
Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds

Location: Sokovia in Marvel Universe 838 Time: November 2000 (during the Civil War) Golden Finger: Allows loading of protagonist templates such as Goku, Naruto, Ichigo Kurosaki, Sakura Kinomoto, Natsu, Seiya, Simon, etc. Each template can only be loaded for one hour per day. After loading, the protagonist's body gains the respective protagonist’s bloodline and memories, which can be used for self-training and improvement. This is not a clichéd story; protagonist templates are unlocked through the accumulation of justice points, where the standard for justice is determined by what the protagonist believes is just.

Zaelum · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 22


Upon hearing this name, a puzzled expression crossed Professor X's face.

He was more familiar with the CIA, having had deep interactions with them during World War II, during which he had even fallen in love with a female CIA agent.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., he had never heard of it.

He attempted to use his abilities to read the memories of the other party, only to find that his telepathic power was not functioning.

"We used to be called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. Right, Professor Charles, there's no use trying to control me with your abilities.

Since I dare to come here to arrest you, I'm certainly prepared!"

Nick Fury pointed to a circular device flashing blue light on his neck.

It was a brainwave interference device, modified from a device used by the Kree Supreme Intelligence to control Captain Marvel's thoughts, capable of some degree of psychic invasion and protection.

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, in fact, was an incident caused by the mutant Black King, and he had obtained all these CIA-stored intelligence files after becoming director.

Given the terrifying powers of Magneto and Professor X, he had always been hesitant to act.

But the mutant attack on the President had crossed his line, and with the device ready to block Professor X's mental control, he decisively took action.

"I think there's a misunderstanding between us"

Professor X was unwilling to clash with government agencies, so he patiently explained the situation.

Unfortunately, Nick Fury was not easily persuaded.

"There's no need for so much talk. After I bring you in, I will find the real answers. If the assassination of the President is not related to you, and you are willing to sign an agreement, then I might consider letting you go."

Who was behind the attack on the President was not crucial for him; even if it were as Professor X said, he wouldn't simply let them go.

For humans, mutants are always ticking time bombs. Although he didn't intend to exterminate mutants, their development must be under his surveillance.

Thus, controlling the two leaders of the mutant forces, Magneto and Professor X, would be enough; the rest were of little concern.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot entrust my students' safety to an unfamiliar government agency."

Hearing Nick Fury's forceful reply, Professor X shook his head.

He was not naïve enough to believe that a government agency would treat them as equals, or genuinely let them go after capturing them to verify the facts.

He had made that mistake once before, and the result was that his students were forced into a brutal battlefield, either killed in action or turned into experimental material by some ambitious figures.

It took him a long time to recover from this and get back on his feet.

Therefore, after reopening the school, he began training the X-Men to fight and protect his students from harm.

He believed that humanity would eventually follow the right path and build a better future with mutants, but this trust did not extend to certain government agencies.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing I can do but treat you the same as I did Mr. Erik!"

As Nick Fury's words fell, Captain Marvel, Captain Carter, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and three fully armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agent squads launched an attack.

Previously, due to concerns about being affected by Magneto's abilities, the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agent squads had been hiding in the distance, led by Agent May.

With Magneto now subdued and all wearing devices to block mental control, they naturally joined the attack.

"X-Men, engage!"

Seeing no other choice, Professor X reluctantly issued the command to fight.

Storm activated her powers, her eyes turning white as clouds gathered in the sky, and lightning bolts, under her control, struck at the armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Wolverine and a now-conscious Mystique extended their adamantium claws and attacked Captain Carter, Black Widow, and May.

Cyclops unleashed full-powered red energy beams at Captain Marvel, who was enveloped in energy above.

Colossus transformed into steel to shield Cyclops and Storm from incoming bullets.

Nightcrawler, inexperienced in combat and a devout Christian, was tasked with protecting a weakened Professor X and preventing Stryker from escaping amidst the chaos.


At that moment, an arrow, shot from a cunning and sneaky angle by Hawkeye, who was hidden, narrowly missed Colossus's defense and targeted Storm, who was controlling the field with her lightning.

"Hold this for me!"

Throwing the adamantium staff to Nightcrawler, Hawkins also drew his Power Pole and joined the fray.

He understood that the other members of S.H.I.E.L.D. weren't the main issue; Captain Marvel was the key opponent.

In Universe 838, Captain Marvel wasn't the strong-willed and tough-hearted Carol but her best friend Maria Rambeau, slightly less powerful but still formidable.

Even Magneto had ultimately fallen to her.

Therefore, he needed to clear the obstacles quickly so everyone could join forces to help Cyclops against Captain Marvel.

He leaped, accurately knocking Hawkeye's arrows out of the air with his Power Pole, then swiftly rushed towards Hawkeye's hiding spot.

Although Hawkeye wasn't very powerful, his arrows were extremely tricky, particularly effective against types like Storm and Cyclops in team battles.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Seeing the young Hawkins charging towards him, Hawkeye didn't take any chances, firing arrow after arrow, each tipped with special abilities like electric shock, paralysis, and slime.

"Afterimage Fist!"

Hawkins, not wanting to get entangled, directly used Afterimage Fist, leaving multiple afterimages behind as he moved at top speed to confront Hawkeye.

"Down you go."

With sheer speed and force, Hawkeye couldn't block even a single move and was knocked unconscious by a blow from Hawkins.

Just as he was about to help take down others, Cyclops was already overwhelmed.

Captain Marvel, despite taking the full brunt of Cyclops's red energy beams, was closing in on him.

If Captain Marvel got close, Cyclops would likely be taken down in one move.

Storm also realized this and quickly focused all her lightning, joining Cyclops in attacking Captain Marvel, slowing her down.

But it was just a slowdown; Captain Marvel was still advancing towards them.


Seeing this, Hawkins quickly moved to the side of the standoff and unleashed a full-power Kamehameha wave at Captain Marvel's face.

As Captain Marvel was focused on combating Cyclops and Storm, she was caught off guard and sent flying.

(End of Chapter)