
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Nine The Holy Lord Makes A Big Fuss In New York City!

Leaving Hell's Kitchen, Su Ke went straight to the villa where Wanda and Quicksilver lived!

He doesn't plan to go back to Gotham these days, he will stay in Niuyo for a few days first.

Because of the previous conversation, Wanda and Quicksilver finally gave up the idea of ​​leaving, but lived here with peace of mind.

When Su Ke came over, he even saw Wanda cooking.

"Do you want something to eat?"

Seeing Su Ke, Wanda greeted her warmly.

No way, when she promised Su Ke would be his assistant, Su Ke had already become her boss.

And as an employee, it is also necessary to care about the boss!

Although Su Ke At the moment was not hungry, she finally nodded when she thought that this was Wanda's cooking.

So, a few minutes later, Su Ke sat down with Wanda and Quicksilver and had lunch together.

Wanda serves a standard American lunch.

A fried steak with a sandwich and a glass of juice.

When I was in Gotham, Su Ke mostly ate Chinese food, but now it's time for a change.

After cutting off a piece of steak and putting it in the import, Su Ke said:

"I've already chosen the location of the psychological clinic. It's in Hell's Kitchen. It should be ready to open in two days at most!"

Hell's Kitchen?

Wanda seemed a little surprised when she heard this.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't help asking: "Why did you choose that place? As far as I know, that place should be the most chaotic place in the whole New York, right?"

"That's right!"

Su Ke nodded.

"Hell's Kitchen is the messiest place in New York, but for me it's the best place because my clients are generally not nice people!"


When Wanda heard this, she didn't know what to say for a while.

She suddenly felt that she seemed to be on a thief ship...

Suddenly at this moment, a piece of news was broadcast on the TV.

"Report from the script station! A demon named Holy Master suddenly appeared in the city of new york, causing great panic! Although S.H.I.E.L.D arrived in time, it still couldn't stop the demon from destroying!"

"We don't know exactly where this demon came from, but his destructive power is beyond doubt!"

"The latest news, Iron Man Tony Stark is on his way, I wonder if he can stop this demon?"

Immediately afterwards, a screen appeared.

Impressively, it is the Holy Master who is making a big fuss in New York City...

When seeing this scene, Su Ke was a little speechless.

He originally thought that it would be rare for the Holy Master to regain his freedom, so he would definitely keep a low profile, but who would have thought of it?

The Lord is actually making a big fuss in New York City, and it's even on the news!

Is this guy worried that Dad and Ancient One magician won't find him?

It's hell...

Su Ke shook his head and ignored it.

But this scene caught Wanda's attention.

"I didn't expect that there are really demons in this world!"

Wanda said with a look of emotion.

Hearing this, Su Ke just smiled and didn't say anything.

If Wanda knew that the person sitting next to her was a demon, what expression would she have?

While Su Ke was eating with the Wanda siblings, S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Nick Fury was staring at the picture on the screen with pain on his face.

And what is displayed on the screen is a dragon-shaped creature that only exists in legends!

Definitely, he also has a name.

Demon of Fire: Holy Lord!

Just by the name, you can tell that this guy must be very difficult to deal with!

But Nick couldn't figure it out, how could there be such a monster in the world?

Definitely, it doesn't seem to matter anymore!

After discovering the Lord, S.H.I.E.L.D acted quickly.

Nick first sent a team of agents, but unexpectedly, the demon who claimed to be the Holy Lord killed all the agents in a flash!

Nick realized the seriousness of the matter, and then he was going to contact Tony, asking Tony to help deal with this matter.

As a result, Tony had already set off before he could contact him.

Counting the time, it's almost time to hand over to the Holy Master...

Nick took out a walkie-talkie, and after hesitation for a while, he asked, "Tony, how's the situation over there?"

Soon, a voice rang out.

"To be honest, it's not that good. It's also my first time dealing with demons, but don't worry, I've contacted professionals and they should be here soon!"

It was none other than Tony Stark who was fighting the Holy Lord.

Although he knew about the existence of the Holy Master long ago, he even almost got a spell from the Holy Master!

But to be honest, Tony really didn't expect to meet this legendary demon in New York City...