

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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V3 Chapter 11 - The Tiger's Teachings part 1

Rudra POV

"What!?" (Ryan)

'What does that mean?'

"The thing you called meridians, doesn't exist in the human body." Mr. Tiger said.

'Yes, and I have I bicycle that flies when I pedal.'

"How can you be so sure?" I asked to see what he meant.

"Because I know it!" He said assuredly.

'That is not an explanation.'

"How is that possible, then how come energy does flow through them?" I said as I goaded him into talking.

"Because the greater your energy control, the more energy follows the paths you define, so as your control increases, you feel like you are opening meridians."

'At least he gave a proper explanation this time.'

"How do you know it!?"(Ryan)

"Boy, my first ancestor was the mount of Maa Shakti herself, he is the vehicle of the one who personifies the energy of everything in existence, and though my bloodline is quite thin, I know about the power and energies of the world much more than you humans."(Tiger)

"The method you use was made by dragon leeches, as the energy of dragons is too strong for a human body to let it flow freely coupled with its fiery nature, If they let it flow freely it will destroy their body, turning them to ashes."(Tiger)

"So they slowly build channels while improving their control and their body's resilience and resistance."(Tiger)

"At the peak of practice when channels cover the whole body completely they can finally make this power their own."(Tiger)

'I see, that is why Danny's body starts getting damaged whenever he uses full power.'

'It makes perfect sense.'

Though I don't know if his words about his lineage are credible, but hey, this world has a fantasy genre so, whatever.

"So what about me?" I asked

"Is your power borrowed or your own?" and he posed a question.

"Of course, it's my own!"(Ryan)

'What kind of question is that?'

"Then why would it hurt you?" He said giving a Tsundere explanation.

I opened my mouth and couldn't find an answer to that.

"I see, but what is the problem with my current practice?"(Ryan)

"You still don't get it!? You restricting it, boy!!" He said with an exasperated shout.

"What should I do wise one?" and I quickly surrendered at the hidden threat of a beating.

He let out a sigh and said 

"Let it go, let the lightning flow through your body as it pleases, let it rampage and when it calms down guide it, control it, and finally make it your own." Tiger said as he looked at me with a serious expression.

"Why are you helping me?"(Ryan)

I couldn't help but ask, I realize now he had no intentions to hurt me and stopped me so that he could tell me about all this.

"Because I have an affinity with lightning and I felt the lightning in you crying for freedom." He said in a disgruntled tone.

'I get it. So, he's really a Tsundere.'

"Okay okay I get it. By the way, you didn't tell me your name?"(Ryan)

A moment of silence ensued at my question.

"I don't have one, my parents left the world, before they could give me one."

He replied with a slight sadness in his voice.

(AN - Is that so? Then you shall be the MC of my next book. I will give you a badass name.)

"I am sorry for your loss." I offered my condolences.

"What do you mean boy!? They aren't dead!!" And he goes shouting again.

'Then why are you making the sad atmosphere.'

"But didn't you say they left this world!?"(Ryan)

"Yeah they left, outside the world, they didn't die!"

'Then speak clearly, Dammit! Fine, you wanna play, I will play with you.'

"Then how about this, since you are a descendent of Maa Shakti's vehicle, how about the name Shakti Kapoor?"(Ryan)

'I suggested, as I laughed in my mind.'

He used his paw and slapped me, burying me in the snow and said

"You must really think you are a smart boy, but I know about Bollywood."

I lifted my head from the snow and asked


'Why does a Tiger know about Bollywood actors!?'

"I can change my size and fur colour, what do you think?"

It only took me a moment to realize-

"You dressed up as a cat, to watch movies!?"(Ryan)

-that this tiger was shameless.


'That doesn't make sense!'

"I have lived a very long time, I needed something to relieve my boredom and the last decade has been the most entertaining one."

'Scratch that, It makes perfect sense!!'

"What do you do in the human society usually?"(Ryan)

"Surf the internet." (Tiger)

'Concise answer.'

"How?" I asked after a moment of silence failing to find his modus operandi.

"I am rich. I own a lot of properties in Human World." He said with a face that made me feel he was looking down on me, not physically but in a psychological sense.

It was like he was calling me pathetic with his eyes.

'He's joking, right?'

"Like what!?"(Ryan)

"Almost all the brands that come under Tiger name have my share."


'I can feel the malice of this world, even a tiger living in the mountains is richer than me.'

"That's enough Boy! You will call me Tiger Lord(Baghraj)  from now on."

"Now do as I said and control the lightning in your body as I told you."

'Really? That was the best you could come up with? Might as well use White Tiger Jr.'

"I will do it when I get home." I replied in an exhausted voice.

'I don't want to do it now as I am feeling tired from all the mountaineering.'

"No! You will do it now?" He ordered me.

"Why!?" (Ryan)

'I won't stand for his tyranny-'

"Because I said so." He said raising his paw.

I surrendered immediately.

  '-I will sit down and deal with it'.


I sat down, closed my eyes in meditation and did as he asked me.