
Marvel : I'm a Mutant

Roddy, who traveled to the Marvel universe, became the world's only mutant and awakened the most powerful mutant system. Roddy signed the Red Devil's Ability on the first day and gained a hundred times its strength. He teleported to an altitude of 10,000 meters with tens of thousands of cubic meters of land in one hand! Roddy signed the Black Emperor's Ability on the tenth day and gained a thousand times its strength. He teleported to the sun's core to absorb the power of billions of tons of nuclear fusion! Roddy joined Phoenix's Phoenix force on the Nth day and gained billions of times its strength, and OAA also wanted to serve him tea and water! And one night, a woman dressed as Spider inadvertently broke into Roddy's room. Spider, Gwen: Please excuse my departure! Roddy: Do you want to leave right now? Wanda, the witch: I can't stand this man! Roddy: My name is Roddy, and I'm also known as Invincible! ************************************************************************ ----here link to my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Void_06 ************************************************************************* If you enjoy it, please leave a Power Stone and a review, also, If there are any mistakes in my translations, feel free to point them out and I'll fix them immediately. Thank you

Void_06 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

You Decide, Erha Beast!

The strongest mutant system must be connected to mutants, as the name would imply.

System, please make an introduction.

Roddy makes an effort to interact with the machine.


The system answered back.

This system is committed to breeding the host to become the strongest mutant and to increasing the number of mutants in the world.

Become the mutant with the most power!

How is the population of mutants in this world expanding?

This Roddy shows little interest.

In addition, isn't he the only mutant on the planet?

How to develop

Continue giving birth?

What will I do next, then?

enquired Roddy.

"The host can finish the check-in every day at any location."

"You will randomly receive a different type of mutant ability each time you log in. The mutant ability can either be donated to others or the host can decide to directly integrate it. You will also receive a mutant ability that has been gifted to you that is at least two times stronger."

And the host has the option to revoke the gift at any time.

The mechanism is described.

"Are you able to sign in daily?"

"Okay, I really detest doing tasks. You are an excellent system, excellent system!"

"You can obtain the multi-strengthening variant ability by giving it to others. At least twice?"

"This is definitely the latter,"

Roddy had an idea after hearing how the system worked explained.

"System, are you certain that only humans can be endowed with the mutant ability? Can animals be employed? Can a machine work?"

There hasn't been a response for a while, and the system currently appears to be stuck.

When Roddy was about to give up hope.

Finally, the system gave a response.


Those two short phrases lit up Roddy's eyes.

complex in comparison to people.

Animals are much simpler.

Not to mention the equipment, which can be used by whoever has it!

Without a doubt, artificial intelligence isn't considered.

If all of these are available, Roddy's options will unquestionably increase significantly.


More questions were posed by Roddy.

He discovered that the strongest mutant system does not appear to have a high level of intelligence and can only provide some answers to queries pertaining to the system's original purpose.

and it won't be successful.

It's even worse to chat or do something else.

We will not respond to any inquiries that are unrelated to how the system works.

"That's all right."

Nodding, Roddy.


"System, is today's opportunity to sign in still available?"

enquired Roddy.

"I am here."

"Then log in and check the results of my first draw!"

Roddy rubbed his hands together, sensing a sudden sobriety in his brain.

It depends on this one; the clubhouse is still submerged in the water.


Thanks to Mutant Azazel, the host has been granted the ability to teleport. Congratulations!

The mutant Azazel was known as the Red Devil.

His teleportation powers remain extremely strong.

The teleportation simply leaves behind some red smoke and a popping sound each time it appears and vanishes.

This flaw hardly qualifies as minor.

There are hardly any additional drawbacks!

"Teleportation Power? This is awesome!

With the skill he obtained in the first draw, Roddy is extremely happy.

His capacity to save lives could be greatly increased by this talent.

It is clear that Roddy does not have a strong enough sense of security despite his ability to heal himself.

Thus, the ability to teleport.

Certainly good news for him!

But who should be granted this power?

Roddy looked around the room, glancing at a few figures under the quilt, twitching the corners of his mouth, and glancing at various mechanical objects.

at the moment;

His room's door abruptly opened.

A husky with stunning blue eyes entered from the door after the light from outside entered the room.

The Wang Wang!

Erhu approached, made two calls, and then licked Roddy's hand.

very good behavior.


I suppose so.


Prior to him, the dog caught Roddy's attention.

There is an idea all of a sudden!

Erha, the master will present you with a wonderful opportunity tonight, and you know you'll repay your master well later on.

Roddy touched Erha's head with his hand.

The latter looked at him with a naive expression, completely unable to understand what his master was saying.

Roddy also didn't give a damn about his Erha's ridiculous appearance.

Directly select to give the Erha in front of you the teleportation you just agreed to.

"You are now to be referred to as the Red Devil!"

Roddy ritualistically placed his hands on Erha's head.

At this instant, a red light flashed on his hand.

the body of Erha was submerged.


Erha stupidly cocked his head to the side, puzzled by what had just occurred.

the subsequent instant—


as if the universe had erupted.

The Erha in front of him then abruptly vanished, leaving only a few wisps of red smoke that lingered for a few seconds before dissipating.

"The target's (?) Azazel's teleportation ability has been successfully granted; congrats to the host for acquiring a one hundred times more potent teleportation ability!"

both at once;

With a bang, a silly-looking Erha appeared in a closed furniture market.


Erha regarded the abruptly altered surroundings with blank eyes.

I'm not sure why I'm here.

But soon Erha noticed a brand-new sofa not far away, and his blue eyes suddenly lit up. He jumped on it joyfully while shouting.

Then gnaw furiously!

most powerful mutant system

[Persona: Roddy]

[Gender: Male]

23 years of age

[Abilities Activated]

Delta Level Quick Self-Healing Level 2.

[Teleportation level 2. Alpha] [One hundred times stronger]

Capability not engaged


On the system interface, in addition to the previous fast self-healing ability, there is another teleportation ability.

And this teleportation skill's potential level is still in the alpha stage!

much superior to delta-level potential's quick self-healing.

Not to mention that the system has multiplied this ability a hundred times, making it much more potent than when it was on the Red Devil!

What about the digital level that powers Ability?

The ability is currently at that stage of development.

Generally, if the ability obtained by signing in is directly integrated, it basically starts at level 1.

Roddy also made the decision to give it to Erha first before receiving it through system strengthening.

As a result, there was a direct one-level increase in development level.

equal to Roddy's Rapid Self-Healing at level 2.

The only distinction is that the Red Devil's teleportation ability can be developed up to level 5, while Roddy's fast self-healing can only be developed up to level 2.

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