
Marvel: Gwen was stunned

Li Xiu transmigrates to Marvel X The Boys world. Just as he was cursing his luck....'Ding'.............'Life Simulation system' activated.. [Day 1: Relying on your strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she now has a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: The super villain Frozone has killed four people in your school, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of normal people, unable to improve further, you are feeling down. Gwen comforts you. You got closer, took her home and repaid her. 】 [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a spider and mutates to become Spider-Woman. You follow her lead and mutate too! 】 [Month 7: You injected Compound V and gain the abilities of the Homelander!】 [Year 9: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. [The simulation is over, strength is transferred to reality! 】 Get powerful physique! Get mutant abilities! Get the ability of the Homelander! Become stronger with each simulation.. [Translating from faloo][PROCEED WITH CAUTION] [ Author--- Watermelon Hair] [ Not original] [original---Marvel: Simulates Spider ability, stunned Gwen]

GamingwithGreat · Anime & Comics
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Mae Boi Peter

Seeing this, Li Xiu's eyes twitched a few times.

Good gracious.

The devil Li Xiu had to expand his hunting range in order to get materials for human experiments, but in order to reduce the risk, he chose to hunt criminals.

After all, hunting criminals will not trigger backlash as easily as hunting normal people, and mainstream tolerance is higher.

After all, the superhero punisher is an example, killing criminals constantly, but he got no troubles because people have a little inclination towards quick justice.

In the end, I didn't expect that the devil, experimenting on people became a big hero known to every household.

Li Xiu's mouth twitched a few times.

The devil is still hunting homeless people from New York and even from other places. After all, the demand for experiments is too great.

A ruthless killer responsible for disappearance of thousands of people turned into public's hero.

This scene made Li Xiu numb for a moment.

[Seventh month: The lizard medicine has made a breakthrough, eliminating the side effects of losing mind and distorting the user's character, leaving only the side effect of alienating the user's body and turning it into a lizard man. ]

[Eighth month: After further research, you found that if you eliminate the side effects of the drug alienating the user's body, it will also enhance the Telepathy Ability and control all reptiles within a 3-kilometer radius.

This unexpected surprise makes you happy, and you continue your research.

The research is going extremely well and you estimate that in five months at the most, you can be successful. ]

Compared to the slow progress of the Ice Ability experiment, the lizard potion is obviously much faster.

The side effect of twisting the mind has been eliminated, and only the side effect of turning a man into a lizardman remains.

In addition.

Lizard Potion originally had the effect of Telepathy, which mainly controlled reptiles within a certain range.

As long as the last side effect is eliminated, this Telepathy Ability can also be enhanced, doubling the range of 1.5 kilometers to 3 kilometers.

Li Xiu showed a smile, which was indeed a pleasant surprise.

At most five months, that is, the thirteenth month at the latest, he will be able to obtain the perfect lizard potion.

For a simulation, five months is a like a snap of fingers.

Thinking of this, Li Xiu felt a little excited.

He continued to look down.

[Ninth month: After six months of painful training, your training has achieved remarkable results, successfully increasing strength by 18 tons! Your ultimate strength has risen to 86 tons!

In addition, the continuous disappearance of homeless people and young people from other places has aroused the vigilance of authorities, and they began to try to link the two. ]

Seeing the description of the simulation, Li Xiu's eyes were full of joy.

Good guy.

Over the past six months, strength has been lifted by 3 tons per month, for a total increase of 18 tons of ultimate strength.

18 Tons, almost the power of a normal Spider-man.

Li Xiu also has to say that this training method of self torture is really something.

However, this training method means that the devil can persevere under the harsh conditions. If you ask him to do it in real life, it should be difficult for him to persevere, after all, the conditions are such that they will make you love death more than life.

Seeing the last lines, Li Xiu touched his chin.

Authorities have linked the homeless to the disappearance of young people from other cities.

Even if the suspicion and investigation is still low, the thunderstorm is getting closer.

Li Xiu smashed his mouth: "Devil, you have to speed up."

[Month 10: The probability of exposure of human trials is greater, causing you to be very anxious, and you need to speed up the research process.

This month, Green Goblin was born and began to do evil. Spider-Woman made many shots, but he failed to win the opponent.

You are targeting to recruit the biological genius Green Goblin, and with his addition, your experimental progress should be accelerated. ]

[Eleventh month: You find the right time to defeat and capture Green Goblin.

You use your villain's charm to subdue him.

With the like-minded Green Goblin on board, your bloody Ice Ability experiment is accelerated.

Plus, you defeated and captured Green Goblin, making your title Spider-man even more famous! You have won many laudatory titles such as "New York's Soul", "Criminal's Nightmare" and so on!

You have almost become a household name superhero in the country, and countless people praise you. ]

[The twelfth month: You finally created the first Ice man by chance.

It's just that the probability of converting people into Ice man is extremely low, only 2%, and the rest of the chances are death or failure.

But you're not depressed, you're extremely excited. Because you have achieved a huge breakthrough from 0 to 2, you finally see the light!

You just have to keep improvising the experiment, increasing the probability, and changing Iceman's weakness for having to live in low temperatures.

You continue to study hard.

This month, Peter Parker came out, because you took away his Spider-man title and became famous, so Peter was given the title "little Spider-Man".

In addition, little Spider-Man declares that you, Spider-man, are his idol and belief and he will strive to become a superhero like you! ]

Good guy, got another villain, Green Goblin. Two psychos on board

This villain charm is quite useful.

Looking at the development trend, won't this devil become a villain leader or something...

Li Xiu looked weird.

With the help of Green Goblin, the Devil's Iceman experiment finally broke through.

Finally successfully transformed ordinary people into Iceman, who are able to use Freezing Ability.

It's just that the death probability of the current transformation is too high, and it needs to continue to be improved.

This Iceman experiment is definitely too consuming.

He felt that if he didn't break through, he would have really become a madman.

Li Xiu also clicked his tongue slightly.

Peter got the title of little Spider-Man, there was no problem, but something feels wrong...

Also, little Spider-Man regards the devil Li Xiu as his idol and belief.

Seeing this, Li Xiu's expression became very strange.

Oh my God...

If little Spider-Man knew the truth of the devil, wouldn't his mind explode...

My boy Peter's gonna go mad...

This is the content of the twelfth month.

Next, is the thirteenth month.

This month, the Perfect Lizard Potion could come out!

Li Xiu's eyes flashed with excitement and fiery.

Where are you....................................................Where are you.........................................................


{Knife out}

You, You know right what I want...You know , Right, right...........................Gimme the Stonesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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