
Marvel: I am Wanda's Apprentice.

Flash forward three years after WandaVision. Wanda Maximoff as reconnected with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes who begins to recruit the new Avengers. That's when they find Travis LaRowe. He is instantly connected to Wanda due to chaos magic but the connection goes beyond that. How will his past with hydra effect his future?

TravisLaRowe27 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

(Having more kids together.)

Chapter forty five:

"Tommy, Billy, Natasha and Pietro. Get up and get dressed please everyone will be here soon." Said Wanda Maximoff.

After a few minutes, we hear the platter of little feet running down towards our room.

"Mommy! Pietro ran so fast that he knocked my books on the floor." Natasha whined. Wanda Maximoff then picked her up and wiped her tears away.

"It's not my fault your books fell. I was getting ready like my mom said." Replied Pietro. Wanda Maximoff then just looked at me while rolling her eyes.

"Listen you two. I don't want anymore arguments today's a special day. We've told you not to use your powers inside of the house. Outside that's fine but not inside. Ok?" Said Wanda Maximoff. They then hugged her.

"I'm sorry Natasha." Replied Pietro.

"It's ok. You can help us wrap a present for Uncle Jordan." Said Natasha while dragging Pietro down the hall.

"You know that Natasha gets that bossy side from you." I teased my beautiful wife.

"And Pietro, Tommy and Billy got that naughty side from you. And if you keep it up mister then you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." Replied Wanda Maximoff before she kissed me gently.

We've been married for ten years now. And our five kids of terror are 10 and 5 and 4 years old now. When Wanda and I had been married for nine months I bought some land on the outskirts of Hawaii so that we could plan the future away from work. Don't get me wrong we loved our cabin and had done it up beautifully but it was no place to raise our children. Sam, Bucky, Peter Parker, Jordan and I came out here whenever we could and built the penthouse from scratch. It was pretty perfect actually the day we had finished building and decorating the penthouse Wanda Maximoff had given birth to Tommy and Billy Maximoff. We still work with the A-Force team every now and then but mainly we just focus on our family. Wanda Maximoff and I was really good with our money investing it to make sure that our future was secure. We wanted to give our children the opportunities we didn't get. The best family holidays, a loving home not torn apart by losing their parents and a big extended family who loved them as much as we did.

I looked at Wanda's outfit again and I was breathless. Anytime she wore her black bikini she had me feeling the same way I did when I saw her in it for the first time.

"You still take my breath away, my love. How lucky am I to be married to the most beautiful woman on the planet?" I said while tying the back of her black bikini. And then tied her long auburn hair into a ponytail.

"See that's where you're wrong babe. I am. You always make me feel so special. I love you Travis Maximoff." Replied Wanda Maximoff before she kissed me long and passionately on the lips.

"I love you too. Come on we better go save the kids from the wrapping disaster. I know that Jordan and Carol loves the kids but I'm not sure they'll appreciate having to unwrap fifty layers of tape." I said before taking Wanda 's hand as we headed to Natasha's bedroom to save Jordan's birthday presents.

Wanda Maximoff and I had just finished setting up the hamburger's, hotdogs, and french fries for the pool party. When we heard the jet land. Off got Carol Danver's, Kamala Khan, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. Sam and Monica had left their little girl with his sister so that they could take a break. Before we can get near them. I feel Pietro sprint past me and headed straight for Bucky Barnes.

"Uncle Bucky." He said as he tackled Bucky Barnes. Bucky was Pietro's favorite because he had a metal arm. Natasha's favorite was Carol Danver's cause she always brought her some cool gifts from outer space. We have a spare cabinet with all the random things that Carol Danver's would bring back with her.

"I really hope she hasn't brought anything to big with her." Said Wanda Maximoff. Almost comedically Carol Danver's pulls out a meteor the size of a basketball.

"Oh God. We're going to need a bigger cabinet." I replied.

We then said hello to everyone before Jordan, mom and dad arrived. When we heard the car pull up everyone hides and stayed quiet. Pietro, Natasha, Billy and Tommy then ran up to greet them.

"Happy birthday uncle Jordan! Come with us." They said dragging him to the back yard.

"Happy birthday." Replied everyone else and Jordan started to tear up. So Natasha, Pietro, Billy and Tommy gave him a tight hug.