
Marvel God of Blood

After being transformed to be the Blood God of Vampires, the protagonist discovers that he not only can be immortal but also richer than Tony Stark! ------------------ I want to clarify that I do not own the novel. I am simply translating it for fun. Plus, it happens to be one of the good Chinese Marvel fanfictions that I couldn't resist working on. As I translate, I make sure to modify names and remove any occasional offensive remarks, which are very minimal in this particular novel. Read Chapters ahead on p*atreon.com/Atrox_H The original name is "Marvel god of blood god" by Fan's Soul. I don't own the Cover art.

Atrox_H · Anime & Comics
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338 Chs

Chapter 214 : Starts

After a while, Grandmaster completed the construction and looked at the tall demon altar in front of him with satisfaction. "Another one finished, Lucifer. I hope you can do more this time,"

Bert snorted coldly, "It's Lucifer again. Really haunted."

Grandmaster then remembered something and picked up his communicator to contact Runner. "Runner, how is the soul collection going?"

The golden Runner, who was wearing only shorts and had muscles all over his body, replied in a low tone, "General Willer just massacred a city, and I've collected hundreds of thousands of souls."

Grandmaster asked, "That's good, why do you sound unhappy?"

"Grandmaster, I regret it a little. Seeing the numbers and actually witnessing it are two different things," Runner responded.

"We shouldn't continue like this," said Runner.

"Runner, it's time to go. Do you think we have a way out? Once the Blood God finds out what we've done, he'll never let us go unless we escape from this universe."

Grandmaster sneered, "Send the souls here, and three days later, we'll fight the Blood God."

Runner was silent for a while before saying, "Grandmaster, we'll all have to die."

"No, we'll continue to enjoy the glory because we're doing this to save the universe," Grandmaster replied.

"Sacrificing a small number of people to save the majority has been our practice for millions of years," he added.

Runner sneered, "Then why don't you sacrifice yourself? Use your life to trade for an Infinity Stone, and Blood God might change his mind."

Grandmaster quickly changed the subject, "Tell General Willer that I send my regards and inform him that we will give him the Blood God's body and make him the new Kree Supreme."

The runner hesitated for a moment before replying, "I will pass on the message, Grandmaster. But I can't help but think that sacrificing so many lives for this is wrong."

Grandmaster sneered, "Why do you care about the lives of the people in the Kree Empire? It's their territory. We are just saving the universe by sacrificing a small number of individuals."

The runner asked, "Then why don't you sacrifice yourself?"

Grandmaster dismissed the thought, "I can exchange my life for an Infinity Stone, but the Blood God might not agree to the deal."

Bert was infuriated by the conversation and had to hold himself back from attacking Grandmaster's projection. He knew that killing the projection wouldn't have any effect on the real Grandmaster.

Instead, he decided to gather more information. He contacted Annie and asked, "What's happening inside the Kree Empire?"

Annie replied, "The civil war has started, but we don't have any details. The Kree Empire has blocked the jumping point and no one is allowed to enter."

Bert sighed, "It's difficult to gather information without social media in the galaxy. I'll find a way to open it in the future."

"Master, that's not possible. The cost of quantum communication is too high and only the Empires can afford it. A breakthrough in technology is needed for it to be accessible for civilians," explained Annie.

Bert thought for a moment and said, "Let Shuri and the others try to find a solution. But that's not the most pressing matter. I received news that General Willer is slaughtering the indigenous people of the Kree Empire. I want you to go to the black market and buy information about the situation."

"Murdering the Natives?"

Annie's eyes lit up and she said angrily, "Master, let's kill him."

"There will be a chance, but not now," Bert replied, stopped the conversation. He then asked the projection to find Ancient One while he sneaked into the ground to find Ego's brain.

"These Elders of the universe are all worms," Bert (projection) gritted his teeth and said to Ancient One who was basking in the sun. "I regret making a bet with them. They should have all been killed at that time."

Ancient One smiled and said, "For the Elders of the universe, the universe is like a house. As long as the house doesn't collapse, they don't care how many people die inside."

Bert asked, "Master, are you not angry?"

"I've seen this kind of thing many times," Ancient One replied, shaking her head. "There were many such mages on Earth in the past, but thankfully, they are gone now."

"Should they all have been killed by you?" Bert asked in amazement. "No wonder there is only Kamar-Taj left in the power of mages now."

Ancient One smiled but didn't respond. She continued to bask in the sun leisurely, not like a super boss who had suppressed the Earth and all dimensions with iron and blood for hundreds of years.

Bert asked, "So, Master, do you not object to my actions against the Elders of the universe?"

"It's your business, handle it yourself," Ancient One replied. "They're just mere Elders, don't worry too much."

"Easy to handle. The massacre is already complete. I have no time to stop it now, I can only count the casualties," Bert said. "Master, help me analyze the runes on those altars. I want to change them."

"No problem," Ancient One nodded. "You can send me the appearance of the altar, and I will help you analyze it after I finish basking in the sun."

"After basking in the sun? No problem," Bert smiled and used magic to convey the appearance of the altar to Ancient One. He then got up and left to find Strange.

Strange was now Kamar-Taj's mage, entrusted by Ancient One and Bert. Bert said, "Strange, next, the Elders of the universe will definitely send people to entangle us. You make all the mages prepare for battle."

"No problem," Strange replied. He appeared calmer than before but gave off a feeling of having kidney deficiency.

Strange first nodded and then asked, "Blood God, why did you and Master Ancient One choose me? Many people in Kamar-Taj were dissatisfied with me. They felt that Kaecilius should have been the next Sorcerer Supreme. I also felt that Wang, Mordo, and Kaecilius were more suitable than me."

Bert smiled and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. You have what it takes to be the Sorcerer Supreme."

"It's not just about ability," Strange replied, shaking his head. "I may have the talent and capability, but the character is also important."

"Can't geniuses be a little more humble?" Bert asked, annoyed. Whether it was Strange, Tony, Doom, or Reed, their arrogance was frustrating.

"Why should geniuses be humble?" Strange replied matter-of-factly. "We are born different."

"The position of Sorcerer Supreme requires someone who is saintly," Strange continued. "Someone like me, who is eager for pleasure and has a bit of a bitter side, is not suitable."

"As humanity enters the interstellar age, Kamar-Taj can no longer hide," Bert explained. "I need a mage who is familiar with the world, has respect for it, and is not above it all. You are the most suitable for the job."

"I understand," Strange said, realizing the truth of Bert's words. "Kamar-Taj has been around for a long time, and it's easy to become disdainful of the world."

"Do you really believe that?" Bert asked with a laugh. "That's for you to determine. Think about it and see if you believe it. When you figure it out, you'll be the new Sorcerer Supreme."

With that, Bert teleported away, and Strange was left to ponder. These high-level people always liked to be cryptic.

"Why did you choose me? I don't have the strength of Doom, and I am far less qualified than Mordo and Kaecilius. It can't be because of my looks, right? Although I am very handsome." Strange sighed and turned to go prepare.

Since the others did not accept him, he would do his best to leave everyone speechless. Strange was not one to easily give up, and for him, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation.

Planet Ego, underground, Bert (the main body) looked at the area shrouded in the light in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that the reality was different from the movie.

In the movie, Ego's brain had little protection except for a thin shell, but in reality, the light of the Celestial guarded Ego's brain. This was actually normal, and anyone knew that they needed security doors in their homes, let alone Ego.

"Breaking through the light will take at least a few minutes. It seems a sneak attack is not possible," Bert thought. He opened a portal and summoned Doom, who was repairing the Celestial's head, to help him.

"Can you help me make a super bomb? One that can blow up both the light and Ego's brain," Bert asked Doom. "I can get nuclear or hydrogen bombs from Russia."

After listening to Bert, Doom scanned and analyzed the light and the planet. After a while, he said, "I can make such a bomb, but it's too wasteful. We should capture this brain."

Bert asked in amazement, "Capture this brain? What do you want to do with it?"

"This brain and Ego's soul can repair and activate the Celestial's heads," Doom explained. "In fact, this planet is also very valuable. With a planet as the main ship, it would be a great advantage in battle."

"The first one is easy to understand, but what the hell is the latter?" Bert complained. "Using a big planet as a fortress is one thing, but making it the main Flagship? Are you a fool? Everyone will immediately run when they see it flying towards them."

"Don't you have Space Stone?" Doom asked. "With your strength, opening a space portal bigger than the planet should be no problem,"

"Of course, it's fine. We'll discuss about this later," Bert said, shaking his head.

"Capturing Ego is much harder than killing him. This time, my target is not only Ego but also the Elders of the Universe and the Demon Kings of Hell. No mistakes can be made or there'll be a catastrophe in the Universe," Bert explained.

"That's true," Doom said. "I'll have the super bomb ready. You can decide whether to detonate it or not."

"Okay, Doom, you can participate in this battle too," Bert said. "Your army of exploding cockroaches will come in handy."

"No problem," Doom said, nodding without hesitation. "I'm very interested in dealing with Hell Lords, but unfortunately, you killed Mephisto. I still want to settle accounts with him."

"Mephisto escaped with a remnant of his soul. With his abilities, he'll make a comeback soon. You'll have a chance to beat him then," Bert said with a smile.

"By the way, Doom, are you interested in being the lord of hell?" Bert asked, thinking of something. "The authority of the One-eyed Lord's Hell can be given to you."

"I'm not interested. I'm a human. I don't want to be a devil," Doom flatly refused.

"You seem to be doing well in Hell," Doom said.

"It's pretty good. In the future, I might be able to do part-time as Satan," Bert said with a smile.

"Earth Guardian, part-time Satan, you truly know how to play the game." Doom was left speechless. He shook his head, then returned to Knowhere to create the super bomb.

Bert gazed at the divine light in front of him, smirked, teleported back to the altar, and prepared to showcase his tricks.

Three days flew by, and during this time Star-Lord's control over the divine light grew more and more skillful, and his relationship with Ego improved.

It's worth noting that despite Drax thinking Mantis is ugly and repulsive, their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds during these three days.

Mantis was even on the brink of turning on Drax, almost revealing the truth to him several times.

From Drax's experience, it can be concluded that if one wants to woo a woman, it's more effective to say she's ugly than to say she's beautiful. If you don't get beaten to death by the woman, there's bound to be drama.

Moving on from the gossip, Ego, who felt it was a good day, sought out Star-Lord early in the morning. After a bit of bragging, he transferred energy into Star-Lord and then presented his plan.

In short, the plan was to use the seeds planted on other planets to consume them. However, he could not do this alone, so he created descendants on every planet to create another godly race to assist him.

The reason he killed those children before was because they did not possess the divine power, but Star-Lord did.

Ego's intelligence is actually on par with Star-Lord's, except in regards to women. He's negative in other aspects. After much talking, he revealed that he had killed Star-Lord's mother.

"You killed my mother?" Star-Lord, who was previously absorbed in the divine energy, erupted in anger and began firing at Ego with his gun. Huge holes appeared in Ego's body.

"What's the point of having mortals like them? Peter, we are gods." Ego waved his hand, causing an energy whip to penetrate Star-Lord's body and lift him high into the air. Star-Lord was now completely under Ego's control, reduced to a puppet.

"It begins. I, Ego, will become the king of the universe." Ego roared as a huge amount of energy lightning appeared on his body and the entire Ego Planet activated, sending energy towards the seeds scattered throughout the universe.

The seeds absorbed the energy, quickly swelling into energy mudslides, and devouring everything in their path. Earth, Xandar, Sovereign, and many other planets were consumed by these mudslides, causing the surrounding people to scream and run in terror.

Astronomer, sensing the situation in the universe, asked Grandmaster in shock and anger, "How could this be? Grandmaster, what are you and Ego doing?"

"It's the price that must be paid," Grandmaster replied calmly. "Astronomer, prepare yourself. The clone of the Blood God is coming soon. Don't think too much. We have no other options. Either we die or the Blood God dies. It's that simple."