

Synopsis: Sullivan Morningstar, the son of Lucifer Morningstar, the grandson of one above all, He was born mortal and will become the successor of his grandfather but before that he need to know what he's going to do first through multiverse. A/n: hey dear reader, you all might have read this fic before, but the original author of this fic could not continue it because he had to focus on his original, so he gave me permission to continue it. [World list] Marvel(Currently) HXH(Finish) RWBY(Finish) Oshi no ko x FATE(Finish) High School DxD(Future confirmed) Genshin Impact Honkai Impact Bleach Naruto One piece support me and advanced chapters on: patreon.com/phelio

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Chapter 304 Meaningless [Edited]

Rin was surprised and not surprised at the same time.

She looked at Archer who looked at her while she fought with Gilgamesh.

She could hold her ground with him using everything she had. But it wasn't enough.

She got injured as time went on. If she didn't do something she might lose her life.

Kirei watched everything with his usual expression. He couldn't help but speak to Archer.

"I didn't see anyone would come to help her. I might be a paranoid person but I think he will not come. God is always fickle in nature."

Kirei thought that the god who helped Rin was bored of her right now and decided to abandon her.

Archer shook his head and replied back.

"No, You don't know what kind of god he is. You will know after this."

Gilgamesh attacked Rin with his low grade weapon from the Gate of Babylon.

He wanted to know if the God he met would appear and help her or not. But from the way things were. He thought the same as Kirei.

"What a disappointment. I thought he would come and help you but All gods are the same."

Gilgamesh's face went cold as he also got bored from fighting with Rin who he could beat easily.

Rin didn't say anything yet as she still didn't use everything she had.

And when they fought further Rin thought it was time for her to use that.

"He didn't show up because I still haven't done everything."

"Hum? Really then you should use everything you have now otherwise you will die meaninglessly."

Gilgamesh felt a little bit better as he heard Rin say that she still hadn't used everything.

He must admit that Rin was stronger than average servants. And if he wasn't careful enough she might be able to beat him.

Rin sighed she really didn't want to use it but she couldn't help it.

She pulled out a piece of jewelry before she gritted her teeth and used it.

"I don't want to use it but you force me."

Rin then looked at Archer again. It made him shake a little bit. He knew after she beat Gilgamesh. She would have his head.

Archer could only sighed. It looked like he couldn't finish what he wanted too.

'It was because of him. I should have known better.'

When Rin used the final Jewelry that Sullivan gave her. Even Gilgamesh was shocked and speechless.


Rin received so much divine power from the final jewelry that she had completely changed.

Her garment changed from a red turtleneck and black mini skirt into something that came from geeks.

She became a goddess with so much divine power.

Everything around her was glowing. She became the goddess of love and war.

"Ishtar… How could it be possible!"

Rin slowly opened her eyes then laughed loudly.

"Hahaha. Sullivan said that I would give you a shock and speechless in this form and It is true. Well, Sorry but I am not that bitch of the goddess. I am still me"

Gilgamesh came back to his senses then he cursed Sullivan. He almost gave him a heart attack.

"I must applaud him for almost tricking me. Then as you are now. I think I must use a more lethal weapon in dealing with you then."

Gilgamesh was ready to attack Rin with more powerful weapons but.

"I won't let you do that"

Rin used something that Gilgamesh didn't think she could use.

It was a golden chain.


Gilgamesh wasn't ready for it so he was chained with it. He could use the Gate of Babylon to summon his Enkidu to destroy the fake ones but.

It was too late because Rin was faster. She destroyed all the gates that he created with her magic.

In this form. She could use magic freely.

"I am not stupid enough to let my guard down just because I have some power up."

Rin spoke while looking at Gilgamesh who couldn't do anything as he was sealed.

"How can you have Enkidu? No, these chains are fake. My Enkidu is much stronger than this."

Gilgamesh could tell that the Enkidu that Rin used was a fake but it still could seal him in his current state.

If it was him from the past then he would break free from it easily.

"Sullivan gave me. You just have to know that."

"So it was him. I should have known. Someone like you shouldn't have power like this."

"It is a shame that I have to use his power to win like this. But aren't all magus are like that, especially him. I think I am still at a respectable level."

Gilgamesh laughed at Rin for how shameless she was. But to tell the truth. He was also shameless.

"Then you have the right to finish me off. You are worthy enough."

Rin heard that and knew it was time to end Gilgamesh. She was about to kill him but Archer made his move.

He tried to one shot her but.

"Too slow"

Rin was faster. She killed Gilgamesh with a jewel sword before appeared beside Archer and attacked him.

Archer was fast and he could avoid Rin's attack. Kirei started to attack Rin too with his martial art but all was meaningless as Rin was not a normal human anymore.

Even if she stood still and let him attack her with all he got, all he could do to her was tickle her at best.

"Your life is so meaningless Kotomine Kirei. So bland and tasteless. You think that by using the Holy Grail you would find your meaning of life? Naive. Your life is meaningless either way."

Kirei's eyes went wide as Rin roasted him. He could refute what Rin said as she would beat the shit out of him if he didn't focus.


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