
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 81: Ivan Vanko's Counterattack

Each of the four super soldiers had a blank expression on his face.

His eyes were as cold as those of a cold-blooded animal, and he was stared at by the four of them at the same time.

Tony felt as if he was being stared at by four cobras, with slippery scales and rustling snake tongues.

Thinking of this, Tony in the armor shuddered uncontrollably.

"Don't look at me like that, your girlfriend or... mother is not on my list of romantics?"

"Bang! Bang!"

He was responded with two extremely dull punches.

The four super soldiers, two by two, rushed towards Tony and Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao wanted to see how big the gap was between these super soldiers and himself.

He used less than half of his strength to fight with the two super soldiers.

Tony was just talking nonsense, and the two super soldiers took the lead to hit him, and he was beaten back several steps.

At this moment, the thruster flames spurted out, and he was about to face the two super soldiers head-on.

Qin Xiao shouted from the side.

"Catch them first! Leave them to me!"

When Tony heard Qin Xiao's words, the two arms of the armor shook, and he accelerated diagonally upwards in the air and rushed directly inside.

When the two super soldiers were about to chase, Qin Xiao took two hits on his back and grabbed the belts of the two super soldiers in front of him with one hand.

"Come back to me!"

He pulled the two super soldiers to the ground and turned around to fight with several super soldiers.

Looking at Tony again, he accelerated past Qin Xiao and others and flew directly into a corridor.

Just when he flew to the door of the innermost room, the only remaining female super soldier came out of the room leisurely.

She closed the door of the room and hooked her finger at Tony contemptuously.

At this time, Tony had no habit of sympathizing with women. He raised his palm and fired a laser cannon.

The female super soldier dodged sideways, but blasted a big hole in the door behind her.

"Ivan Vanko!"

Tony said in a tone of "you are really here".

Ivan Vanko raised his head and gave Tony a meaningful smile.

He continued to lower his head and began to type on the keyboard in his hand.

In the hall outside, white light flashed in the eyes of one armor after another.

Tony had no intention of fighting with this woman. He was just thinking of accelerating past her and grabbing Ivan Vanko inside as he did just now.

Unfortunately, the height of the corridor was too low and the width was only enough for two or three people to pass side by side.

As soon as Tony accelerated, the female super soldier jumped up and kicked the wall with one foot, and used the force to grab the legs of the armor directly.

While Tony had just accelerated and the driving force was not enough, as soon as his legs landed, he shouted and smashed Tony's entire armor to the ground.

The entire armor fell to the ground with a bang. The female super soldier took a step forward immediately after hitting the target and stepped hard on Tony on the ground.

Tony's hand and foot jets sprayed a stream of flames together, and the whole person slid back a few meters and then took off from the ground.

Floating in the air, she said, "Okay, you made me angry. Since you are a woman, I can spare your face!"

Just as she finished speaking and before she started to attack, she heard a whistling sound behind her.

Tony looked back subconsciously and saw at least a dozen armors that were much taller than him rushing in.

Looking at Qin Xiao, after fighting for a while, he found that the strength and speed of these super soldiers were not as strong as he had imagined. They felt a little weaker than when he first started.

I don't know if it was because of the serum absorption or because they were frozen in Siberia for too long, which caused them not to fully recover their strength.

After being hit by a lot of punches and kicks, he almost understood the strength of these people.

Qin Xiao was about to go all out and solve the battle at full speed.

Suddenly, he heard several sounds of Gatling gun barrels turning.

Qin Xiao was quite familiar with this sound. He had played with this kind of gun when he was in Mexico.

Whether shooting or stopping, there would be a moment when the sound of the barrel turning would be heard.

The brain just reacted, and the body didn't have time to look back to see what happened.

"Da da da da da da da!"

The sky was full of bullets.

In just a moment, Qin Xiao felt that every inch of his back half was hit by bullets.

God knows how many guns fired at the same time to achieve this effect.

Qin Xiao watched the skin and muscles of the super soldier next to Qin Xiao being torn apart bit by bit in the bullets.

The whole person fell straight to the ground like a bloody man.

There were three super soldiers in front of Qin Xiao and another comrade-in-arms.

After these people were hit by the first wave of bullets, they dodged to both sides. Although many parts of their bodies were also covered with blood and flesh, they completely avoided the area covered by bullets.

Qin Xiao took several steps forward.

I only felt a burst of pain in the parts of my body that were not covered by the combat uniform.

Especially the back of the head, as if someone had hit my head with an iron finger countless times.

I felt like I was stunned by bullets.

"How many bullets did you shoot at my back!"

As if to cooperate with Qin Xiao's words, Qin Xiao's voice fell.

The Gatling gun on the right arm of a war armor fired twice again, shooting out the only two bullets left in the arm.

It hit Qin Xiao's back of the head steadily, and his head nodded forward twice like a chicken eating rice.

Fortunately, the weapons in this group of war armors were all equipped with a small magazine, and they had not been modified to put a large number of bullets in.

Otherwise, Qin Xiao would have been shot for at least two minutes without stopping.

"Are you done? It's my turn!"

Qin Xiao listened to the sound of the Gatling gun barrel spinning, and suddenly turned his head.

He saw that at least a dozen of the many war armors that had been standing against the wall behind him came out and lined up.

It must be them who shot at him just now.

And as Qin Xiao turned his head, more than a dozen war armors took a step back, and more than a dozen war armors behind him took a step forward, and the Gatling gun barrels on their right arms began to rotate slowly.

"Come on, let's see who's faster!" Qin Xiao kicked the ground with his left leg, and the whole person rushed towards the group of armors in front like a cannonball. On Tony's side, a large group of armors roared in the narrow passage. Not only Tony, but also the female super soldier was caught off guard. The two were rushed to pieces by a group of armors. In the chaos, Tony saw a armor enter the room and soar into the sky, breaking through the ceiling and flying out. Another armor followed closely, picked up Ivan Vanko, who had synthesized a notebook and held it in his arms, and soared into the sky towards the big hole that had just been broken. "No!" Tony shouted, and was about to find a way to get rid of the armors around him. Who knew that all the armors around him suddenly flashed red light on their chests and issued a piercing alarm.