
Marvel: I Am Tony Stark

Zelretch decides to intervene in the Marvel Universe, leading to unexpected consequences. A young Tony Stark becomes a Master of the Chaldea Security Organization. Tony saves humanity from destruction by defeating Goetia in the final battle. During his journey, Tony was trained by numerous Heroes and created his first armor, becoming Iron Man! He wins the hearts of many beautiful women along the way, and when he returns to his world, he further expands his conquests. Tony Stark is aware of his world's fate but chooses not to follow the "script," leading to many changes. Note 1: Tony Stark will be very overpowered with many ladies in his harem XD. Note 2: Most of Tony's superhuman abilities come from receiving a small fraction of the power of the Servants in the Throne of Heroes for the battle against Goetia, which is at the level of the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel universe. Note 3: Tony Stark's homeland will be very similar to the MCU but with changes. Oh, there will be some DC women in the story XD. Works: Fate Marvel Dc

Ereh_Kun · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Counter Force

[Training Area - Chaldea and SHIELD Base – Antarctica]

Inside the base, there is an extensive training area designed to enhance numerous skills or train under very specific conditions. In the most isolated section, there is a training field capable of withstanding confrontations with powerful cosmic beings.

At this moment, Tony was wearing a red and gold armor made of nanotechnology and complex magical runes. He was engaged in an intense combat session with Diana and Kara.

Diana's armor was white and gold, made with nanotechnology and complex magical runes, while Kara's was red and blue. Both armors were specifically designed for them and further enhanced their superhuman abilities.

Diana's armor can summon a variety of melee weapons and her Lasso of Truth, while Kara's armor increases her Solar Energy Absorption, which is the main source of her powers, and can even store Solar Energy.

The three of them almost always have a training session after finishing their work at SI. None of them hold back their powers during these fights. They aim to surpass their limits.

Usually, they face each other in a Battle Royal, with only one remaining standing. Initially, Diana and Kara always won, but now Tony is starting to recover from his past defeats and is accumulating some victories. Recently, Diana and Kara have preferred to face Tony together.

"Sir, they are quite excited today. The armor's integrity is declining faster than expected," JARVIS warned, concerned. He noticed that the two were becoming fiercer in combat every day.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting this, JARVIS," Tony admitted. He had made some improvements to his armor, but it still wasn't a match for the combined power of his two formidable opponents.

He was also using the powers he possessed through a small fraction of the power of most of the servants in the Throne of Heroes, along with his magical abilities acquired during his training sessions with Zelretch and his powerful and unique "Technomagic" that he developed.

Tony has the ability to summon servants to assist him as a Master of Chaldea, but he couldn't summon any due to the contextual rules of the training sessions.

"You're getting tired quickly, boss," Kara teased, using her heat vision on her opponent, who managed to block it with a magical rune and counterattack with an energy blast.

"Looks like we're going to win again, hihihi," Diana laughed lightly. She advanced with impressive speed and delivered a series of blows with a sword to her opponent, who was busy dodging the Heat Vision attack directed at him moments ago.

"I have to agree..." Tony admitted, breathing heavily. He was nearing his limit.

"Hmm... You should use the power of the Counter Force once, Tony..." Diana suggested. She and Kara wanted to see him use the power of the Counter Force.

They noticed he had never used this power in training sessions, which frustrated them, even though he mentioned he didn't have much control over it.

Tony fell silent, contemplating what he had just heard. It didn't take long for him to understand that this was their desire since they started facing him together and why they were becoming so fierce.

"Sir, you cannot safely use the power of the Counter Force, especially not in your current state..." JARVIS warned, concerned. He was aware of his master's immense power with this ability at his disposal, but it was not a power that a mortal body could withstand for long, let alone control.

The only safe way for his master to control the power of the Counter Force is when he finally completes the "Special Serum," which is in development to grant a human the abilities of a Kryptonian, but without their weaknesses and with some additional abilities. It would still take some time for this "special serum" to be fully finalized.

"I appreciate the concern, JARVIS, but I can use this power for about two minutes, and that's more than enough time to secure this combat..." Tony replied confidently.

He began to release the power of the Counter Force, and a white energy aura began to envelop his armor, with two energy wings emerging from his back.

Diana and Kara immediately felt incredible pressure on their bodies and started breathing heavily. They also felt a thrilling sensation coursing through their bodies, and their emotions were running high.

Tony advanced toward Diana and Kara at an impressive speed. He unleashed a powerful sequence of energy blasts and then initiated fierce hand-to-hand combat against both of them simultaneously. Diana and Kara were more than surprised by his power level but did not give up easily and were quite excited.

Tony quickly realized that they were becoming excited by the situation. He could feel their pulses quickening and their desires growing more intense. He was also thrilled by this combat, which had turned into a sort of "mating ritual" among the three of them.

"Sir, I think it's best if I leave you alone now. You won't need me for what's about to happen..." JARVIS said quickly. He quickly noticed that the combat had turned into a sort of "mating ritual" between his master and the two beautiful women.

"You're right, JARVIS, but before you go, please make sure no one else has access to this area for the next few hours and inform my parents that I'll be very late..." Tony requested. He didn't want anyone to interrupt or for his parents to worry.

"Of course, sir, enjoy yourself..." JARVIS said before disconnecting from his master's armor and starting to fulfill his two requests.

"I can't sustain these powers any longer. This will be my final blow..." Tony warned.

He concentrated a large amount of power and launched at incredible speed toward his opponents, which caused their armors to vaporize, leaving them completely nude literally.

Diana and Kara let out a lascivious moan before looking at the man they had desired for so long. They could hardly wait to be completely be tamed and join his harem.

Tony Stark advised Diana and Kara in silence for a few moments before they took off their armor and were completely naked before him.

Tony began to slowly walk towards the naked women as his eyes roamed over every detail of their voluptuous bodies. 

Diana and Kara were also drooling watching Tony's body, who was walking towards them.

Their gaze was on his absolutely perfect, delicious, and attractive muscular body. It didn't take long for the two to look at Tony's long, thick cock. 

With astonished looks Diana and Kara rubbed their thighs in excitement imagining that this giant cock would soon be inside them. They will probably be torn apart when it gets into their insides. 

Neither of them had any real experience with men because there were few who could really satisfy them and they were compromised in their universe of origin.

Despite this, they knew a lot about sex, because there was no shortage of internet pornography, and the celebrations on Themyscira, were quite lively, exciting, and intimate in many ways.

When Tony finally stood at the front with Diana and Kara, the two women exchanged a silent look and Diana stepped forward.

"I will treat you like Queens, Diana, and Kara, but you will serve me whenever I wish and you will follow my commands, no matter what they are…" Tony declared.

As they talked, he manifested his sexual aura and commented as the two women's hips twitched in response, yearning for a man's touch.

They almost fainted when they felt an explosion of desire between their thighs.

"Yes, Master…" Kara said sincerely. Diana also followed up quickly.

"You will be mine forever... You two will be my whores for all eternity, and my desires will be your only purpose. Will you take your place as my whores?" Tony said with his eyes shining intensely.

Diana and Kara shivered even more at his words and became even more excited. They wanted to be claimed by the powerful alpha standing in front of them. 

"Ah, fuck! Yes!" Kara exclaimed happily. 

"Yes, my Master. We'll both do what you say, just give us that dick and we'll both be your sluts forever! Fuck us like you fuck your whores!" Diana begged passionately. She wrapped her arms around Tony's neck and kissed him deeply. 

Tony held her body tightly and responded with the same intensity.

He moved his tongue around and pushed against her cheeks, slid it across her tongue and gums, touched the top of her mouth, and then moved under her tongue.


NSFW Continues Next Chapter

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