
Chapter 20

after the end period of 1948, Micheal is now 9 months has been started talking and I already started to make schools now which can compare to government now as I buy one of the old school and named it in perk school as now for there teacher staff new recruitment which I let my most of the group there and American mutant which I adduct by creating false identities I also let them admission there, thus school has full student and I created false identities of all of the child's which is very easy as the school has started and I created also orphanages which as the social cases but in fact that also let them a false identity for children's in future. In Africa, I already have a council named the African council whose task is to take control of wild animals hunting and let governments of Africa together like the Un council making their orphanage and schools where technically now my army is ready who learn all subjects as even college is started there for further studies same goes for Afghanistan as their control is growing school and orphanage also started as people not yet support females their changes are more now compared to others. as the china election coming close which is not easy as now more 40% population is under me with this election winning is not possible that their now politicians are fighting in politics more than others during this time in America, I have now political power now as I am making a lot of social gathering and indirectly now near 20 mayors in under me now. as now the with Jewish group I have to make more than 1 million subordinates which are growing now every day.

now I am home company new modal launching of car Chevrolet Corvair which change the name with the new brand name changing of perk model p1 car as the let them design it. After this, for future production, I give all of the cars and camera blueprints that they need to launch in 10 years. as only need to be present at the time of launching. now my time is with my wife and child most as others do work for me as Micheal also going to school in future

_________________________________ year 1950 _________________________________________

As the new year comes launching of new products is also happening and Micheal this year is also going to school well he is not a bad habit who is out of control of us or him. election of china cannot get won by Jewish but I do not need to worry as we are in opposite of election our task is simply to find opportunities to make an image of the party their good in public. now the world has no big war I also go on a world tour with Micheal, Barbra and my six maids with 10 guards as some countries want to attack us which can be controlled during this trip I also find Mystique and professor what I let them start their journey now during this trip we go to most Europe. in South America and Africa as I do not want to scare Micheal I did not let anyone near us as we go on wild tours there as this world tour goes this year and after Micheal start going to school