
Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

After a devastating betrayal, Dominic finds an unexpected conversation with his old friend Ethan, little does he know, Ethan is actually an omnipotent being on vacation, who decides to give Dominic a second chance at life. leading to an unbelievable twist of fate. Awakening in the Marvel Universe with mysterious new abilities and the appearance of Gojo Satoru, Dominic must navigate his new reality, uncovering the secrets of his reincarnation and the true extent of his powers. Will he become a hero, a force of chaos, or something entirely different? “I wonder what will happen if I use my domain on…”

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 7:

As the sun began its descent over the Xavier Institute, the tranquil grounds bustled with activity. Mutants of all ages moved through the compound, some deep in conversation, others heading towards various classrooms for their lessons. The air was filled with a sense of purpose and camaraderie, despite the underlying tension that always seemed to hang over them.

Inside one of the classrooms, a group of young mutants sat attentively, listening to Professor Xavier's lecture on mutant history and ethics. He spoke passionately about the importance of using their powers responsibly and striving for peaceful coexistence with humans. Around him, telekinetic orbs floated, displaying holographic images of historical events involving mutants, captivating the students' attention.

Downstairs in the Danger Room, the atmosphere was distinctly different. The spacious, high-tech training facility hummed with energy as the X-Men engaged in a simulated battle scenario. Professor Hank McCoy, also known as Beast, monitored their progress from a control panel, his keen blue eyes darting between the holographic displays and the team's actions.

In the midst of the action, Cyclops led the charge with his precision optic blasts, providing cover for Wolverine as he slashed through virtual enemies with his adamantium claws. Storm, with her white hair whipping around her, summoned gusts of wind and lightning to disperse the enemies' ranks. Jean Grey, clad in her X-Men uniform, concentrated intensely, manipulating telekinetic barriers to shield her teammates from incoming attacks.

"Keep it together, team!" Cyclops shouted over the din of battle. "We've almost got them!"

Wolverine grunted in response, a feral grin on his face as he lunged forward, taking down another opponent. Jean's brow furrowed with concentration as she redirected a barrage of energy blasts away from their vulnerable flank.

As the simulation reached its climax, the last of the enemies dissipated into holographic mist. The team stood victorious but visibly fatigued, their breaths heavy and sweat glistening on their brows. As the X-Men concluded their training session in the Danger Room, Professor Xavier, flanked by Hank McCoy, observed their progress with a mix of pride and concern.

Cyclops, still catching his breath, stepped forward. "How did we do, Professor?"

Xavier studied the holographic display, the remnants of the simulated battle still flickering across the room. "You're making strides, Scott. Your leadership is proving invaluable, especially under pressure."

Wolverine grunted, crossing his arms. "Yeah, but these simulations ain't exactly the real deal, Chuck. We're facing real threats out there."

Jean Grey nodded in agreement, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "The Brotherhood's attacks are becoming more coordinated. They're hitting us where it hurts."

Hank McCoy adjusted his glasses, his blue fur reflecting the dim light. "Speaking of which, Charles, what about that energy signature we detected three months ago? It was massive, almost on par with an omega-level mutant."

Xavier's expression darkened. "I've been monitoring it closely, but it's elusive. The source seems to evade my telepathy, masking its location and identity."

Storm, standing nearby, frowned deeply. "If it's an omega-level mutant, its powers could be immense. We can't afford to have such a potential threat fall into the wrong hands."

Xavier nodded gravely, his thoughts racing. "Indeed, Ororo. Magneto or others might see this as an opportunity to recruit or manipulate. We must find this individual first."

Cyclops stepped forward, his gaze determined. "What's our next move, Professor?"

Xavier wheeled himself closer to the control panel, his fingers tapping thoughtfully. "We need to broaden our search. Hank, I want you to enhance our sensors. Use Cerebro if necessary. We need to pinpoint the source of that energy signature."

Hank nodded, already mentally calculating the adjustments needed. "Understood, Professor. I'll get right on it."

Jean Grey stepped forward, her voice calm but resolute. "And what about the Brotherhood? They're growing bolder. We need to be prepared for their next move."

Xavier sighed heavily, his gaze flickering with concern. "The Brotherhood's actions are escalating the tension between mutants and humans. We must tread carefully, show the world that not all mutants are threats."

As the team dispersed, each tasked with their responsibilities, the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air. The Xavier Institute, a sanctuary for mutants seeking understanding and control over their abilities, now faced one of its greatest challenges yet.

Outside, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the institute grounds. In the distance, a storm brewed on the horizon, echoing the uncertainty that lay ahead for mutantkind.

Inside his office, Xavier continued to monitor the sensors, his mind reaching out across the world in search of the elusive energy signature. Whoever this omega-level mutant was, their discovery could tip the scales in the ongoing struggle for mutant rights and survival.


Kamar-Taj, a place shrouded in mystical energy, stands as a sanctuary where the secrets of the universe are unraveled and the threads of magic are woven. Nestled in the Himalayas, this ancient citadel is the heart of the mystic arts, a bastion against the encroaching darkness that seeks to devour reality. It is here that the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, imparts her vast knowledge to a select group of students, training them not just to defend themselves but to guard the very fabric of existence.

The halls of Kamar-Taj are lined with relics of immense power, each whispering tales of battles fought and won against otherworldly threats. The sanctum resonates with the echoes of ancient incantations, to the countless generations of sorcerers who have pledged their lives to protect Earth from malevolent entities. Among these, the Eye of Agamotto, a powerful artifact imbued with the Time Stone, stands as a symbol of the timeless struggle against chaos.

The mystical library of Kamar-Taj holds tomes and scrolls that detail the history of the universe, the nature of dimensions, and the horrors that lie beyond the veil of reality. It speaks of the Elder Gods, beings of unimaginable power like Chthon and Set, whose very existence is an abomination to the natural order. The dread Dormammu, a being of pure malevolence from the Dark Dimension, constantly seeks to extend his dominion over Earth, only to be thwarted time and again by the vigilant guardians of Kamar-Taj.

Agamotto, the first Sorcerer Supreme, set the precedent for this sacred duty. His wisdom and power established the foundation upon which all subsequent sorcerers, including the Ancient One, have built their defenses. The cosmic balance has always been delicate, requiring constant vigilance and unwavering dedication.

In one of the serene meditation chambers of Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One floats in a state of deep contemplation, the Eye of Agamotto glowing softly at her chest. This medallion, the true name of which is the Time Stone, is one of the six Infinity Gems, fundamental aspects of reality itself. These gems—Time, Space, Reality, Mind, Power, and Soul—each possess unparalleled power, capable of altering the universe in profound ways.

The Ancient One's thoughts swirl around the recent disturbances in the timeline. "It's changed again," she muses, her mind reaching out across the vast tapestry of time. "But this time, it's different. I can't seem to see the cause of the nexus causing the alterations."

Her concern deepens as she delves further into the possibilities. "Could it be an entity? A being of such power that it can obscure itself from my sight?" Her mind races through theories, considering beings like Dormammu, whose incursions are always marked by chaos, or perhaps a new threat, one not yet encountered.

Despite her deep knowledge, the Ancient One finds herself at a loss. "The important figures in reality remain unchanged. Odin still sits on the throne of Asgard, guiding his realm with a wise but firm hand. The cosmic balance upheld by beings like the Living Tribunal remains steady. What, then, could be causing these ripples in time?"

In an attempt to uncover the truth, she begins to weave complex eldritch spells, her hands moving in intricate patterns as she chants ancient incantations. Her magic seeks to unravel the mystery, to see if something was added or removed from reality itself. As she peers through the arcane mists, she suddenly notices a blot, an area where her vision falters.

"A blind spot," she whispers, her eyes narrowing. "There is a singular existence I cannot see. It's as if this person is meant to be nothing more than a background character, yet their future is obscured from my sight." Normally, such individuals exist for specific reasons, their destinies entwined with particular outcomes. But this one, whoever he is, appears to be a true anomaly, a blind spot in the fabric of reality.

The Ancient One's mind races with the implications. "An omega-level mutant, perhaps? Or something entirely new?" The possibilities are endless and daunting. She recalls other instances of powerful beings emerging unexpectedly, altering the course of history. The rise of entities like Apocalypse and the interventions of cosmic forces such as the Celestials are reminders of the universe's unpredictability.

With a final, determined gesture, the Ancient One concludes her spell. The vision fades, but the urgency remains. She turns her attention back to the students and masters of Kamar-Taj, their dedication a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

As she descends to join them, the Ancient One is greeted by Master Wong, who senses her unease. "Is everything alright, Ancient One?"

"Yes, Wong," she replies, though her mind remains troubled. "But we must redouble our efforts. The balance of reality is more fragile than ever. Prepare the students for what lies ahead."

Wong nods, understanding the gravity of her words. Together, they walk through the hallowed halls of Kamar-Taj, a place of learning, a sanctuary of power, and the last line of defense against the unspeakable evils that lurk beyond the stars.

And somewhere, in the vast expanse of the multiverse, an unseen presence continues to elude detection, its existence a mystery that could change the fate of all who dwell within the fragile tapestry of reality.