
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 50: Enter Again

"Brother Qin, I have heard from the brothers below that your trick is really amazing. You can use wreaths, paper money and coffins to attend other people's weddings, haha!"

It's the KTV in the entertainment city in the eastern suburbs, in the internal reception box of 888.

A man in his forties, with a square face and a bold look on his face was holding a wine glass and talking to Qin Xiao.

The man's name is Shi Aiguo, a very clichéd name, and it's a bit ridiculous to go with this surname.

But he is a man with great reputation in the entire underground world of Demon City.

The general environment is becoming increasingly severe, and some so-called big brothers in society who can't stand up to the public eye are almost always on the run or in jail.

He was able to walk in the gray area in this environment and build such a huge entertainment city.

He is definitely a very capable and intelligent existence in a mixed society.

Qin Xiao made two million with one move that day. If he didn't fight or hurt anyone, it wouldn't be a big deal if he gathered a crowd to make trouble and make noise.

So everyone is happy this time, everything is done smoothly, and the money is made happily!

Besides, the two million is just the beginning.

"Brother Shi, it's all thanks to you that my brothers are so efficient and beautiful at work! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sing so wonderfully in this big show!"

"It's just taking people's money, I'm so polite!"

Shi Aiguo laughed, raised his glass and touched Qin Xiao again and said seriously.

"Brother, that coffin didn't make them any easier. The brothers got it back. What do you think they should do with it? Take it to my place, or melt it into gold bricks and give it to you?"

Shi Aiguo's service is quite considerate.

Qin Xiao wasn't pretentious and didn't intend for it to be a one-time deal.

Then he waved his hand.

"There is no reason to take back things that have been given away. Coffins, coffins, so-called promotion and wealth. Since that couple of bitches are not blessed to enjoy it, Brother Shi, if you don't mind, you can pay for the hard work of Brother Shi and the brothers. "

To be honest, the first time they met, they threw out two million, saying it was a meeting gift.

I originally thought that after this matter was completed, I would throw away at most a few hundred thousand, which should be regarded as the hard work of the brothers below.

There will definitely be places to deal with in the future, but this move costs tens of millions. If Shi Aiguo can reach this day, he will definitely not be unable to deal with money.

After doing so little work, such a huge amount of money was spent.

How can I feel at ease!

"Brother, let's not talk secretly. Brother, I am in the world, let alone a coffin. Even if there is a dead person lying in it, I don't mind. But today I just did some trivial things for my brother. Son, the greeting gift is enough. If such a big piece of gold falls down, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it!"

"For an entertainment city, I'm afraid it won't be worth hundreds of millions. It's just tens of millions, right?"

Qin Xiao pointed to the splendid decorations around him and said.

"Hey! Brother, I don't have that much strength. Don't look at how easy it is for us to make money. We support a lot of brothers and need to take care of them. Not much is really in our pockets. This is just a little bit of the big boss's private life. Industry, brother, I just help people manage the business and act as a watchdog. They don't mind my background, so they gave me a little bit of work!"

Shi Aiguo didn't hide it and said straight to the point.

"Okay! Since Brother Shi is so happy, I won't be pretentious. I don't want to rely on my family to make a living and go to the magic city to develop a little career. But I am a newbie here and I am not familiar with the place. I need someone to guide me, and I also need someone to guide me. Enough escort!"

Although Qin Xiao didn't say what he wanted to do specifically, it must be a serious business. He just needed some help to run errands and help find people in the local area.

If there is any trouble in the future, it would be nice to have someone to help with it.

He didn't have any friends in Magic City himself. For example, this time, he had no way of renting a Ferrari team, but Shi Aiguo came forward to do it.

Having such a local snake who is reliable and has a sense of proportion in doing things makes it much more convenient no matter what you do.

The two sides talked openly, and Shi Aiguo felt relieved.

But he still kept an eye on it. Regarding the golden coffin, he only said that it would be discounted and exchanged for a membership card here. Qin Xiao could come over and spend money at any time in the future.

It's just a different way of saying it, leaving a way out for myself.

Qin Xiao doesn't mind either. There will be many opportunities in the future, so deal with him slowly.

Regarding the troubles involving Guo Xinliang and Qu Fang, Shi Aiguo helped Qin Xiao find a lawyer.

In exchange for the return of the company's shares and compensation, Qin Xiao would not prosecute the two people.

As for Qin Xiao's injury, they naturally did not dare to pursue it.

With the old world of Shi Aiguo around, it soon became clear how much money the two of them had.

In addition to the company's shares, the amount of compensation is almost the bottom line of the two people.

They were left with nothing and some debts, and what happened at the wedding ruined their reputations.

They definitely can't stay in the Magic City any longer.

Shi Aiguo was still afraid that Qin Xiao would not be relieved, so he talked to Qin Xiao mysteriously after drinking too much.

"Car accidents, drownings, all kinds of accidents, even if two people with AIDS seduced the couple, there would be no problem? Selling your brother to seduce his sister-in-law, I can't bear to see such bastards who eat both inside and outside!"

Qin Xiao smiled and shook his head, as long as they no longer appeared in front of him.

Now that things are going like this, the two of them, who are used to living a luxurious life, will definitely live worse than dogs.

The fact that I was able to travel here and get the system was more or less a result of two people.

There is no need to kill them all.

It turned out that Qin Xiao had no interest in the company's shares. After getting it, he sold it to the venture capital at a low price.

Qin Xiao originally invested 5 million in the company. Once the shares were sold, more than 80 million in cash was obtained.

In total, it was already a huge profit, and I got a lot of money back for the money I spent randomly during this period.

After finishing all these messy things, Qin Xiao began to entrust Shi Aiguo to help him find a place in the city. He was going to set up a high-tech company.

Use the artificial intelligence designed by Tony to open up the market and completely gain a foothold in the Magic City.

Site selection, registration, and recruitment by headhunting companies were all done by others, and Qin Xiao suddenly entered a stage of doing nothing.

It has been more than twenty days since I returned, and I have already had enough energy to travel through again.

Bored Qin Xiao began to ask about the system.

"If we travel again, will we still need to advance the plot to a certain stage before we can travel back?"

"Yes, the Marvel world needs to advance a major plot before the host can choose to return!"

"System, is there any way in the future that can allow me to switch directly between the Marvel world and reality at will?"

Qin Xiao asked next.

"The permissions are insufficient. I can only tell the host that this restriction will definitely change in the future, but it will be difficult to switch it at will. The specific changes will naturally be known when the host gradually becomes stronger."

"All right!"

Qin Xiao nodded and started traveling again!