
Marvel God of Blood

After being transformed to be the Blood God of Vampires, the protagonist discovers that he not only can be immortal but also richer than Tony Stark! ------------------ I want to clarify that I do not own the novel. I am simply translating it for fun. Plus, it happens to be one of the good Chinese Marvel fanfictions that I couldn't resist working on. As I translate, I make sure to modify names and remove any occasional offensive remarks, which are very minimal in this particular novel. Read Chapters ahead on p*atreon.com/Atrox_H The original name is "Marvel god of blood god" by Fan's Soul. I don't own the Cover art.

Atrox_H · Anime & Comics
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338 Chs

Chapter 212 : Yondu and Peter

In the face of Ego's invitation, Peter hesitated for a moment before saying, "Hold on. We've taken on the task of protecting the Sovereign Star at the request of Blood God, and it won't be over for another month."

Peter wasn't sure how to face Ego.

Ego spoke sincerely, "I'll help you protect it and get to know you more. Peter, please give me a chance to make it up to you."

"You stay on here for now. I have some things to sort out. I'll see you tomorrow." Peter looked away from Ego, who didn't press the matter, and nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come over tomorrow."

"Okay," said Peter, nodding. He had a complicated expression and Gamora and Rocket quickly followed him.

As Peter walked away, a light flickered in Ego's eyes. At that moment, he felt something and turned to look at the Sovereign Star. There, someone was looking back at him. It was likely the Blood God's clone in Kallark's body.

"Is this a warning?" Ego sneered disdainfully. "I don't even care about your real body, let alone a mere clone."

In Sovereign Star, Bert also retracted his gaze and said coldly, "He didn't leave, which means his goal was the Sovereign Star. Unfortunately, he hasn't found his body yet. If he had, things would be much simpler."

"What exactly is he?" Carol asked as she flew back.

"I don't know, but we can ask Yondu," Bert replied. "He was the one who took Peter away, he should know some information."

"We should ask. That guy is dangerous," Carol said.

Bert nodded and took out the communicator to contact Yondu. He had left a communicator for Yondu last time.

Yondu was enjoying himself with a robot beauty in Knowhere when he received Bert's communication. He was shocked and immediately shouted, "Blood God, don't let that guy take Quill away. He has no good intentions."

"Isn't he Peter's father?" Bert asked knowingly.

Yondu turned off the robot beauty beside him and said, "He is indeed Quill's father, but his goal is to kill Quill. I'm not lying. I've found hundreds of children for him, and all of them were killed by him. That's why I didn't give him Quill. That guy is a monster."

Carol expressed shock, "He killed his own children? Is he still human?"

"Obviously not. To call him a beast is an insult to beasts," Bert said.

"Yondu, I'll open the portal for you. Come and let's discuss it in detail," Bert added.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Yondu said immediately and the portal appeared. He then walked through it.

Carol looked at Yondu with disgust. 'This guy gave Ego hundreds of children and he's a scumbag too,' she thought.

"I didn't know at the time. I thought I was helping them reunite with his father," Yondu said, seeing Carol's disgust.

"Plus, there may be more than a hundred children he killed. The underground of that planet is full of bones," he added.

Carol snorted coldly, "Accomplices, even if they're unaware, are still accomplices. Are there any good people among the Ravagers anyway?"

"The Ravagers have rules. We're not like those junk space pirates," Yondu shouted in dissatisfaction. Despite being kicked out of the Ravager Alliance, he was still proud of being a Ravager.

Carol sneered. "The pirates changed their names. But wouldn't they still be pirates?"

Bert asked, "Can you stop arguing? Yondu, What exactly is Ego?"

"I don't know much about him, except that he owns a planet that's too strong to imagine," replied Yondu.

"And," Yondu continued, "you won't believe it, but Ego's planet can move, not just rotate or revolve, but like a spaceship. I've been to it several times in different galaxies."

Carol was shocked. "A moving planet? I've been in the universe for years, but I've never seen anything like it."

"The universe is so vast and amazing," Bert added.

Yondu sounded anxious. "Blood God, I need to take Quill and escape. It's not too late yet."

Bert asked, "Do you think Peter will come with you?"

"No," Bert shook his head. "In his eyes, you're a big devil who wants to eat him."

Yondu was dissatisfied. "That kid doesn't know what's good for him. If it weren't for me, he would've been eaten by now."

Bert smiled. "You're too reserved. You should tell him how you feel and tell him that you love him. We humans on Earth are emotional creatures."

"Sounds Disgusting," Yondu said with a look of disgust. "Why would I love him? I wish that kid was dead."

"What are you going to do, Blood God?" Yondu asked. "Peter is your subordinate."

"And you say you don't care," Bert grinned. "Don't worry, I won't abandon my subordinates."

"Let's just wait and see," Bert said with a smile. "What's here now is just an energy clone. Killing him wouldn't accomplish anything."

"It's the best option for now," Yondu nodded, his eyes flickering.

Later that night, Yondu snuck into Peter's room. Peter had set up security measures, and as soon as Yondu entered the room, he woke up and grabbed the gun by his bed, pointing it at Yondu.

"Brave, huh?" Yondu remarked.

As Peter saw the blue-skinned Yondu with a fin on his head, he was shocked. "You're finally coming to eat me?" Peter said in horror, expressing his deepest fear. Being taken away by a group of monster-like aliens and being told they would eat him every day had left a lasting shadow on him.

During the early days, Peter experienced nightmares every night and his playful personality now is a result of his childhood experiences.

Yondu was taken aback when he heard these words. He captained a ship filled with rough men and had no experience in raising children.

"Maybe it's time to try the Blood God's method," he thought.

However, Yondu hesitated and responded, "Quill, I never intended to eat you. I've always considered you as... how can you even suggest such a disgusting thing?"

It was unusual for someone like Yondu to express both hostility and affection in his words.

Peter finally regained his composure and asked coldly, "Yondu, what are you doing here? Let me make one thing clear, I am not only protected by the Blood God but also have a powerful father."

"Your father is a monster," Yondu retorted. He then repeated his previous message and continued, "That's why I never handed you over to him, Quill. You must leave with me right away. That monster is dangerous and we are no match for him."

Peter was shocked, "Ego wants to kill me?"

"Yes," Yondu replied.

"This is impossible," Peter said, "Yondu, are you trying to deceive me? Are you afraid of Ego's revenge and want to use me as a hostage?"

"If I was really afraid of Ego's revenge, why would I risk coming here?" Yondu said, with a note of determination in his voice. "It's too late now. Come with me quickly."

"Why should I trust you?" Peter asked skeptically.

"Because I am asking you nicely," Yondu replied.

Peter sneered, "Yondu, I don't believe you. Come with me to Ego and explain everything to him face-to-face."

Yondu said angrily, "Isn't it the same as going to die to see Ego now, you idiot?"

"I believe you're going to die," replied Peter.

Shouting, Peter said, "You used to hunt me down every day, but now you risk your life to save me. Do you think I'm that stupid?"

Yondu couldn't help but shout, "That's because I thought of you as my child. When did I ever hurt you? When did you make a mistake and I didn't help you through it?"

"Your child? You mean you think of me as your son? Is it Father's Day? So many dads in one day," Peter responded, stunned.

"It was just a joke, a funny one," said Yondu, trying to lighten the mood.

Peter yelled back, "Then it's not funny at all."

"But everyone laughed every time," replied Yondu.

"It's just you who's laughing. I'm not," said Peter.

The two men continued to argue, until Yondu sighed and said, "Believe it or not, Quill, I care about you deeply."

At that moment, Gamora entered the room and was taken aback by Yondu's words. She stepped back and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

In the quiet of the night, two men were in a room together, with one saying to the other, "I care about you deeply." What could the situation be?

Both Yondu and Peter were shocked, then Peter frantically said, "No, Gamora. You've misunderstood. I have no idea what drugs Yondu took, but he came here in the middle of the night pretending to be my father."

"Father?" asked Gamora, shocked.

Yondu replied, "Gamora, close the door. Help me persuade Quill."

Yondu then repeated the story of Ego, to which Gamora responded with a frown, "I had a feeling that something was off about Ego. He definitely wasn't a good person."

"Gamora, why are you saying that?" Peter said, dissatisfied. "He's my father. This bastard Yondu can't be trusted at all."

"Quill, even Drax the idiot can see that Yondu is good to you," countered Gamora.

Peter snorted coldly, "You have a problem with your eyesight, Yondu. Let's go confront Ego. Blood God is here, and Ego can't stop us."

As Peter pulled on Yondu's arm, intent on taking him to confront Ego, a small silver hammer appeared behind Peter and knocked him out.

"Quill!" cried Yondu and Gamora, shocked.

At that moment, Bert's phantom appeared and said, "Yondu, I told you it's useless."

Yondu replied, "How do I know it's useless if I don't try? I can knock out Quill and take him away."

Bert replied, "What's the point of that? With Peter's abilities, he'll escape eventually. Yondu, leave Peter behind. I'll handle this situation, and you won't have to run away in the future."

"Blood God, Quill's character is such that he'll definitely go to see Ego and confront him once he wakes up," said Gamora worriedly. "Most of the time, he has no brains, except when he's trying to pick up women."

Bert reassured her, "Don't worry, he won't remember anything that happened just now." He then explained the function of the memory hammer and said, "Gamora, you stay with Peter and keep a close eye on Ego. Yondu, you remain on Sovereign and don't take any unnecessary risks. Understood?"

Yondu replied grumpily, "I won't do anything else. I didn't expect that this kid wouldn't trust me so much after I raised him. I've wasted all these years."

'You should take a look at yourself,' thought Bert as he shook his head. He then stretched out his hand and disappeared, along with Yondu. Gamora gave a quick glance at Peter lying on the ground, but didn't bother helping him. She then turned around and left the room.


Inside Ego's spaceship, he waved at Mantis and said, "I'm feeling good today. I don't need you to help me fall asleep."

"Understood," Mantis replied, nodding respectfully. She got up and left, her two tentacles on her forehead, her big, scary eyes, and her green clothing standing out.

After Mantis left, Ego appeared to be speaking to himself. "Grandmaster, you're too cautious. There's no need to investigate. Blood God isn't even there. Even if he is, so what? I'm a Celestial."

Suddenly, the figure of Grandmaster appeared across from Ego. "Don't be careless about the Blood God, Ego. You're indeed strong, but Blood God is definitely not weak. You should investigate first and wait for our side to be ready before starting together," he said.

"As you wish," Ego replied. "I just need some time to teach my son."

Ego hesitated before speaking again. "Grandmaster, I actually have a better plan. Would you like to hear it?"

Grandmaster smiled. "As long as I can kill the Blood God and win this bet, I'm willing to listen to any plan," he said.

"I've planted seeds on many planets, including Sovereign Star. If I activate these seeds, Sovereign Star will be absorbed into me," Ego said. "This way, you can easily win this bet."

"You're going to devour the planet?" Grandmaster asked, shocked that Ego had such grand aspirations.

"I simply want to multiply and expand. It's the instinct of life," Ego responded nonchalantly. "I've spent countless years preparing and finally succeeded,"

Grandmaster looked at Ego and asked, "Why are you telling me about this? You should know that the Elders of the Universe won't allow such a thing to happen."

"Other universe Elders may not allow it, but you will," Ego replied. "You'll do anything to win, given the blood on your hands is much greater than mine."

"I'm here to protect the universe," Grandmaster said. "The Blood God will try to stop you,"

Ego smiled. "That's correct. When the time comes, they will definitely attack my planet. But it's my home field, and with your arrangements, Blood God will surely meet his end," he said.

Grandmaster's eyes lit up. "You mean to arrange things on your planet?"

"Yes, I'll arrange things on my planet, and then we'll wait for the outcome. We'll wait for the Blood God to come and die," Ego confirmed, nodding.

"Grandmaster, my plan plus your plan is foolproof. Even if Blood God is as powerful as you say, he will still die," Ego said. "If Blood God enters my planet to fight, he will surely meet his end,"

Grandmaster considered this before saying, "The problem is that Astronomer and others will definitely object."

Ego sneered. "Don't let them know. You're the one primarily responsible anyway. Hypocrites like Astronomer love letting others do their dirty work,"

"Unfortunately, I'm the one doing the dirty work," Grandmaster grumbled. "Ego, how many planets do you plan to devour?"