
Marvel Fanfiction

All marvel fics by me will be compiled here in different volumes. Due to some Asian language characters in this novel , it's gotten restricted. You can't vote for it . I will slowly move this stories to another novel called ' Marvel Fanfiction Compilation ' and they will be only updated there

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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740 Chs


Chapter 252

This space station is incredibly advanced, with a diameter of 120 kilometers and a multitude of functions.

To efficiently organize the mobile forces on the space station, the Death Star is divided into clearly defined "districts" based on their functions. These include general, command, military, security, service, and technical districts. There are even parks, shopping centers, and entertainment areas, making it akin to a fully functional planet.

In terms of defense, its thick metal outer layer allows it to withstand nearly any warship attack without damage. Even conventional nuclear bombs might not penetrate its defenses.

Regarding weapons, the Death Star's surface is equipped with thousands of armed turrets: a total of 15,000 turbolaser batteries and tractor beams, with enough firepower to decimate any fleet.

However, its most terrifying feature is the super laser cannon located at its core. This weapon can obliterate an entire planet with a single shot, surpassing even the capabilities of a fully activated Rainbow Bridge.

Additionally, its ability to travel through hyperspace without wormholes makes it comparable to inventing a nuclear bomb with a yield of 10 million during the Stone Age and carrying an intercontinental missile...

If the chief designer of this monstrous weapon hadn't intentionally left a fatal flaw, Luke Skywalker's heroic status in the original story would have been moot.


The Guardians of the Galaxy were naturally fascinated by this superweapon. Through their persistent inquiries, Thor provided a subdued introduction to the Death Star's functions.

Of course, he did not mention its most formidable star-blasting capability.

This is an enhanced version of the Rainbow Bridge that can be utilized throughout the universe, and Thor plans to use it for a decisive strike when the time is right.

Even so, everyone was astonished. Star-Lord momentarily forgot his sadness over "destroying my father" and mused, "If only I had such a magnificent spaceship..."

Rocket harshly interrupted his reverie: "Get real. Dreams are just dreams! Besides, operating such a massive battle station with its complex functions would require hundreds of thousands of professionals!"

Rocket's analysis was impressively accurate.

The original Death Star required at least a million personnel to operate, and here, an artificial intelligence with one million threads is in use. (Not sure if threads are calculated this way, so programmers, please don't argue.)


After dealing with Ego, it was time for everyone to part ways.

"What are your plans?" Thor asked Yondu.

In history, Yondu was welcomed by Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot to join the Guardians of the Galaxy at the last moment. Unfortunately, he soon sacrificed himself to save Star-Lord.

Since Yondu is still alive in this timeline, it's possible to win him over as well.

After all, Yondu is an exceptional whistleblower and highly skilled at clearing out foes.

Yondu, understanding what Thor was thinking, smiled faintly and shook his head.

"That's not necessary."

He approached Star-Lord with a gentler tone than usual: "I'm sorry, I never seemed to have done anything right. But I'm very happy to have you as my child!"

He looked upward and continued, "I'm going to find Starka and the others... After all, I have to return."

Rocket chimed in: "Starka? I know him. He and his wife became one person. I think his name is..."

"Star-Eagle," Yondu reminded with a wry smile. "I once strayed from the principles of plundering, taking a child as trade and breaking everyone's hearts. Now, everything is over. I don't know if they will still accept me."

Rocket jumped up and patted him on the shoulder. "Believe me, when you die, they will come and celebrate your life with fireworks!"

Thor: "..."

If Rocket hadn't known that the Predators would hold a special funeral for their fallen comrades, his words would have seemed like a harsh curse.

Some races or organizations have customs and habits that others find quite offensive.

Yondu smiled nostalgically: "Yes, if possible, I would love to hear the horn of freedom and see the light of Ogol shine before my gravestone..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter broke the mood. Drax laughed heartily: "Why does it sound like a party at a grave? Hahaha, plunderers have such an interesting custom!"

Yondu was puzzled.


Eventually, Yondu departed in the Predator spaceship, heading to find his comrades and seek their acceptance once more.

He also took with him the loyal Kralin, the young man who had always been considered his successor.

As for Star-Lord?

The leader of the Black Society usually hopes for his son to be a good person, but Yondu is different. His beloved son also shares his profession!

Besides, now that Star-Lord has aligned with Asgard, he has transitioned from being a world bandit to a cosmic peacekeeper!

Thor sent off the amusing members of the Guardians of the Galaxy with a state-of-the-art warship that had just been completed and was still in the Sovereign's warehouse. Thor felt that after spending so much time with them, he might have been influenced by their humorous traits.

Star-Lord and his team set out once again to maintain peace in the universe and promote Asgard's advanced culture...

This time, Thor was assigned a planetary vassal. He wasn't sure which planet it would be next, but he looked forward to it.

There was one more thing: Mantis. Thor had initially been interested in her mind control abilities, but then reconsidered. Since he already had Wanda and Lorelei by his side, Mantis's role seemed less significant. Furthermore, her dynamic with Drax was quite amusing. Thor decided it was best not to interfere...

The most important factor was that while Mantis had a decent personality, her appearance was somewhat unconventional.

If there were a girl as pretty as Black Widow, regardless of her utility, she would definitely be worth capturing!