
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 87: Coulson’s Strong Desire to Survive

Thor is such a stupid guy.

In the short time on earth, I learned what correct values ​​are from Jane.

I make money at work, spend time with my girlfriend after get off work, and when I have free time, I read books with Jane and learn about the earth.

He is simply a good young man with five principles and four beauties.

In the movie, he was able to calm down and accept life on Earth because he was tricked by Loki.

He felt that he had killed his father, and his mother had ordered that he not be allowed to set foot in Asgard again. He was heartbroken.

But now that Qin Xiao has told him the truth, he has truly calmed down and is no longer impatient and impulsive. These are two completely different concepts.

In contrast, living in Asgard for more than 1,500 years was like living like a dog.

Odin's family education is really...

I guess he himself can't stand it anymore, so he makes a so-called Odin's Sleep, out of sight, out of mind, and let you guys take your time.

He managed to escape, but Loki took the position of acting king, and Thor's friends since childhood could not sit still.

Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogan, these three guys known as the Three Warriors of Asgard, plus the nominal fiancée of Thor, the God of Thunder, Sif, the goddess of land and harvest.

The four came to the Rainbow Bridge Temple and found Heimdall.

After telling what he thought was a clever lie, Heimdall left the Guardian Sword on the controller of the Bifrost and walked out.

After letting a few people go to find Thor on Earth, Heimdall stood on the Rainbow Bridge and sighed.

For him, this is nothing more than playing house with a child.

What should I say about the affairs of King Odin's family? It's terrible...

I have to put on a play with Loki for a while.

It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, let alone Odin.

Even the God Queen Frigga, the mother of Thor, is known as the wisest person in Asgard.

When it comes to matters at home, he chooses to turn a deaf ear to what is happening outside the window and hides directly in the name of taking care of Odin.

So Loki sat in the king's seat and acted mischievously.

Even when Loki went to collude with the Frost Giants, Heimdall turned a blind eye. Fortunately, Loki was trying to lure the snake out of its hole and kill all the Frost Giants to prove to Odin that he was the best candidate to be the next king.

But having said that, if Loki hadn't directly killed the leader of the Frost Giants with the Eternal Spear, would the Father of the Gods, who was lying on the bed claiming to be in Odin's sleep, really be easily killed?

Qin Xiao in his previous life couldn't help but shudder every time he thought of this.

The two children caused a stir in the Nine Kingdoms, but in the end the two children opened their hearts to each other and cooperated sincerely.

Facing the destined Ragnarok, Hela was buried with the entire Asgard, and her two sons escaped from the Ragnarok curse.

Let's put it this way, after the destruction of Asgard, before they met Thanos.

Every move made by Thor and Loki was subconsciously influenced by Odin and Frigga.

Except for these two old foxes and Heimdall, who sees things through but never tells them, everyone else in Asgard looks like a fool.

Just as Qin Xiao was thinking of this, a colorful ray of light fell from the whirlwind-like dark clouds in the sky far away from the town and landed on the ground outside the town.

In SHIELD's temporary base, all the reconnaissance equipment sounded frantic alarms.

Thanks to the research data and scientific instruments contributed by Jane and the others, the space detector assembled detected the formation of a channel between the two spaces.

"In the end what happened?"

Coulson rushed into the room with a constipated look on his face.

"That's the legendary Rainbow Bridge. Some big fools came from Asgard. Oh, no, they're some gods. Let's go and see it together!"

Qin Xiao didn't know when he appeared behind Colson.

Next to him stood the biggest fool in Asgard, Thor, the God of Thunder.

Qin Xiao, who knew that Loki would control the Destroyer soon, did not let Coulson bring anyone with him, but the two of them took Thor and three people in a car and set off towards the outside of the town.

"It seems your friends want you to go back. What do you think, Thor?"

Qin Xiao asked the God of Thunder in the car.

"Actually speaking, I may not really be a candidate for king. I think the problem is too simple. Maybe Loki is more suitable to be a king than me!"

Thor lowered his head and whispered.

"Actually, neither of you are suitable to be a king. One of you doesn't know how to be a king at all, and the other just wants to sit on the throne."

Qin Xiao gave the two brothers a definition.

"Jane said the same thing. To be honest, I really like elections on Earth. It's better for the king to rely on everyone to elect, rather than our family killing each other!"

"Congratulations, Thor, you found a pretty good girlfriend!"

Qin Xiao didn't want to comment on the social system, but Jane did give Sol many valuable and correct opinions during this period.

Not long after the car left the town, we met four ancient people dressed in medieval costumes.

"Stop the car, Coulson, that's my friend!"

Thor was quite happy to see the Asgard trio and Sif.

Before the car even stopped, I jumped out and gave a few people a big hug.

"Are you sure these are gods from Asgard? They look more like warrior princess Xena, Robin Hood. And Jackie Chan, that fat guy looks like a barrel from League of Legends, except he's holding a An axe!" (Don't ask me if Marvel has LOL, Jackie Chan has it, LOL can also have it.)

Coulson pointed at a few people outside the car with a weird look on his face.

"Although I strongly disagree with you comparing Jackie Chan to that idiot outside, it is undeniable that if anyone tells me that God is like this, I will give him a slap in the face!"

"By the way, when will your hair be treated? I know a very good hair remover!"

As Qin Xiao spoke, he suddenly remembered the bet between himself and Colson.

"I'm sorry, Qin, I shouldn't have compared the big star of China to that idiot outside. I just slipped my tongue. What I meant was that the idiot outside looked like a wretched Japanese ninja. Yes, he was a so-called Japanese ronin samurai and the like, they definitely can't be Chinese."

Coulson has a strong desire to survive. The most important thing in his life is the antique sports car he regards as his girlfriend, and then his hair. The Captain America card comes third.

Qin Xiao sneered and looked at Colson's hairline without saying anything.

"All right!"

Coulson sighed.

"I have two cello performance tickets, which I paid a lot of money to get from scalpers. On the 15th of next month, Agent Romanoff happens to have no mission that day. She is very interested in these things."

"make a deal!"

Qin Xiao stretched out his right hand.

"Let's go! Get out of the car and listen to what these idiots can talk about!"