
Marvel God of Blood

After being transformed to be the Blood God of Vampires, the protagonist discovers that he not only can be immortal but also richer than Tony Stark! ------------------ I want to clarify that I do not own the novel. I am simply translating it for fun. Plus, it happens to be one of the good Chinese Marvel fanfictions that I couldn't resist working on. As I translate, I make sure to modify names and remove any occasional offensive remarks, which are very minimal in this particular novel. Read Chapters ahead on p*atreon.com/Atrox_H The original name is "Marvel god of blood god" by Fan's Soul. I don't own the Cover art.

Atrox_H · Anime & Comics
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338 Chs

Chapter 114 : Fierce Battle

"Are you a primary school student? Still raising hands for speaking!" Bert said angrily: "If you are asked to go, there is a reason for letting you go, so just go along."

With that said, Bert drew a circle with one hand, and a blue portal appeared in front of everyone.

Spider-Man's eyes brightened: "Is this Kamar-Taj's unscientific portal?"

Tony asked in amazement: "Bert, you are a magician? Wait, you have only practiced magic for three days, right?"

"Hey, it took me three full days to practice this magic. I'm ashamed of my reputation as a peerless magic genius."

Bert sighed, Tony silently raised his middle finger, feeling unhappy for a while, he always showed off his IQ, so why was he being shown off by others today?

"Don't talk about it, hurry up and go."

Bert waved his hand and said, Tony and the others nodded and went through the portal to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. one after another, where the communication was blocked.

After Tony and the others left, Bert dispersed the portal. He thought about something, took out his mobile phone and called Mercury, and asked, "Have you been to that base yet?"

Mercury said: "Yes, the base has been surrounded."

Bert said: "Very good, act immediately and take away all the people and things in the base. If there is resistance, kill everyone except Dr. Lizard."

Mercury nodded: "Yes, Blood God!"

Putting down the phone, Bert raised his head and looked in the direction of Mandarin, with a sneer on his face. You want to slaughter God, who gave you the courage?

Mandarin was also looking at Bert. He didn't know why the other party sent some people away, but in his opinion, this was undoubtedly a bad move.

"Get ready, the Blood God and his dragon will soon make a move."

Mandarin said in a low voice, and the mysterious voice said hideously: "I have been preparing, the taste of the dragon soul should be very good."


Let's move backward a little, at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Hill entered the broadcast room with the help of Sharon, and then, through the broadcast, she commanded the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to fight.

Although Hill's commanding ability is quite good, the situation is still getting worse. After all, HYDRA has been preparing for too long, and the previous raid killed too many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

At this moment, the two Helicarriers have been lifted into the air, and soon, they will reach the required height. At that time, countless people will die tragically under the guns of HYDRA!

"Damn, the Project Insight is this?"

After listening to Sharon's introduction, Hill cursed and asked Sharon, "Since you already knew about this, you should have other preparations, right?"

"There are a lot of preparations, but superheroes can't make a move because of the Mandarin." Sharon sighed and said, "Fortunately, we invited foreign aid."

"Foreign aid, who?"

Hill asked, at this moment, a battle armor flew up with a woman, looking at the sunglasses on the battle armor, Hill sighed: "It's the Vampire police station."

"Yes, it's us, Melinda, you are commanding the battle here, and I'll help Natasha." Blade said: "She can't handle the white lizardmen (Winter Soldier) alone."

"Go ahead."

Melinda jumped into the broadcast room, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said, "Everyone, move."


The police from the Vampire Police Station immediately rushed into the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and fought against the HYDRA agents with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. This time, the situation was a lot better.

Hill asked a little dissatisfied: "Melinda, did you take refuge in the Vampire?"

"I joined the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau."

Melinda said coldly, "S.W.O.R.D. Bureau without HYDRA."

Speaking of this, Hill was extremely depressed. It was the fault of the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. directors. Why did it explode in her tenure? she thought of something, and asked hopefully: "Is Nick Fury's corruption framed by HYDRA?"

"You're loyal to Nick Fury."

Sharon glanced at Hill and said, "HYDRA planted half of it, that is to say, he was also greedy, as much as HYDRA."

Hill was speechless, she said, "Don't talk about this, how should we deal with those two Helicarriers?"

"Stop it like this."

Sharon took out a controller and pressed it, and an explosion sounded from the two Helicarriers at the same time. Then, the two Helicarriers stopped in mid-air at the same time and did not continue to rise.

Hill asked in surprise: "You guys tampered with the Helicarrier?"

"Yes, it's a pity that Pierce wasn't in the Helicarrier."

Sharon said: "To destroy them, it is up to the superheroes, and I hope they can come here as soon as possible."

Seeing the Helicarriers suddenly stop, Pierce asked angrily: "Damn, what happened to the Helicarriers?"

Immediately, a HYDRA agent reported: "Sir, one engine of each of the two Helicarriers has been blown up. We need time to repair it. In addition, the Helicarrier has a virus, and the attack system cannot be activated."

Pierce asked, "How long will it take to repair it?"

"About half an hour."

"It's too slow. Within twenty minutes, everything must be repaired. Also, all the lizardmen should wear gas masks to protect the Helicarrier."

Pierce shouted knowing it was time to complete Project Insight before the events in New York subsided.

At this time, Pierce found that the people from the Vampire police station were coming, and immediately frowned: "It seems that they have made a lot of preparations. Fortunately, I have also made a lot of preparations here."

More than ten minutes later, the reinforcements sent by Dr. Lizard arrived. Pierce was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Go out and kill Blade and Black Widow. Also, capture the broadcasting room, I want to see Hill's head."

"For such a trivial matter, it is enough to send half of the people. For the rest, install the doctor's equipment, and it may be used in a while."

The leading man in the cloak said arrogantly, and ten reinforcements came out immediately. After nodding to Pierce, they strode outside.

The remaining ten reinforcements turned around to assemble the machine.

Pierce glanced at the cloaked man and frowned, "You must obey me completely."

The man in the cloak sat on the chair and said, "When did I not obey you? Old man, don't be so serious, a person with an ability like mine can't be as obedient as a dog."

Pierce frowned deeper, but now was not the time to deal with this, he asked, "Why didn't Dr. Lizard come?"

"He is so afraid of death, how could he come here? If we lose, he will run away immediately."

The man in the cloak shrugged and said, "Just like last time, by the way, he has already found a new home, do you need me to tell you his name?"

Pierce took a deep breath and said, "No need because HYDRA will not lose."

Leaving aside the conversation between Pierce and the Cloaked Man, the ten reinforcements were divided into two groups, half of them went to deal with Blade and Black Widow. And the other half went to the broadcast room to deal with Maria Hill.

Blade and Black Widow are currently fighting the Winter Soldier on the roof of the headquarters. Winter Soldier can spit ice and is very difficult to deal with. The two have fought with him for so long, but they still can't win.

"Why do the lizardmen spray ice? It's unreasonable, right?"

Blade slammed into the wall, smashing the ice in his hand, then rushed to the Winter Soldier and slashed him in the head.

Winter Soldier blocked the sword of Blade with his metal hand, and then smashed him into the air with a tail. Black Widow charged forward fiercely, and stabbed the Winter Soldier with a dagger in the waist!

Winter Soldier immediately controlled the ice to cover his waist. Black Widow's dagger was blocked by the ice and lost most of its strength, only piercing the Winter Soldier's waist shallowly.

Winter Soldier didn't care about this little injury, and turned around and smashed Black Widow into the air.

Winter Soldier was about to chase after the Black Widow when Blade charged over, and the light of the sword enveloped the Winter Soldier continuously, and the Winter Soldier had to retreat.

"Why isn't your sword made of Vibranium?"

Black widow got up with difficulty and asked inexplicably: "Isn't this the basic welfare of the Blood God? You are the old brother of the Blood God."

"My sword is doped with Vibranium. The problem is that his arm also has Vibranium."

Blade said gloomily, Black widow was stunned, and then she realized that it must be HYDRA that secretly bought Vibranium.

There are two sides to everything. Bert opened up Wakanda and sold Vibranium, which did improve the strength of the earth, but it also gave some villains a chance to obtain Vibranium.

Although Wakanda's sale of Vibranium was done after lots of screening, with the strength of HYDRA, it is easy to get someone with a good identity to buy Vibranium, so HYDRA also got a little Vibranium.

Pierce covered a portion of the Vibranium into the Winter Soldier's metal arm, which is why the Winter Soldier can regenerate but not replace the metal arm.

"No wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't have much Vibranium, it turned out to be embezzled by HYDRA."

Black Widow pounced at the Winter Soldier depressedly, and Blade said: "Next time, I will ask Bert to replace mine with a pure Vibranium sword, then I will see who else can stop me?"

Black Widow was speechless, 'he was indeed the old brother of the Blood God, and he spoke with pride.'

A pure Vibranium sword, at least hundreds of millions of dollars!

At this moment, five lizardmen of different colors rushed in from the gate of the rooftop. The Winter Soldier saw them and immediately raised his hands and sprayed icy air at Black Widow and Blade.

"They are also elite lizardmen, Blade, escape."

Black widow was startled, and hurriedly avoided the ice and flew into the sky. At this moment, a one-eyed lizard shot a laser at her with its eyes, breaking the jet on the left foot of her armor, and she dropped down from the sky.

When the other red lizardman saw this, he immediately opened his big mouth and spit flames toward Black widow. At the critical moment, Blade charged over to save Black widow and flew into the sky.

The lizardmen were about to chase after them, but Blade threw more than a dozen pumpkin grenades at the. The pumpkin grenades exploded, and the entire rooftop was almost flattened, so the lizardmen hurriedly avoided it.

At the same time, Sharon also escaped from the broadcast room with Hill and Melinda. Those lizards were too strong, and they were no match at all.

If this continues, they will be completely defeated.

Hill couldn't help but ask, "When are those superheroes coming?"

Sharon was about to answer when a blue portal suddenly appeared at the entrance of the headquarters, and then, Iron Man, Captain America, Carter, and others flew out.

"You are finally here."

Blade and the others flew down immediately. Tony was not in the mood to joke, and asked with a sullen face, "Where is Pierce?"

Before Blade could answer, Pierce's voice sounded: "Tony Stark, it seems, you discovered something?"

Tony said angrily, "Pierce, my parents, did you kill them?"

"Yeah, they worked on super serum, I wanted it, so I sent the Winter Soldier to kill them, and then made it look like a car accident."

Pierce admitted very simply, and then, the Winter Soldier descended from the sky with twenty elite lizardmen, in front of Tony and the others.

Pierce said, "That hooded man with a metal arm is the Winter Soldier."

"You killed my parents?"

Tony gritted his teeth and asked the Winter Soldier, Winter Soldier was expressionless and didn't mean to answer at all.

Tony got angrier, raised his hand, and fired a miniature missile at the Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier stretched out his hand to create an ice wall.

"Tony, you handle him, we will find a way to destroy the Helicarriers."

Steve shouted, and Carter flew into the sky in a glider, Pierce snorted coldly: "Stop them."

A lizardman teleported onto Steve's glider and swept his tail fiercely at Steve, Steve avoided it sideways and then smashed the opponent with a shield. But the opponent disappeared in a flash in the air and appeared again.

On the glider, Carter was also stopped by another lizardman. Seeing this, Johnny immediately turned into the Human Torch and rose into the sky. Destroying things, he was the best at it.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning shot from below, hitting Human Torch's chest. He screamed and fell from the sky.

"Aren't you too reckless?"

Spider-Man shook his head and fired his web at the Lightning Lizardman. His spider web launcher was modified so that it would not be damaged by electricity.

"Why are there always fewer people on the side of good people?"

Blade shook his head and attacked with his sword, followed by Danny Rand. He complained: "Can anyone tell me what's going on? Why are we attacking S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

No one answered Danny because everyone was busy.

Tony thought for a while, sent five unmanned battle armors to support others, and singled out the Winter Soldier, but Winter Soldier's strength was stronger than he imagined, and he couldn't take down the opponent at all.

The only one who didn't do anything was Black Widow. She quietly fled to the back. An invisible Quinjet was hiding there. When it saw her coming, immediately opened the door and welcomed her in.

Black Widow handed the dagger to Coulson, and said quickly, "The dagger has the blood of the Winter Soldier, you should study it, and help me fix the injector on my left foot."

Coulson immediately said: "Fitz, you go to help Natasha repair the battle armor. Jemma, you, Skye, and Dr. Connors study the blood of the lizardmen."


Jemma immediately stepped forward to take the dagger, then turned to Dr. Connors' holographic projection and asked, "Doctor, what should we do now?"

"Do the analysis first, the lizard serum is my invention, no one knows it better than me."

Coulson was pondering. The reason why he accepted Skye into S.H.I.E.L.D. was the order of the Blood God. Although he didn't know why Blood God did this, he always felt that something is wrong.