
Marvel & DC: Silver Age Superman

Traveling through the world of American Comics where Marvel and DC movies integrated, Carl integrated the template of the silver superstar. However, this is far from the limit. Carl found that he not only integrated the Man Of Steel Superman template and the Silver Age Superman template, but finally he could even integrate the Thought Robot Superman template! Facing the increasingly chaotic world of American Comics, Carl is as steady as an old man. Lazily basking in the sun every day, dealing with countless female superheroes, life is extremely comfortable. When the dark lord Darkseid and the interstellar overlord Thanos descended on Blue Star, Carl has become an extremely powerful existence! His breath blew out the red Supergiant, and his sneeze almost sent the entire solar system flying. Flight's speed alone is enough to threaten the entire multi-universe! Easily withstand the Big Bang! He is the god in the world who can do whatever he wants in the eyes of people, and even the kingdoms of the universe and the ancient gods tremble.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation of an MTL It is not my original Novel

StoryMTL · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Collecting Superman's Protection Fee

Imma need your powerstones before you can proceed ✋


Looking at the cold moonlight, Carl suddenly thought of something.

"I don't know if moonlight can strengthen my body...?"

Moonlight is originally the reflection of sunlight, but compared with the sun, the moonlight is much weaker.

Carl stood by the window trying to keep his body within the moonlight.

After a while, Carl found that the moonlight does seem to have an effect...but this growth rate is completely negligible.

"...It seems that there is no need to count on the moonlight, and it doesn't make much sense." Carl shook his head regretfully.

"Basking in the sun for an afternoon, the strength has increased by 500 tons, and the growth rate of the superposition of the two Superman templates is really remarkable."

Carl's power now far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Ten thousand tons of power, in the movie universe, only a few superheroes can achieve it

Even the captain of the United States who was injected with the super soldier serum, his strength is only about five tons.

And the Spider-Man who was bitten and mutated by the spider has a strength of more than 20 tons.

Compared with Carl's power, these superheroes are not even a fraction!

"As long as you keep basking in the sun, the changes will be very obvious every day in the future. Not only will your physical fitness improve, but your external image will also become more and more perfect."

Carl looked down at his hands and skin, his skin was indeed getting better and better, and even his handsome facial features were gradually unable to pick out flaws.

In addition to Superman's sunny and kind appearance after soaking in the sun, invisible adds Carl's charm.


Gwen also opened the door at this time and returned home.

Looking at the sumptuous dinner table set up in the living room, Gwen couldn't help but look apologetically at the family members who were already waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm a little late today."

"It's okay, your dad just came back too. Come on, everyone sit down and get ready to eat." Gwen's mother greeted.

Hearing these words, Gwen's two younger brothers seemed to be starving, and they trotted directly to their seats.

Gwen followed suit.

After everyone was seated, Gwen looked at her father sitting on the chair, and suddenly thought of Carl she met in the elevator before, so she started the topic: "Dad, when I came back just now, I met the neighbor next door." ."

"Neighbor next door?" Gwen's mother and father looked at Gwen.

"He is a very young office worker. I had a brief chat with him. He seems to live alone."

When Gwen's father heard this, he was silent for a few seconds and said: "His parents lived here before, but then there was a car accident in their house... I have rarely seen that child since then."

"I haven't heard you say it at all." Gwen looked at her father in astonishment.

"That's because your father didn't think it's good to discuss other people's tragedies, so he didn't say such things." Gwen's mother added appropriately.

Hearing this, Carl appeared in Gwen's mind.

It is hard to imagine that the young man exuding sunshine has experienced such a tragedy.

During the conversation between Gwen and Carl, she could clearly feel that the other party was very cheerful and kind.

Thinking of this, Gwen suddenly admired Carl.

After experiencing the family tragedy of losing their parents, they can now live so brightly.

In a sense, he is a very strong person.


After lying on the big soft bed for a while, Carl rolled over and sat up again.

Carl found that he didn't seem to need sleep.

"Why don't you fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters to bask in the sun?" Carl looked at the sky outside the window.

Although the earth is now shrouded in darkness, as long as it flies into outer space, it can still absorb solar radiation.

"Forget it, why are you basking in the sun, go out for a stroll, and find a way to trigger the mission..."

Although the task was triggered in front of Harley Quinn before, Carl has not yet figured out the specific rule of the task trigger.

Carl thought about it, and couldn't help but get dressed in an instant after jumping out of bed.

Bathed in the night breeze of the city, Carl walked out of the apartment building, looked around, and finally chose a direction that he thought was safe.

Just crossing a street and walking a few steps, Carl realized that he seemed to be being watched.

I thought that NY City was far less exaggerated than the hospitable Gotham City next door.

But now Carl knows that in this American Comics world, even in NY City, it is extremely dangerous for ordinary people to walk outside alone at night!


In the NY neighborhood at night, the level of danger soars.

Normal women usually don't hang out alone, even if this is NY city!

Compared with other cities in this country, the law and order in NY City is considered good in a sense.

It's a pity that there are always some people in this world who don't have eyes.

When Carl was bored wandering around and was going to try a foreign supper, he was keenly aware of the eyes of several people on both sides of the sidewalk frequently cast on him.

It seemed to be confirmed that Carl was alone. After these people exchanged glances, they immediately approached where Carl was.

Seeing those people walking towards him with a stream of steam all over their bodies, Carl clicked his tongue lightly.

No wonder in The Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker's Aunt May has to picked up after she got off from work.

On this big night, the risk factor is indeed astonishingly high.

Slowly stopping, Carl squinted his eyes, looked at the four people slowly surrounding him, and said unhurriedly: "Everyone, what do you want to do?"

After finishing speaking, Carl looked around and suddenly realized.

There are no surveillance devices in this area.

Obviously, these little gangsters picked this place to do it, obviously considering this aspect.

It is estimated that these guys are already veterans of robbery.

"If you are sensible, just obediently hand over the money and mobile phone in your hand, and treat it as the protection fee you paid this month."

"A protection fee?" Carl had a sneer on his face.

It's the first time I've heard of someone daring to ask superman for Protection Fees.


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