
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 39: I am Iron Man

"As long as you follow what you said above, even if some media don't believe it, they won't be able to stir up too much public opinion! We are very familiar with this matter and know how to make it disappear from the public eye. "

Coulson said, handing over a note.

"And your alibi. You were on a yacht at the time. As for Obadiah, he will die in a private plane crash a week later!"

Tony was holding the newspaper and reading today's front page. The headline above was "Who is Iron Man?"

"Iron Man is a really good name. Although my armor shell is made of gold and titanium alloy, it still fits the title. I like this nickname!"

Tony commented to the newspaper.

When Pepper saw that Tony didn't answer Colson's words, she turned to Colson and said.

"Thank you! Otherwise we wouldn't know how to explain to the media today. Thank you very much for everything you have done!"

"It's okay. This is our responsibility. What's more, one of our trainee agents is also very involved in this matter. This is also considered an internal matter for us!"

It was rare for Colson to tease Qin Xiao.

At this moment, Qin Xiao was standing aside in a black suit, looking like a qualified agent or security guard.

"Yes, this guy is the instigator of this incident. He should be allowed to explain to the media today."

Tony pointed at Qin Xiao who was standing aside and said angrily.

"Also, you'd better pay attention to your identity. Mr. Instigator, you should go out and maintain order among the reporters in the way you are dressed today!"

"I know, Mr. Stark!"

Qin Xiao answered quite professionally, raised the sunglasses on his nose, turned around and went out, looking like a professional agent.

This surprised Tony quite a bit.

"What did you do to him? To make this guy suddenly become so obedient, didn't you use some brainwashing tool on him?"

Tony pointed at Qin Xiao and joked.

"Our boss threatened him that if he doesn't cooperate with my work well today, he will stop his monthly salary. You know, this guy recently bought a nice apartment, so he probably doesn't have much money anymore!"

Colson smiled brightly. The last time the incident in the Middle East was shattered in front of these two guys.

Although Qin Xiao offered to help this morning, if it weren't for Nick Fury's call, Qin Xiao would never have been so obedient.

To be honest, commanding this guy is quite fulfilling.

After everything was prepared, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes outside had been talking nonsense in front of reporters for half an hour.

Tony opened his hands and let Pepper help him put on his coat.

Looking at the sweet and charming Little Pepper in front of him, Tony suddenly felt that he had been ignoring the girl next to him.

What's the Chinese proverb that guy Qin Xiao said to me?

Rabbits don't eat the grass next to their holes.

To hell with it, it must be because the grass next to the rabbit hole isn't inviting enough.

He coughed slightly and glanced again at Little Pepper, who was arranging his clothes.

Tony still felt that it would be more appropriate to change the situation.

Coulson had given Rhodes the signal.

Rhodes outside also had enough nonsense and spoke directly.

"Now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement, but he will not be taking any questions today, thank you everyone!"

Tony came on stage to thunderous cheers.

There is no reporter who doesn't like Tony Stark. Of course, it's not because he is more popular, it's just that there is enough news about this guy and it is shocking enough.

Tony looked at the reporters below, and then glanced at Qin Xiao, who was standing in the corner without saying a word.

Giving him a provocative look, Qin Xiao quietly raised a middle finger towards Tony.


Tony couldn't help but burst into laughter, then coughed twice awkwardly and said.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you. I've prepared a manuscript today!"

He took out the so-called official statement prepared by Colson and others from his pocket.

"About the rumors from the outside world, it is said that I was involved in last night's..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, do you really expect us to believe such nonsense about a bodyguard wearing a suit..."

A female reporter interrupted Tony directly.

Not only did Tony know this female reporter, she also had a one-night stand with her.

She has been dedicated to reporting on the Stark Group's arms sales to outside terrorists.

Calling Tony Stark an executioner.


Tony hesitated, even though he had agreed not to answer any questions today.

But he couldn't help but pointed at Qin Xiao beside him and said.

"Yes, a bodyguard did appear wearing a battle armor, and he is right here. It's that guy. Did you see it? The oriental boy wearing sunglasses to look cool, that was him last night!"

Following the direction of Tony's finger, all the flashlights in the audience were focused on Qin Xiao.


Qin Xiao was caught off guard and could only mutter a curse word.

He looked at a group of reporters aiming long and short guns at him.

Qin Xiao showed a rather stylized smile, stretched out his right hand and made a gesture near his chin!

The question that everyone is most concerned about at today's press conference is who is Iron Man.

Now that Tony Stark has spoken, Qin Xiao has become the subject of reporters' interviews, regardless of whether what he said is true or false.

The only female reporter in the audience was still sitting firmly in the front row without moving.

Looking at Tony Stark, he said calmly.

"He's the man in the armor, okay, Mr. Stark, so who is this man wielding the narrow sword?"

The female reporter casually took out a laptop from under her seat and clicked on a video.

This is a picture taken with a night scene camera. Although the color looks a little distorted, the picture is not particularly clear.

But you can clearly see Qin Xiao wielding the Tang Dao and cutting off the lower limbs of the Iron Overlord who was about to rise.

And it can be clearly seen that that person is Qin Xiao.

Instead, it is Tony in the corner of the screen, although the helmet of the suit has fallen off.

But because he tilted his head and the picture was not clear enough, he could only vaguely see that he was a white man.

This time, the whole audience was in an uproar again!

No one thought why someone filmed the fight scene on the rooftop at the end.

The female reporter wore a victorious smile, waiting for Tony Stark's explanation.

She has been investigating Tony Stark for a long time, his love history, and his company.

In order to obtain first-hand information, she even bribed the security captain of an office building on another street.

Not only were he equipped with cameras that can shoot in various situations and tools for remote video shooting.

He also specifically told him that if the lights on the top floor of the Stark Industries building opposite came on at night, he would go up and aim at the occupied room and start shooting.

It was a coincidence that last night, the security guard saw Tony and Iron Overlord flying in the air on the road.

But he thought it was an alien, so he quickly took the equipment and ran to the rooftop to catch it.

When I arrived on the rooftop, I couldn't find it. Who knew that it would fall from the sky to the rooftop of Stark Industries not long after.

After he was busy setting up the equipment, he figured out how to turn on the night vision function for shooting.

It came to the scene where Qin Xiao cut off the Iron Overlord's foot with one knife.

Fortunately, he was not professional enough in using these things. He only took a clear picture of Qin Xiao's appearance. The picture of Tony in the corner was not very clear due to the angle and focus.

Although the Iron Man's appearance was not clearly captured, it is enough for now.

The female reporter wanted to see how Tony Stark would deny this matter.

Unexpectedly, Tony on the stage was silent for a moment, then threw the manuscript in his hand on the table.

He admitted.

"Let me correct you, that one is called Tang Dao! Also, you guessed it right, I am Iron Man!"

Tony also made a scissor hand gesture to the camera.