
Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker (MCU). Naruto Uzumaki Takes on his new life in becoming Marvel's web slinger. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Spider-man. I do NOT own Naruto. the cover is ai generated with a few filters added. if you would like to give me pointers and suggestions... let me now in the comments/reviews. Q&A: 1.) Will I be writing Naruto the same as in cannon? - No. I will keep some of the traits he had like his willingness to help people and do the right thing... maybe even keep his verbal tick but I will not be spamming it like in some fanfictions. This will be the story of Peter Parker as spider-man, taking on the role of the smart scientists/Inventor. And since Peter knows that this world will have trials, his role is to become Overpowered to overcome any outcome. 2.) Will this be a harem? - Not 100% Sure. I know that there is at least one pairing that I have decided on at the creation of this story, but if I do choose to go that path there will only be 3-5. No Massive harems here. 3.) Will there be "lemons" - Yes. And if don't go down the path of the harem then I'll make this happen. Not promising that it will be good... I'll do my best. I don't really know what I'm doing so will try to take this day-by-day, and hopefully I'll create a story that will stick with a few people... even though the beginning looks like its all filler. Update: I've been using a free A.I. to help lengthen the story from my prompted ideas. however it seems to be too guided to hopeful/happy endings... with is nice but spider-man stories aren't as joyous as it wants to guide the story. if I can't give this a finished product, I'll go back and refine the story. Same With some of my other creations

FanFic_Listener · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Training!, The Talk At Dinner

7AM. The Next Morning.

Waking up today peter was excited, today he will start his body work training. So getting up, he commenced with his morning rituals... and afterwards created 4 clones for the day's side training.

"Alright guys... today is going to be more of the same as yesterday... only this time we'll have a few changes.

Clone 1: today you'll be changing into small things... the smaller the better, so things like birds, cats, squirrels, flies, a pencil, ... a sock if you can manage it.

Clone 2: I want you to hinge into someone older and keep at improving our calligraphy.

Clone 3: wall walking. Make sure to keep as quiet as possible... no running head starts.

Clone 4: you're on lookout.

I'll be watching some more dragon ball, I'll then go out to the backyard to start my training.


While watching dragon ball, peter asked for some paper and crayons... so he can draw goku. He knew from the experience he learned from yesterday's clone that his hand to eye coordination wasn't up to the level of his previous life... so it will be easy to mistake his drawings as childish scribbles.


After eating the lunch that aunt may prepared for him... he began his training, he had to keep in his mind that he can't overdo things... so he created a plan in his head. 10 pushups, 10 situps, then jogging around the backyard in 10 laps. He kept this up in repetition until being called inside for dinner and he heads back inside, finishing today's training.


At the cozy dinner table, 6-year-old Peter Parker sits between his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, a sense of warmth and security enveloping them. The aroma of Aunt May's homemade cooking fills the air, comforting Peter as he takes in the familiar sights and sounds of home.

With a gentle smile, Aunt May reaches across the table to ruffle Peter's hair affectionately. "You're looking much better today, Peter," she says softly, her eyes filled with love and concern.

Uncle Ben nods in agreement, his warm voice echoing Aunt May's sentiment. "Yes, son, we're glad to see you're feeling more like yourself again," he adds, his hand resting reassuringly on Peter's shoulder.

Peter's gaze flickers between his aunt and uncle, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thanks, Aunt May, Uncle Ben," he murmurs gratefully, his heart swelling with gratitude for their unwavering support.

As they begin to enjoy their meal together, conversation turns to Peter's return to kindergarten after some time away following his parents' funeral. Aunt May and Uncle Ben express their confidence in Peter's resilience, assuring him that he's ready to return to school and reconnect with his friends.

"We'll be at work, Peter, but we'll be thinking of you," Aunt May says softly, her hand reaching out to squeeze his reassuringly.

Uncle Ben nods, his gaze meeting Peter's with understanding. "You've got this, kiddo," he says, his voice filled with pride and encouragement.

With the love and support of his aunt and uncle, Peter feels a renewed sense of determination as he prepares to face the challenges of the days ahead. As they finish their meal, Peter knows that no matter what lies ahead, he'll always have his family by his side, guiding him through life's ups and downs with unwavering love and support.

With the elephant out of the room they began on another topic. Uncle Ben struck up the conversation.

"Peter! May and I had seen you out in the back there... gotta say that I was very impressed with what I saw, all those exercises... do you think you can tell me how many you did?"

"First I started with getting on the ground and lifting my body up 10 times, and after that I laid on my back and bent my knees then pulled my chest up to my knees 10 times, then I ran around really fast 10 times."

"Hmm so you did 10 pushups, 10 situps, and laps around in the fences... you were out there for quite awhile, how many times did you manage to keep doing that?"

"10 times."

With a surprised expression on aunt May's face, she joined the conversation.

"10 times... are you telling us that you managed to do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 laps and you're not even winded from all of that exercise. Oh my.... peter.... you don't want to work yourself too hard, especially when you're running around because you could fall and hurt yourself.

"May... the boy is fine, no bruises and barely any dirt on his clothes, he'll be lifting weights in no time." Finish with his dinner, he thanks his aunt and uncle then heads back to his room.

8PM. Inside Peter's room.

Closing the door behind himself, peter walks over to each of his clones on standby. Giving the order to dispell, peter closes his eyes while filtering through his clone's memories. "Okay." Through the eyes of clone 4, peter watched as clone 1 was shifting his body to look as the objects the describe, only have trouble with sock but eventually completing each transformation in the end. From the memories of clone 2, peter watched as his clone made fewer mistakes then last time but not enough be be a big difference, after all he has to go off of a language he isn't used to. And as for clone 3, he preformed almost perfectly... had some slips and wobbles but barely made a sound... iruka sensei would be proud.

After some time passed, he heard a knock at his door, he gave the okay for whoever to come inside his room. Stepping in... may gave her greeting then proceeded to pull out set of pajamas for after Peter's bath, then took Peter's hand as they walked to the bathroom.

Author's Note: this is the end of the chapter, if you like it consider showing your support.

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Side Note: thank you to those who sent in power stones off of the first and second chapters, it is great to see the support. Take Care.