

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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V3 Chapter 21 - A Peaceful Time


After the meeting with Matt Murdock, I returned home at about 4 p.m. in the evening.

'He was a nice guy and certainly a skilled fighter judging by how swiftly he knocked out those two men.'

Now that he is working for me I will see what else he has to offer and a meeting with the person who taught him will be a welcomed incident.

As I entered my house I was welcomed by an enthusiastic greeting by my new little sister which I returned by lifting her up and playing with her.

She is now named Sasha Gray Angelo after her adoption, before being adopted by her family her surname was Gray according to what she described.

Growing up she was mostly taken care of by her older sister as her parents spent most of the time outside the house, I don't think her family circumstances were pleasant.

In the evening the whole family gathered for dinner and after that, it was finally time for 'The Talk' where I was put on the grill and asked to spill the beans.

Taking a look at my parent's stern expressions I made eye contact with my grandmother who gave me a firm nod and after Sasha went away I started telling them my story from the beginning, the very beginning starting from their death.

I told them everything, things even Grandma didn't know about previously, I told them about my time living with Grandpa and Grandma, the training under Great-Grandma, my journey to Kailash mountain and my time in Kunlun.

As I was telling them about Kunlun my mother asked

"Did you get to meet my parents?"

"No, by the time I reached Kunlun, they had already left to search for you and the family relic." (Ryan)

"Is that so, at least you met the ancestor." (Mom(Casey))

"Yes, now that you mention it, they should have just left Kunlun a few days ago as that was when the doors opened and I was told they had left at this time." (Ryan)

"I see, then I will have David send some people to look for them, you continue with your story." (Grandma(Shanti))

"Yes, so after Danny and I left Kunlun-" (Ryan)

I told them about my and Danny's adventures and the death of Grandpa, Grandma and Great-Grandma because of some alien's desire to wipe out half of the population.

And how I fought with giant robots made to hunt people with mutant genes and how Danny risked his life to give me the chance to travel back in time and my promise to him.

How I got some memories of the future when I fainted in the classroom of the school and how when I saved Sasha I regained all of my future memories.

Before continuing I looked at Grandma and asked

"Should I tell them about your friend?" 

"No." she said

"So, one of Grandma's friends visited me and reminded me about the promise I made with Danny and that was why I had to leave hurriedly." (Ryan)

'Though she was being awfully cryptic about it.'

"How did she know about your promise?" (Mom)

"She has superpowers(?)." (Ryan)

'Sorcery, magic and seeing the future can be counted as superpowers, right?'

"That doesn't explain anything." (Dad)

"Well, that is all the explanation you will get."

Grandma said as she gave my dad a look and he immediately withered.

So I continued

"So I set out to rescue Danny's mother, when I was bringing her back I even met a 20-foot-tall tiger that taught me about my powers."

"Oh, you met Baghraj?" Grandma asked with amusement.

"You know him, Grandma?" (Ryan)

"Yeah, a lot of descendants of the families that serve the temple work under him."(Grandma)

"So, how rich is he?" (Ryan)

"I don't know, the Temple only manages a part of his assets that are present in South India." (Grandma)

'He is so rich you can't estimate his wealth, right!?'

"I got it, so as I was saying after he guided me in using my powers I travelled with Aunt Heather and after leaving her at home with Grandpa I came back, it was just a trip to the Himalayas, not like I was kidnapped or anything." (Ryan)

As soon as I finished speaking my mother stood up and slapped me on the cheek before I could ask why she hugged me and started crying and soon my my dad came over to hug me too and said

"It's okay son, you did good, you succeeded."

I don't know why those words stirred something within me and soon tears started falling from my eyes and before I knew it I was crying in my mother's arms.

The next thing I knew was waking up in my bed.

I took a look at the time and it was 5:30 in the morning, there were nearly 2 hours before sunrise, and as I recalled the memories of last night I felt my sleep leaving me.

I got out of my room silently and climbed up on the roof as I looked at the night sky dotted with stars, I felt at peace.

After what happened last night it was like all the memories I had of the future weighed a lot less on my mind.

It was like all the emotional baggage they carried with them disappeared and I no longer felt the fear that everything I have, would disappear like a dream someday.

I no longer felt a sense of impending doom that seemed to be chasing me, I let go of my thoughts and now for the first time I was looking forward to the future because I knew no matter what happens, I have my family to back me up.

As I saw the sun coming up on the horizon I got up filled with a renewed vigour and started my morning training on the roof, I saw Grandma doing the same on a yoga mat in the backyard.

After finishing the morning routine I wished her Good Morning and went to my room to take a bath, the whole family gathered at the dining table for breakfast.

It was a peaceful time.

'I don't know how long it will last.'