
Marvel: I am Wanda's Apprentice.

Flash forward three years after WandaVision. Wanda Maximoff as reconnected with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes who begins to recruit the new Avengers. That's when they find Travis LaRowe. He is instantly connected to Wanda due to chaos magic but the connection goes beyond that. How will his past with hydra effect his future?

TravisLaRowe27 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

(Are you happy?)

Chapter forty one:

Doctor Strange had dreamed walked into the dead body of Defender Strange from earth 838. After controlling the souls of the damned, he went to go face Wanda Maximoff at Mount Wundagore.

The Scarlet Witch was still very powerful and incapacitated Wong before showing down Doctor Strange with her red chaos magic.

Unknown to Wanda Maximoff, America Chavez was given words of encouragement by Doctor Strange. She always had control of her powers but just didn't know it, and every universe they went to were the ones that they were supposed to go to. It all lead up to now.

As Wanda Maximoff was attacking Doctor Strange, America Chavez jumped off the altar and punched Wanda, a star shaped shockwave of energy expelling through the temple.

It disoriented Wanda Maximoff, as nobody else was able to hurt her until then.

"Uh-huh." Said America Chavez.

"Mm- hmm." Replied Wanda Maximoff.

America Chavez then began to punch Wanda Maximoff over and over again. Wanda Maximoff almost then fell through a portal and into a fiery universe that looked like Limbo. America Chavez threw another punch, but Wanda stopped her with her psionics and let the portal close behind her.

"I can't beat you... So I'll give you want you want." Said America Chavez.

She hit Wanda Maximoff again and a portal opened up behind her. Wanda Maximoff stumbled back but was able to grab America Chavez by the throat. Wanda Maximoff then got America Chavez on her knees and glared at her.

But then Wanda suddenly realized where she was at. She then saw our four children sitting on the couch.

"Billy... Tommy... Pietro and Natasha." Replied Wanda Maximoff.

They then saw Wanda and immediately cowered in fear. Billy began to cry out.

"Mommy!" Said Billy Maximoff.

"It's a witch!" Replied Tommy Maximoff.

The four kids ran off and Wanda just looked at America Chavez.

"What have you done?" Said Wanda Maximoff.

"Mom!" They replied as they kept running towards the stairs.

"Wait!" Said the Scarlet Witch.

838 Wanda Maximoff then came down the stairs and met them halfway. The kids then got behind her.

"It's okay. It's okay." Replied 838 Wanda Maximoff.

"I'm your mother! Get away from them!" Said the Scarlet Witch as she used her psionics to throw the couch to the side.

838 Wanda Maximoff then conjured red chaos magic in her hands but the Scarlet Witch immediately lifted her up and threw her. 838 Wanda Maximoff flew across the dining room and crashed into the shelves.

"Mom!" Said the kids.

America Chavez wanted to intervene, but then she heard Doctor Strange.

"No. Not yet." Replied Doctor Strange.

The kids then started to throw toys at the Scarlet Witch.

"Kids, stop. Please!" Said the Scarlet Witch.

"Get out of our house!" Replied Tommy Maximoff.

"Get away!" Said Natasha Maximoff.

"Get out!" Replied Billy Maximoff as he threw another toy.

"Stop it!" Said the Scarlet Witch as she yelled at them.

The kids just looked at her in fear. Suddenly, I then came through the portal and gazed upon the chaos.

"Wanda." I replied.

Upon my arrival, the children ran over to me. They then stood behind me and the Scarlet Witch just looked on, and felt guilty for the way she yelled at our children.

"Please... don't kill us. Please." Said Tommy Maximoff.

"I would never hurt you guys. Never. I would never hurt anyone. Mommy is not a monster. I'm not." Replied the Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch then looked at 838 Wanda. The she looked at our children and I, who had that look of determination to guard the kids.

The Scarlet Witch then backed away and put a hand over her mouth. 838 Wanda Maximoff then slowly got up and the kids ran over to her.

"Mom?" Said Pietro Maximoff.

"Are you okay?" Replied Natasha Maximoff.

"I'm okay... I'm okay." Said 838 Wanda Maximoff.

I then stepped forward towards our children to make sure that they were okay. The Scarlet Witch then fell to her knees and just stared at us.

I then turned around and saw my wife crying. I slowly walked up to her and crouched down to look at her in the eyes.

"Stay. Be with 838 Wanda Maximoff. She deserves to be with you... and you deserve to be with her." Said the Scarlet Witch.

Wanda Maximoff then felt guilty for what she did. All the lives that she took... all the chaos that she brought. Her lover had to fight her and experience everything I did... I shouldn't have gone through that.

"I told you before, that there is only one person that can make me happy. One person that I truly love... and that's you. You are the Wanda Maximoff that I fell in with. Wherever you are... that's home for me." I replied.

"But after everything I did to you and the kids." Said Wanda Maximoff.

"I don't care about any of that. We're there for each other through thick and skin. As you were there for me at my lowest point... I'm there for you." I replied.

The Scarlet Witch then began to cry as 838 Wanda Maximoff just looked at us.

"Know that they are loved. And know that you are loved." Said 838 Wanda Maximoff as she looked at the Scarlet Witch.

That was the last thing that the Scarlet Witch saw before we were back in our main universe.

Suddenly, the Scarlet Witch then flew back to the altar. She then knelt down, and the temple began to shake.

"What now?" Said America Chavez.

"Get out of here." Replied Doctor Strange.

"We'll find you. Let's go Travis." Said America Chavez as she looked over at me.

I just looked at Wanda. As there was no way that I was going to leave her.

"I'm not going." I replied.

"This place is about to." Said Wanda Maximoff.

"I'm not going." I replied.

America Chavez wanted to stop me but decided not to.

I then flew towards the altar and crouched down beside Wanda Maximoff. "Wanda." I said.

"I opened the Darkhold. So I have to close it Travis." Replied the Scarlet Witch.

"There has to be another way." I said.

"The temple has the carvings, the spells. I won't let anybody be tempted by it again." Replied the Scarlet Witch.

After a moment, I held Wanda's chin with my hand and looked at her in the eyes.

"Then I'll be here right beside you. I'm not leaving you Wanda." I said.

The Scarlet Witch then grabbed a hold of my face. "There are other's that need you too, my love." Replied the Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch then used her psionics to push me out of the temple. I then landed at the edge of the cliff.

Wanda Maximoff then lifted up the structure and I knew what she was going to do.

"No... Wanda, no!" I said.

As the temple was being lifted I felt something inside of me. I then about how I lost Wanda Maximoff to the Darkhold.

"I'm not losing you again." I replied.

My eyes then began to glow red. The Scarlet Witch was focused on her act, and was prepared to let the large chunks of concrete from the temple fall on top of her as well as the rest of the mountain. Then, I opened my arms and let out my red chaos magic.

My red chaos magic mirrored the power of the Scarlet Witch. Not as much, but just enough. I was able to avoid Wanda Maximoff, but everything around her decimated by the red chaos magic. The slabs of rock, the concrete, and the temple was obliterated. Leaving only small pieces of debris.

The Scarlet Witch then expelled her own red chaos magic. And she ended up destroying the copies of the Darkhold throughout the multiverse... along with one other thing in her mind.

The Scarlet Witch then fell to the ground and opened her eyes, seeing me on my knees and trying to catch my breath. I then walked over to her.

"Travis... What did you do?" Said the Scarlet Witch.

"I can't live without you, Wanda. You are my world... my sadness... my hope... my happiness. While there are universes that seems perfect, ones that you seem happy with Vision... this universe is the one that we fell in love with each other." I replied.

The Scarlet Witch then begin to cry and I wiped her tears away. I also began to cry and kissed both of her cheeks.

"I love you Wanda Maximoff." I said.

"I love you more Travis." Replied the Scarlet Witch.

The two of us then kissed each other, our embrace was initially gentle but soon became full of french kissing. The Scarlet Witch and I felt a bliss that we haven't felt in so long... and the tribulations that we had gone through left our minds.

Once again, the Scarlet Witch and I had each other. As we continued to french kiss each other.