
Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds

Author: Zaelum
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What is Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds

Read ‘Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds’ Online for Free, written by the author Zaelum, This book is a Movies Fanfic, covering SYSTEM Fanfiction, MARVEL Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Location: Sokovia in Marvel Universe 838Time: November 2000 (during the Civil War)Golden Finger: Allows loading of prota...


Location: Sokovia in Marvel Universe 838 Time: November 2000 (during the Civil War) Golden Finger: Allows loading of protagonist templates such as Goku, Naruto, Ichigo Kurosaki, Sakura Kinomoto, Natsu, Seiya, Simon, etc. Each template can only be loaded for one hour per day. After loading, the protagonist's body gains the respective protagonist’s bloodline and memories, which can be used for self-training and improvement. This is not a clichéd story; protagonist templates are unlocked through the accumulation of justice points, where the standard for justice is determined by what the protagonist believes is just.

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The most damning evidence against the film was promotional materials and even the opening credits of certain copies of Nosferatu that clearly stated that the film was an adaptation of Stoker’s novel. Unable to ignore such evidence, a German court found Nosferatu to be an unlicensed derivative work of Dracula and ordered that every copy of the film be destroyed. While this should have marked the end of the film’s legacy, one copy avoided destruction and resurfaced in the United States, where it was released in 1929. Under the U.S. copyright law of the time, in order for works by a foreign author to enjoy copyright protection in the United States, the author’s country of citizenship must have had a copyright proclamation or agreement with the United States. Stoker was a British citizen, and under the Chace Act, President Harrison had extended copyright to works by British citizens in 1891, thus making Stoker’s work eligible for United States copyright protection. However, United States copyright law also required two copies of the work be deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. Stoker had never satisfied this deposit requirement, and therefore Dracula was part of the public domain in the United States. Stoker’s estate was thus unable to take any legal action against Nosferatu in the United States, and the film gained a second lease on life, developing into a definitive piece of vampire pop culture. These three tales highlight just a few of the interactions between copyright law and the horror genre. Such tales should serve as reminder to always double check copyright laws to avoid the scare of an unexpected law lurking in the shadows.

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mercoledi addams story

Una fredda e tempestosa sera, nella sinistra dimora della Famiglia Addams, Mercoledì Addams, la figlia più oscura e eccentrica, aveva un insolito sorriso stampato sul volto. Aveva un piano malvagio in mente: voleva liberare la sua famigerata mano scorpione, una creatura mostruosa che era stata allevata dalla sua famiglia fin dall'infanzia. Mercoledì aveva sempre avuto una predilezione per quest'organismo spaventoso, ma i suoi genitori erano stati di vista diversa. Non avevano voluto che il suo amore per il macabro diventasse troppo pericoloso. Ma quella sera, Mercoledì aveva deciso di sfidarli. Nascondendo la sua mano scorpione sotto il suo cappotto lungo e nero, Mercoledì si recò nel salotto principale, dove la sua famiglia stava cenando. Senza dire una parola, si avvicinò al tavolo, mentre i suoi genitori la guardarono perplessi. "Mercoledì, cosa stai nascondendo dietro il tuo cappotto?" domandò Morticia, la madre di Mercoledì, con una certa preoccupazione nella sua voce. Mercoledì mise lentamente la mano sul tavolo e poi, con un sorriso sinistro, si tolse il cappotto, svelando la mano scorpione che era legata al suo polso con un guinzaglio di pelle nera. Tutti nella stanza si bloccarono all'istante, spalancando gli occhi di fronte alla visione orribile. Gomez, il padre di Mercoledì, fu il primo a riprendersi dallo shock. "Mercoledì, cosa diavolo stai facendo? Abbiamo detto che non dovevi mai lasciarla libera!" gridò, cercando di controllare la situazione. Mercoledì si avvicinò al tavolo, abbracciando il suo animale domestico sinistro. "Ma papà, la mano scorpione è parte della nostra famiglia. Non posso tenere n

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source: Marvel: Randomly load a protagonist template enjoy


Is this a harem ................ . Please say no


want harem or atleast romance is it there ?


A useless main character, who is nobody without a system, he can’t even control his own body when he takes on the powers of another character, in simple words, weak-willed and weak-minded like a baby, a stupid main character


It's a good story so far with a lot of potential. Hope it gets a second chance for translation.


Me agrado, no es perfecto, pero fueron unos 30 capítulos muy entretenidos, la forma en que adquiere sus poderes es preocupante, aunque esta adquisición tan facil y aleatoria (no lo es) parece que podría interferir con el desarrolo de la historia, hasta ahora no paso. Por todas estas razones le daré un voto de confianza hasta que suba almenos 50-100 capítulos.


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