as a long vein appeared on his forehead.

"YOU'RE FORTY-EIGHT!" Trevor snapped at this sack of sh*t in front of him who masquerades himself as his father. 


"Correct, I was just testing you to see how much you knew about your old man." Ricky snapped his fingers while giving him a toothy smile, though Trevor only showed a plain expression.

"F*ck." Trevor covered his face while huffing out a slight whisper. 

"So Trevor, what do you want, you never come to see me unless you need something from me?" Ricky leaned back on the hotel's couch while raising an eyebrow. 

Ricky's familiarity with Trevor ran deep, as he was his first bastard which was in stark contrast to the relationships he formed with his later bastards, Ricky had genuinely tried to be a father to Trevor, forging a semblance of a genuine father-son bond between them until he ended up ruining it like he always tended to do with the relationships he formed with people.


"Jessica is getting married, and for some reason that's beyond reasoning itself, she wants you to walk her down the aisle." Trevor wiped his hand down his face, only to see Ricky deeply contemplating something. 

Ricky didn't say anything as he closed both eyes, but when he did, he still didn't remember anyone by the name of Jessica. 

"The girl I met from San Francisco-" 

"MY YOUNGER SISTER! YOUR DAUGHTER! SHE LITERALLY BAILED YOU OUT OF JAIL LAST WEEK!" Trevor couldn't believe what he was hearing, knowing that Ricky wasn't joking.

"Ohhhhhhhhh~" The memory of his daughter Jessica resurfaced, knowing that she wasn't Trevor's half, but full sister. 

Trevor, feeling helpless when gazing at the piece of garbage in front of him, collapsed onto a nearby chair. 

He remained still for a while before pulling out an envelope from his jacket.

"This is 5,000." Trevor hurled the envelope to Ricky who greedily caught it with greed enveloping his eyes

"You'll get another 5,000 if you manage to walk Jessica down the aisle, SOBER!" Trevor angrily pointed at Ricky who was busy counting the money though nodded once he confirmed it was all there.

"Sober, got it." Ricky's greedy smile widened further upon seeing that it was really five thousand genuine dollars and not counterfeits since he'd been scammed with hundred dollar bills that had James Madison on them one time.

"And I'll throw in another 10,000, if." Trevor purposely let the sentence hang to catch his greedy father's attention, resulting in him following his expectations.

"If?" Ricky stopped looking at the money in his hands and at Trevor's serious expression.

"If and only IF, Jessica tells me how happy she is by your performance." Trevor stood up while buttoning the lower half of his jacket.

"You're a really good brother." Ricky smiled knowing how good of a son he raised-

"Yeah, it was only because I wasn't raised by you that I turned out this way." Trevor sneered, walking out of the hotel he paid to house his unconscious father.

"Ouch~" Ricky's words contradicted his expression as the rugged man didn't show an ounce of pain.

Casting a sidelong glance, he surveyed the tattered rags that clung to his form, absently running his fingers through his unkempt beard.

"Guess I'll clean up a bit."

One week later,

"He'll show up, I just know he will!" Jessica, unlike Trevor, had a glimmer of hope shrouded in a veil of naivety as she nervously gazed around the hall.

Sam, Jessica's fiance and soon to be husband, seriously gazed at Trevor while slightly motioning his head to the side.

"I'll go check in the back since he usually gets lost easily." Trevor smiled as a slight wave of reassurance waved over Jessica.

"You're right! He is such a clutz, I'll keep waiting here!" Jessica's bright smile seemed to slightly blind the nearby people as Sam nudged Trevor to the side.

"Trevor!" Sam yelled in a whisper as the veins on Trevor's neck enlarged in anger.

"What! I f*cking gave that deadbeat the money like we planned and specifically told him when the date was!" Trevor grimaced in anticipation of the impending disaster, his hand moving to rub his face in a desperate manner.

"Did you tattoo it on his body!"

"I didn't have too, we offered him money! He probably sold his first born to the devil for drinking money!"


"Why does Jessica adore that loser so much?" Sam loved Jessica to death, but couldn't for the life of him understand the lingering affection for a man who clearly didn't care about her.

"Because that bastard is always good at showing up for the most influential parts of her life." Trevor sighed, recognizing Ricky's uncanny streak of luck since whenever Ricky appeared in Jessica's life, he effortlessly managed to assist her, as if good fortune naturally gravitated towards him.

"I know, it still boggles me how he ended up taking on a whole biker gang." Sam might loathe Ricky's entire existence, but there still remained a minuscule amount of respect for the man

"It's because that idiot was high on angel dust and couldn't feel any pain," Trevor briefly said while checking his watch. 

"Hey, give me some credit, alright? It was still like, fourteen drunken rugged biker dudes." Ricky's voice sounded from the side as both of their heads immediately jerked to the familiar voice. 

"Ricky?" They both flinched in astonishment at Ricky's appearance. 

His advancing age left its mark only in the form of silky silver strands, strewn like delicate filigree amidst his slick black hair. 

The final touches to his already unique color palette were added by his striking green eyes which contrasted well with his jawline, a chiseled masterpiece, seemed as though it could cut through granite, accentuating the cheeky smile he consistently wore. 

Rocking a cheap suit, Ricky wore it with such flair that it almost seemed to transform into a designer outfit.

"What? Didn't your mother always tell you how much of a ladies' man I was?" Ricky cheekily smiled, his bright white teeth giving off a slight sparkle. 

"Now where's my other five grand?" Ricky eagerly broke his first impression and asked as the two of them immediately returned to their normal expression when dealing with him. 

"Here." Sam looked around before tossing the five grand at Ricky, who greedily snatched it from mid-air. 

"Thank you-" 

"Shut up and go make Jessica smile." Sam grunted, not hesitating to grab Ricky and push him towards Jessica. 

"Jessica, look who I found!" Sam yelled from the side as Jessica eagerly turned towards the call of her fiancé, only to have her bright smile widen even further upon seeing another man.

"Daddy!" Jessica squealed, grabbing the ends of her dress while hurriedly rushing at Ricky.

"Don't mess this up, Ricky, or else I'll kick your ass," Trevor still had a smile on his face, but like a ventriloquist, he whispered from the side to Ricky. 

"And I'll be right there to hold you down while he does it." Sam waved to Jessica while subtly threatening the father of his fiancé. 

"Both of you better shut up before I show you how I kicked those biker's asses in 08." Ricky wasn't threatened in the least and instead fired back as Sam slightly flinched, though Trevor squinted his eyes, not at all scared yet didn't comment further. 

"Pumpkin!" Ricky exclaimed, completely throwing away their remarks by holding out both his arms wide to Jessica. 

"Hehehehehehehe!" Jessica jumped into Ricky's embrace, giggling upon having Ricky twirl her around in the air as her beautiful white dress fluttered. 

"Everyone told me how you wouldn't show up, but I knew all along that you would show up out of the blue without RSVPing or letting me know!" Jessica hopped up and down once Ricky lowered her heels against the hard oak floor. 


"Ye-Yeah, you know me so well." A drop of sweat formed on Ricky's forehead as disappointed accumulated stares started gathering on his figure. 

"You'll walk me down the aisle like you promised all those years ago, right?" Stars glimmered in Jessica's eyes as Ricky felt slightly suffocated by the unfamiliar unconditional love overflowing from her. 

The only love he was used to these days consisted of love mixed with vast amounts of hate, like the kind where you accidentally meet an ex at a Wendy's before you both explode in rage over past trauma until somehow you're making out in the back alley, and finally, you end up f*cking in a nearby dirty Motel 6. 

"Of course, pumpkin, a promise is a promise." Ricky tried to smile affectionately, but whenever he tried, the only thing he could muster up was his usual sleazy smile. 

However, that facial expression didn't seem like it would help calm down the endless hateful gazes in the bridal room which only turned into disgusted sneers.

Ricky lounged around behind the wide double doors leading to the wedding he wanted to have nothing to do with as he waited to fulfill his sole obligation.

Though he was already growing a bit bored as the passing thought of ditching started to echo louder in his head.

As loud wedding music echoed through the venue's halls, Ricky's ears twitched, turning his head to Jessica's bright smile that illuminated the area. 

"Ack!" Ricky instinctively covered his eyes as the dazzling gleam of pure innocence temporarily burned his retinas.

"Daddy?" Jessica hurriedly approached him with a concerned expression as she worriedly called. and Ricky, shaking off the momentary discomfort, reassured her, 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Ricky, shaking off the momentary discomfort, reassured her while massaging his eyes and blinking a few times. 

"Alright, sweet pea, let's start the first day of the rest of your life," Ricky said, extending his hand. 

Jessica instantly grabbed it, and together, they strolled towards the double doors, marking the entrance to Jessica's newly married life. 

"Daddy, can I ask you something?" As they walked, Jessica turned to Ricky, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"What's up, pumpkin?" Ricky shifted his gaze toward her, anticipating her question though put a facade of confusion, aware of the damning request she might make. 

"Can-...Can you stay longer than the ceremony?" Jessica unleashed her puppy dog eyes, a tactic that no longer worked on Ricky after years of practice with women. 

"Honey, I-" Ricky began the words that would break her heart but Jessica wouldn't let him finish.

"Please, please, please, please, please! It would make me the happiest girl in the world if you stayed!" Jessica spoke the words that made Ricky want to roll his eyes knowing that he would be locked in.


Ricky heavily sighed, realizing that his last five thousand depended on her happiness causing him to utter words that only a disgruntled teenager would give in response. 


"YEAH!" Jessica's elation soared as they entered the hall. 

All eyes turned toward the double doors as Jessica, linked arm and arm with Ricky, revealed themselves to the audience. 

Wedding music blared even louder than before as they took step after step towards the anxious Sam. 

Sam wasn't nervous about marrying Jessica but instead worried about whatever stupid thing Ricky might cause to ruin their wedding. 

Sam knew all too well that Ricky's mere presence attracted trouble, but he also understood that Jessica's day would be made if he showed up, so he tolerated it.

When Sam's nervous eyes shifted to Ricky's right, his worries instantly vanished upon seeing Jessica's adoring gaze focused on him. 

Ricky led Jessica down the aisle, and both the bride and groom cherished the anticipation toward the last moments of their single lives. 

Once she reached the steps, Ricky released her, and Sam assisted Jessica up one by one. Turning around, Jessica flashed a bright smile at Ricky. 

He wanted to look away but managed to nod slightly until Ricky felt immediately uncomfortable at her next words.

'I love you.' Jessica mouthed, and although those words made him nauseous, Ricky, a sleazebag his whole life, maintained his poker face though didn't mouth it back. 

'I think I'm going to be sick' Ricky simply gave her a bright smile before turning back to his seat.

"Ahem." The officiant began. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered-"

Two hours of intense boredom later,

"So you're Jessica's dad?" A soft voice sounded next to Ricky who was scarfing down one old fashion after another.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Ricky forgot about Jessica for a second but quickly realized he wasn't at his regular pub but the open bar at the wedding.

"Destiny." Destiny greeted holding out her hand as Ricky's sleazy smile slightly widened at this totally stripper name.

"Slick, but you can call me Ricky." Ricky softly took Destiny's hand into his as their skin touched.

"Slick, what kind of nickname is that?" Destiny chuckled while sitting next to Ricky on the nearby stool.

"The type you get after slicking your hair back your whole life." Ricky joked, pointing to his hair as Destiny covered her overextending smile.

"You were one of the bridesmaids, right?" Ricky positioned his right elbow to better expand his figure towards Destiny as the latter slightly nodded.

"How very observant of you." Destiny said while gesturing to get the bartender's attention.

"Well it wasn't that hard of you to get my attention since you practically light up the room whenever you appear." Riky's comment made Destiny's light hearted chuckle continue until the bartender walked before them.

"A gin and tonic please." Ricky answered for Destiny as the bartender slightly nodded.

"How did you know I wanted a gin and tonic?" Destiny curiously asked Ricky who easily guessed what type of drinker she was.

"Usually sophisticated women like yourself tend to drink gin and tonics however unlike those other women, I could always pick up on your subtle yet overbearing aura that basically flares how intellectually capable you are." Ricky flattered Destiny, who in turn, rolled her eyes though continued to listen.

Ricky reasoning was entirely bullsh*t since it was a guess based on the fact that it was unusually a common drink for most call girls. 

Ricky wasn't entirely sure if she was a hooker or a stripper, but her style eerily resembled one and he should know better than anyone here, having probably spent two fortunes on hookers.

"Anything else?" Destiny leaned down on her hand that was placed inches away from Ricky's elbow.

"Well it depends." Ricky chuckles, stirring his drink while leaving Destiny hanging just a bit.

"Depends on?" Destiny bit the bait, her eyebrows raised as she leaned forward.

"It depends how long you want to be flattered for." Ricky turned back to the already leaning Destiny which caused both their faces to be right in front of each other.

"Oh that was smooth." Destiny looked down, her finger slowly brushed against his black tie.

"Only as smooth as a gin and tonic." Ricky sealed the deal as Destiny looked up and down once more before shrugging.

30 minutes later,








In a faraway hallway outside , a broom closet was constantly banged though from the inside.


"Ah!" Destiny let out a moan, her hair slightly disheveled while wrapping her slim legs around Ricky's waist.

His pants wrapped around his ankles as he plunged deep inside Destiny, her slutty mouth letting out one sensual moan after another.

Gripping his greasy black hair between the groves of her fingers, Destiny's eyes started to fog as her breath became ragged.

The pleasure swirling and crashing down into her mind as Ricky's cock slammed into the deepest ends of her being leaving her feeling numb, mushy, and incredibly dirty.

Ricky on the other hand had his head buried deep into her over endowed breasts that would've been slapping against each other in a rugged manner if not for his head sandwich between them.

His fingers clutching deeply onto her thighs which gave him a firm hold that would allow him to ram his cock into her being over and over again as he propped her against the door.

Rumbling, the hinges waddled against each other as Ricky forced his cock deeper into Destiny's being as her moans craved for more.

"Oh god, oh god-" Destiny cried out like a broken record, slobbering at the ends of her mouth as she gazed up at the heavens.

A sudden tension built up within his balls as he gritted his teeth, thrusting harder into her pussy as his tip neared the deepest depths of her being.

The pounding on the door increased in intensity, ramping up an octave as a poking sensation suddenly collided into the entrance of her womb as a shock of electricity surged through Destiny's brain.

"HAAAAA~" Destiny let out a deepened moan, feeling her deepest parts of her finally be wholly occupied by Ricky as she could only let out moans of pleasure filled discontent.

The strain caused Destiny's body to involuntarily send out a stream of liquid throughout her already wet insides that were being thoroughly stretched by Ricky's pulsating cock as it sought to lubricate and lessen the hold that Ricky had on it. 

However, it only seemed to give Ricky's cock even more leeway as his tip steadily clawed her womb open until his tip reached inside as it immediately throbbed.

"F*ck, I'm cumming." Ricky grunted up,unable to hold any longer as he felt an incredibly intoxicating squeeze clamp down on the tip of his cock as he leaned deeper into Destiny.

At this sudden increase in tempo, her nails suddenly dug into his back only for her eyes to widen after finally registering his words.

"W-Wait do you have a co-AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Destiny suddenly asked in a worried tone that flushed into an intense scream of pleasure as she sprayed out in an exclamation all over Ricky.

Ricky's teeth gritted as he pushed his tippy toes up to get that slightest centimeter as his cum swirled in his balls before shooting in its entirety into her womb.

The warm milky cum swirled into her little room as a hot pulsating feeling overwhelmed Destiny's stomach which slowly melted the ends of her mouth into a dumb smile.

Twitching, she felt the loss of strength course over her as she leaned back with all of her weight as the door hinges, barely holding on, finally gave out.


The door fell followed by Destiny before finally Ricky, who got that last little thrust off from colliding into the ground and into her already filled pussy, letting out a refreshed smile.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff-"

"YOU MOTHERF*CKER!" A loud voice echoed from the other side of the hallway as Ricky's curiosity peaked as he gazed to the side to see the sight of a buff bald tattooed hulking abomination of a guy stomping over his way.

"H-HOW COULD YOU!" The guy roared out towards both his long time girlfriend of 4 years and the random old guy currently inside of her.

"Uh, can you give us a second we're kinda busy here?" Ricky awkwardly asked since his throbbing cock was still inside of this tight woman cunt.

"Dan, it's not what it looks-'' Destiny hazy eyes looked to the side only for the color drained from her face as she tried to tell a different story yet her face slightly twitched upon feeling the tip of Ricky's cock rub against her walls from the sudden movement.

"YOU BASTARD!" Dan screeched out, grabbing the collar of Ricky before throwing him off of his girlfriend.

Rolling onto the floor, his ass skidded against the poor quality carpet as he immediately stumbled to his feet only to fall backwards as he saw this mammoth of a man continue to stomp towards him.

"Buddy can't we just talk?" Ricky asked while trying to cover his dangling cock by pulling up his pants only to see a milf entering the corridor.


The woman gasped loudly only for her eyes to trail down at Ricky's dangling veiny cock before they slowly traced up to see Ricky's sleazy smile.

"See something you like gorgeous-"



Right as Ricky let out his pick up line after completely forgetting the events surrounding him, a fist came barreling at his cheek before he tumbled onto the floor once more.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Dan's eyes were bloodshot, clenching his fist tighter as Ricky tried to back up once more while finally managing to pull up his pants.

"Buddy listen I get it, you hate me because I f*cked your wife." Ricky laughed awkwardly before his pupils dilated when truly registering the towering dude before him.

Dan stood at a whooping 6 '7 with a power lifter's body as the veins on his neck, arms, and legs screamed steroids.

"BUT!" Ricky held out his hands upon seeing Dan tatted fist that read the words 'Kill' as he held up his arms to cover his head only for it to stop inches away from his face. 

"But you deserve so much better!" Ricky squeaked out in a subtle tone, his voice down trotted for the coming punch only for Dan to raise a furious eyebrow along with a disheveled Destiny.

"W-What?" Both Dan and Destiny spoke out in confusion as Ricky realized he hadn't been punched yet and quickly nodded his head while slowly getting up.

Ricky wasn't the man he used to be as his old age had caught up with him, leaving his joints stiff and his bones brittle but most of all, he didn't have health insurance.

"Listen, Dan is it?" Ricky first asked while trying to use his hands to deescalate the situation as Dan nodded with scrunched eyebrows.

"Listen, you seem like a reasonable guy and if I were in your shoes, I'd want to kick my own ass too. But can I at least explain myself before you do?" Ricky tried to appeal to Dan's sense of reason, hoping to buy himself a moment to explain.

Dan gritted his teeth, his fist cocked back and ready to strike. But then, with a reluctant sigh, he dropped his arm, his fist still clenched.

"Fine," Dan said, his voice tight with anger. 

Despite his formidable presence, Dan was a reasonable man, hopelessly in love with the wrong person.

Ricky took a deep breath, knowing this was his only chance to weasel his way out of this as he puffed out his chest with a show of confidence.

"Look, Dan is it, I get it. You're pissed, and you have every right to be. But you have to understand, I didn't know Destiny was with you. She never mentioned you, not once." Immediately without a second thought, Ricky put the blame on Destiny who was currently putting on her soaked panties as she froze at the sudden spotlight.

"To me, she was just a beautiful woman who seemed interested, but if I had known she was in a relationship with such a considerate guy, I would've stayed away. Since no one deserves to be cheated on, especially not by someone they love." Ricky grabbed his heart in distress, opening up one eye at Dan who was looking completely broken in this moment, as if his world had been shattered at the realization.

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness or even your sympathy. I'm just asking you to put the blame where it belongs. Destiny made her choices, and they were wrong. But I didn't know I was stepping into something I had no business being a part of. I deserve better than being seen as the guy who wrecked your relationship when I was just as much in the dark as you." Ricky tried his best to play it off as he tried to look a little more confident but his head was creaming.

'Please, I just got this money and I don't want to use it on fixing a soon to be shattered jaw, JUST BITE DOWN-

"You really didn't know?" Dan's grip on his fist loosened slightly, the tension in his shoulders easing.


"Not a clue. If I had known, like I said I would've walked away the second I met her. No one should have to go through what you're feeling right now, and I wouldn't want to be the cause of it." Ricky shook his head with pity as he pretended to be distraught at this turn of circumstances.

Dan's anger seemed to waver as he looked at Ricky, struggling to process everything. Finally, he sighed deeply. 

"Alright. I won't blame you. But Destiny-"

"Thank you, Dan. I'm really sorry this happened. You deserve better too-" Ricky nodded, relief washing over him.



"How could you betray my love like that Destiny?" Dan blame turned to Destiny as he started to tear up as they streamed down his cheeks as Ricky flinched, not expecting it to turn out like this.


"Dan, women like her aren't worth a cherishing person like yourself. Let your senior buy you a drink and we'll talk about life." Ricky easily jumped on this vulnerable moment, patting Dan's back while walking him towards the open bar.

At first glance, this might seem like a completely good-hearted move, but in reality, it was quite the opposite. 

Ever since the Me Too movement gained momentum, Ricky had been falsely accused of sexual assault twice due to retaliation and if it hadn't been for a convenient witness one time and CCTV footage of a random stairwell, he would be in jail right now.

But all in all, Ricky was certain this chick, Destiny, was slightly crazy as he walked Dan to the bar. 

Who else would cheat on a man who looked like a literal silverback gorilla with someone like him unless they were a bit off their rocker? 

It was precisely why, if Destiny ever tried to get revenge on him, he had a plan.

Ricky would simply get his free defense lawyer to subpoena Dan right here to testify on his behalf.

2 hours later,

"And after my mom passed away from breast cancer, Destiny had helped me through all of my grief." Dan poured his heart out while nursing his first beer from the start.

Ricky, on the other hand, had become completely sh*t-faced and was barely able to form coherent words by this point.

"Yur a gwood guy Dan, you'll find someone else, bunch of b*tches in the sea. GIVE ME ANOTHER BEER!" Ricky tapped Dan's shoulder before beckoning to the bartender.

"I'm cutting you off, Slick." The bartender shook his head, recognizing Ricky by name since nearly every bartender in the tri-state area knew of Ricky, or at least had heard the crazy secondhand stories about him from their fellow bartenders.

"Fwuck you!" Ricky cursed out before slipping only for Dan to catch him.

"Are you okay buddy?" Dan asked since he had now considered Ricky a friend for some weird reason.

"I require fresh air!" Ricky suddenly announced like a noble from medieval times as the surrounding people looked at him including his son Trevor.

"Dammit." Trevor hissed as he saw Ricky hobbling toward the entrance and just as he was about to go and reprimand him, he noticed the towering giant, Dan, assisting Ricky.

"Oh you got to be sh*ting me." Trevor grabbed his forehead as his wife who was talking to a guest looked at him.

"Honey what's wro-oh." She asked only to gaze at her husband's loser of a father.

"Trevor darling, just ignore him and enjoy-"

"Daddy, are you okay?" Jessica seemingly appeared out of nowhere causing Trevor and his wife to flinch.

"I'm fwine daughter, I just feel the neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeath." Ricky elongated his sentences as Dan helped him out the door with a smile.

"Hello Jessica, congratulations on your wedding and I hope you and Sam have a wonderful life." Dan congratulated Jessica who was a little touched at the gentle giant in front of her.

"Oh my god, thank you so much Dan! I hope the same for you and Destiny!" Jessica cheerfully spoke only for Dan to show a sad look.

"Actually, thanks to your father showing me what kind of person Destiny really was, we broke up." Dan sadly spoke before tapping Ricky's back as he heavily nodded his head.

"Yes, it was I, THE SAVOR OF THE INNOCENT!" Ricky proclaimed as Jessica started laughing at this drunken side of him.

"He must have drunk German lager beer." Jessica smiled while helping Ricky out of the door as Dan became surprised.

"How did you-"

"When Daddy gets drunk, he sort of takes on a different attitude depending on the alcohol he drinks to the point where me and all my siblings call it the 'spectrum' and when he gets drunk off of German lager beer, he starts acting like someone from medieval times." Jessica informed Dan who nodded with an intriguing look.

"Jessica, what are you-oh." Sam was a little worried until he saw Ricky tangling right before the ground as Dan and Jessica tried to holster him up.

"Honey let me get him up for you, let's not ruin your dress." Sam insisted as he took the hold of Ricky while leaning closer to him.

"You just couldn't stay sober for one night could you." Sam hissed at Ricky who gave him an arrogant smile.

"NEY, PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Ricky let out a boisterous laugh as Trevor who had come out as well rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with your father honey?" Trevor's wife, Nora, curiously asked while seeing him recite a poem.

"He's drunk off German lager beer." Trevor sighed after knowing the cause of this weird way of acting.


Just then, a car horn blared, piercing the air and catching the attention of everyone nearby. The car's right wheel had burst, causing the vehicle to veer out of control. 

The driver desperately tried to hit the brakes, but it was too late. The car jerked to the right as its headlights illuminated Jessica in a breathtaking light.

Time seemed to stand still as eyes widened and everyone froze, watching in horror as Jessica, innocent and stunned, stared at the oncoming car like a deer caught in headlights.



The shrieking pain of Jessica sounded out, however the only one that seemed to be injured in the entire vicinity was in fact, Ricky.

Maybe it was due to his knightly personality when drunk off of German lager beer but for some reason that he'd never be able to explain, Ricky rushed forward to push Jessica out of the way.

"DADDY!" Jessica didn't hold up the ends of her dress and rushed forward at the crushed Ricky who was pinned to the building by the smoking car.

"F*ck~" Ricky let out a pained whine as his lower half was completely crushed as the only thing that was holding his insides in his body was ironically the car that put him in this near death state.

"Jesus christ." Trevor's eyes shook violently as he rushed not to Jesssica, his distressed sister, but his deadbeat father.

"Sam!" Trevor yelled right as he reached Ricky causing the groom to flinch into reality.

"GET JESSICA OUT OF HERE!" Trevor ordered Sam who shook his head in a daze before rushing over to Jessica.

"No, NO! DADDY!" Jessica tried to pry herself free from Sam but her thin figure couldn't match against Sam's.

"I-IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" A shrieking cry sounded as eyes turned to Dan pulling the driver out of the car as tears cascaded down his cheek.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY BUDDY, LOOK!" Dan roared but the driver couldn't even look at Ricky as his humongous fist kept slamming into his face.

"Trevor~" Ricky reached out as blood dripped down from the ends of his mouth before Trevor grasped his hand.

"Yeah dad." Trevor instinctively spoke as immediately respected Ricky once he sacrificed his life to save Jessica.

"Is-.....Is it bad?" Ricky weakly asked, too scared to look down at the aftermath as Trevor flinched.

"N-No, it's not even that bad." Trevor blatantly lied since Ricky's lower half was completely demolished.

"So is-"




"Yes, Jesicca is-"

"Is my dick alright?" Ricky coughed up countless mouthfuls of blood but still managed to get his sentences out as Trevor's worried look vanished for a second before he steeled himself.

"Yes, your dick is fine." Trevor once again lied as Ricky let out a sign of relief.

"O-Oh, t-thank god." Ricky sighed in relief as the life started to pour out of his eyes as Trevor held his hand til the very end.

"Thank god."