
Marvel: I Am Tony Stark

Zelretch decides to intervene in the Marvel Universe, leading to unexpected consequences. A young Tony Stark becomes a Master of the Chaldea Security Organization. Tony saves humanity from destruction by defeating Goetia in the final battle. During his journey, Tony was trained by numerous Heroes and created his first armor, becoming Iron Man! He wins the hearts of many beautiful women along the way, and when he returns to his world, he further expands his conquests. Tony Stark is aware of his world's fate but chooses not to follow the "script," leading to many changes. Note 1: Tony Stark will be very overpowered with many ladies in his harem XD. Note 2: Most of Tony's superhuman abilities come from receiving a small fraction of the power of the Servants in the Throne of Heroes for the battle against Goetia, which is at the level of the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel universe. Note 3: Tony Stark's homeland will be very similar to the MCU but with changes. Oh, there will be some DC women in the story XD. Works: Fate Marvel Dc

Ereh_Kun · Anime & Comics
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Chaldea; a secret agency founded with the purpose of preventing the "certain extinction" of the human race and 'preserving the reign of the Human Order, above all else'. It specializes in dealing with temporal anomalies and other existing threats to humanity.

The organization's main base was originally located in Antarctica in the multiverse known as the "Nasuverse," but three months ago, the main base was moved to a local multiverse forum, with secondary bases being conditionally established in various multiverses.

-----------TONY STARK'S ROOM-----------

Tony Stark was stepping out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist.

He had just finished a relaxing bath.

Tony Stark, a handsome and tall young man around 17 years old, with a muscular build, fair skin, short black hair, and blue eyes. He had become the ultimate embodiment of women's wildest dreams after mastering the powers of Aphrodite's victory, which he acquired during his journey to save humanity.

Winning against the goddess of love and lust had transformed Tony Stark into the perfect partner any woman could have both in body shape and in bed.

He also acquired control of a powerful sexual aura, which when released can make him more easily seduce any woman, leaving her completely excited and submissive to her desires, but this sexual aura does not take away the woman's free will. 

Tony was very attractive even before this victory turned him into the ultimate embodiment of a woman's wettest dream.

"Hello, Master…" Alaya purred.

Alaya was lying naked on the bed holding her breasts seductively. The beautiful 23 years old woman, had light brown tanned skin, a voluptuous body, long dark hair, and blue eyes. 

"My lord…" Gaia said in a melodious voice.

She also was lying on the bed playing with her big breasts and legs open showing her wet pussy. She looked almost identical to Alaya, except for her white skin, long blonde hair, and green eyes.

The two women in the bed are the two faces of the Counter Force, which is an entity that responds to threats of planet destruction or human extinction in the multiverse. 

The Counter Force which is a powerful entity in the multiverse, and there are two types: Gaia and Alaya.

Gaia is the will of Earth, the planet's intrinsic desire to survive and prosper.

Alaya, on the other hand, is humanity's collective unconscious will to avoid extinction.

Tony Stark mischievously looked at the sight of two of his beautiful, delicious wives in his bed.

He took a towel from his waist and walked towards the two girls with his giant cock dangling between his legs. Tony had an ultimate huge harem of powerful and beautiful women, who completely submitted to his desires. 

Tony never had the intention to have a harem, but when he noticed along the way that many women were interested in him and were competing more fiercely with each other for his attention.

It didn't take long for him to realize that the situation would get out of hand very quickly and Goetia would be the least of his problems!

So, he decided to completely claim these women and make them his wives. To his surprise, it wasn't as difficult as he imagined. 

Alaya and Gaia with seductive looks had their eyes on his absolutely perfect, delicious, and attractive muscular body, fixing their eyes on his long, thick cock and his huge testicles.

Tony fucked Alaya and Gaia in bed ferociously for the next few hours. Alaya and Gaia had multiple orgasms, one more delicious than the other. He fucked them both until they literally passed out on the bed with huge smiles and dripping pussies. 

"Did you enjoy the show, my dear, Olga?" Tony said speaking to his right. He sat on the edge of the bed with his manhood still erect with the thick white coating on.

At the same moment, a woman came to sight in the room completely naked. She had the appearance of a woman around 22 years old, fair skin, athletic body, long white hair, and golden amber eyes. This woman is Olga Marie, the current leader of Chaldea. 

Olga was one of the first women Tony completely tamed. 

"Yes, my lord... I loved it... Now it's my turn..." Olga said licking her lips sensually. She got down on all fours and began to crawl with her eyes fixed on her husband's penis. 

Olga sucked her husband's penis masterfully for a few minutes. After that, Olga got on all fours on the bed, opening her legs invitingly for her husband to fuck her.

Tony fucked Olga too for the next few hours, also leaving her unconscious on the bed next to Alaya and Gaia.

Tony was making the most of these moments of peace with his loved wives, but there was a nagging feeling that this would come to an end.

He wasn't the only one who had this feeling. His wives also had the same feeling.

Unfortunately for Tony and his girls, Zelretch appeared in Chaldea and revealed the catastrophic fate of Tony's home universe.

Zelretch also revealed some important events before the great catastrophe, which should be avoided for this world to survive and prosper. 

---------A FEW DAYS LATER---------


Tony Stark had returned to his home world after being missing for nearly two years.

At this moment, he was in the mansion's office talking with his parents, Howard Stark and Maria Stark. He first reconnected with his parents and ensured their safety! He would not allow anything or anyone to harm them!

Howard Stark and Maria Stark had been extremely worried about their son's disappearance nearly two years ago and had expended an incredible amount of resources to locate him, but found nothing! It seemed as though their son had simply vanished into thin air!

They still held hope of finding him, but that hope diminished with each passing day.

Then, their son appeared out of nowhere and literally dragged them into the mansion's office to talk.

Tony knew that his story could easily be considered wildly insane! Therefore, he needed to be somewhat "convincing" for them to listen in silence and not think he had gone mad during the time he was out of their sight.

Howard and Maria had stunned expressions as they listened to their son's story, which, as crazy as it sounded, was pure and simple truth!

Their son's demonstration of some of his magic and advanced technologies was enough to convince them, despite their desire to deny it!

They also easily noticed that their son was not the same person they once knew.

Tony had learned in ways neither of them could even imagine, but he had also become a playboy with a harem of very powerful women.

Howard appeared as an old man around 72 years old, with fair skin, gray hair, and blue eyes, dressed in a gray suit.

Maria also an older woman around 55 years old, with brown hair streaked with gray and blue eyes, wearing a green dress with some jewelry.

"WHAT?! YOU'RE MARRIED?!" Howard and Stark shouted simultaneously.

They definitely were not expecting this! Neither of them had imagined their house would be so lively so soon!

"Yes..." Tony confirmed with a broad smile.

He had plans to also formalize his union with his wives in this world, but he knew it would be a bit difficult due to the number of women in his life. Perhaps he could get his own country to facilitate his marriage by changing some laws.

"Anthony Edward Stark..." Maria said in a sweet voice that sent an unpleasant shiver down her husband and son's spines.

Tony swallowed nervously. He knew his mother only used his full name when she was very angry!

"Yes, Mom?" Tony nearly stuttered.

He was sensing a dark aura around his mother and an inexplicable urge to "run for the hills" to save his life!

Howard also had the same urge to "run for the hills," silently praying they would leave the office alive! He knew that once his wife finished dealing with their son, he would be next!

"How dare you get married to several women without your mother present, my son?! I should meet my daughters-in-law and help organize their wedding ceremonies!" Maria exclaimed, her eyes dangerously gleaming.

She had made so many plans for her son's wedding. Of course, some things were very "adaptable" to the desires of her future daughter-in-law.

"I intend to marry my wives here as well. The wedding ceremony with them was quite simple due to the circumstances, but I want a proper and organized ceremony by you, Mom. Oh, I plan to get my own country to facilitate my marriages..." Tony quickly responded.

His parents had different reactions to his words. On one hand, Maria was thrilled by her son's words, and the dark aura around her dissipated, giving the men in the room a respite. She began to cheerfully hum some wedding ideas. On the other hand, Howard was dumbfounded by his son's words.

"Tony, how do you plan to get your own country?!" Howard exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"I have some plans, Dad, but it's not the right time to put them into action. First, we need to talk about SI (Stark Industries). I have some interesting ideas..." Tony said.

"Oh, I almost forgot! We also need to discuss SHIELD, which currently has a significant number of HYDRA agents infiltrated. I also have plans to deal with them...," he added with a malicious smile.

He knew it would be difficult to completely deal with HYDRA with his current resources in this universe, but at least he could free SHIELD from the infiltrated agents with relative ease.

Howard Stark and Maria Stark widened their eyes at the information that HYDRA still existed and had agents within SHIELD, but they were not too worried.

How could they be worried after hearing what their son had done during the time he was missing?

Tony began explaining his plans for SI and its new divisions with the help of JARVIS, his advanced AI, manifested as a small red and gold drone.

His parents were fascinated by his ideas and very proud of their son's vision for humanity's future. Tony also explained that the simplest way to deal with HYDRA agents in SHIELD was to use "magic contracts" to identify and neutralize the infiltrated agents and prevent such infiltrations from happening again.

These contracts would reveal the true loyalties of the agents and allow them to deal with infiltrators without drawing attention. Anyone who signed the "magic contract" but did not genuinely agree or violated its terms would immediately be put into a state of "stasis."

The contracts also prevented agents from disclosing SHIELD information without prior authorization from their superiors. Of course, they first needed to convince SHIELD's higher-ups, but it wouldn't be too difficult to demonstrate the effectiveness of these "magic contracts."

It would take some time for all SHIELD agents to complete the "magic contracts" because they couldn't do it all at once without drawing attention.

After that, Tony, Howard and Maria enjoyed a peaceful evening as a family while planning to take a "vacation" before the media found out about Tony's return, which surely wouldn't take long.


Tony and his parents started their vacation, visiting the main base of Chaldea, located outside the multiverse.

Howard and Maria were so delighted to see their son's wives. It was an unforgettable moment. Unfortunately, they had to return to Earth-19999-X after a month and announce Tony's return, but they gave no explanation.

The media buzzed for a while but soon moved on to more current issues.

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