

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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CHAPTER 9 - Intruder in the Avengers tower


As I took the flight to New York I realised what the sudden disappearances of those 

people did to the world car accidents, airplane crashes and a lot more, the traffic system was paralyzed for the past few days and I am currently on the first flight that is actually taking air to New York right now.

There is still no news about why it happened and people are still looking for answers as I landed in New York, the first thing I did was get off the plane turn on my mobile phone and call Danny I realised I could have called earlier him but the thought did not enter my mind till now.

My call connected and it was Danny who picked up the phone, I felt a sigh of relief leaving me, and as I was about to continue to talk to him a Billboard screen near the airport started showing the news that they had just received and they found out the cause of the disappearances.

It appears that the Avengers were fighting some alien who caused all this when they lost the battle.

And as soon as I heard that I felt this boiling rage taking over every thought I had and I let it then something inside me snapped as I cut off Danny's call and made my way towards my target.

Tony Stark POV

I sat there on the balcony of the Stark Tower exhausted, we returned to Earth yesterday after finishing off Thanos and after dealing with the media in the morning.

All the Avengers or what is left of us were resting here in the tower, Thor was on the roof Bruce and Fury's space girlfriend were with what remains of SHIELD.

I am still struggling with the aftermath of Thanos erasing half the population but I am glad that at least Pepper is still with me as I was lost in my thoughts Friday's voice woke me up

"Sir, a shareholder of Stark Industries has entered the building and is making his way towards the penthouse."

"Friday check if something happened to the stock industries."

"Sir the reports state that start industries are operating normally."

"Then what is his business here?"

"If I may sir I would not consider his visit here a business-oriented one. His facial recognition and body language scans show very apparent signs of anger and hostility I suggest you prepare for a confrontation."

"Friday scam him any weapons and dangerous objects and enhancements."

"Scan complete most dangerous object in possession is the belt buckle classified threat level 0, no signs of external physical enhancement and body weight scans of the elevator shows with equal with an extremely healthy male in specifications with his BMI."

"Did something happen Tony?" Captain America asked when he saw my actions.

"Friday detected a young man entering the tower with anger and hostility and who is apparently a shareholder of Stark, he has no weapons and his body shows him as a normal human."

"I see he must have lost someone too and is probably blaming us after the news, I will talk to him." 'How did he evne reach that conclusion so quickly?'

"Well looking at his expressions I don't think talking is going to cut it" (said Natasha looking at elevator surveillance).

As the elevator came up doors opened his voice saying

"It's all your fault."

his tone sent a shiver down my spine.

I saw the captain going forward and put a hand on his left shoulder saying

"calm down son, we can talk about this"

"make me" he said followed by a right uppercut to the captain's perfect jaw and then he grabbed the hand on his shoulder and gave a perfect shoulder throw to the captain who was now on the ground disoriented.

Despite him being on the opposite side I still took the moment of relishing the captain's shocked expression and saving the picture instead of attacking him.

I mean it is not every day that you see a guy who fought against gods, monsters and aliens with a shield being put down with a shoulder throw.

Natasha POV

Would you look at that, looking at Steve down on the ground I don't know why I felt some pleasure in his misfortune and looking at Tony's face he seems to feel the same and it probably already recorded and made backups of his backup copies.

And even though Steve probably had his guard down this guy is good take him down like that I thought as he made his way towards me and Tony and I moved to intercept him.

As I fought with him I realised this guy was probably trained to fight and the only reason I could keep up with him was because he lacked experience and was falling for some of my feints and under a minute he managed to adjust himself and pushed me away to reach stark who seeing the situation now started to suit up but was kicked in the chest.


I was done in by a classic uppercut and shoulder throw combo, though I want to say I underestimated him it could have been the end of me if he had a weapon and wanted to kill me, I don't think he wanted to kill me and as I watched him fighting Natasha I was more assured of my guess.

I quickly got up and went after him as I saw him taking Tony in the chest he evaded me as I tried to grab him.

After Tony put on his suit the fight turned three-on-one but instead of going down he kept evading us and trying to sneak in hits he could not evade every hit but he tanked those he couldn't and didn't falter, I have to say his reflexes and tenacity are something else.

The fight that continued for a few minutes ended with Thor coming in from the window and grabbing him and me knocking him out.


Half an hour after the fight the Avengers gathered in the meeting room excluding Wanda.

(AN- Captain here is Captain Marvel)

After everyone arrived Captain Marvel started talking

"So why have you called us all?"

Stark replayed the entire fight for everyone to see and comments started pouring in

"Is your jaw alright?"(Stark)

"It's better than your ribs."(Steve)

"He's good."(captain)

"Yeah, too good."(Banner)

"A fine well-trained warrior."(Thor)

"Yes better trained than any I have ever seen."(Natasha)

"So who sent him?"(Captain)

"I don't think he is an enemy."(Steve)


"When he fought with us he showed no intent to kill and none of his attacks were aimed towards body parts that would prove lethal or crippling when attacked, Natasha probably felt that too."(Steve)


"Stark, look him up."(Bruce)

"Already did, named Ryan Angelo. Grandfather David Angelo is an American, Indian grandmother and his mother is Chinese.

Lived in America till the age of 10 and moved back to India was known as an upcoming child prodigy in medicine, started a business and became a billionaire in a few years by investing and stock trading last travel records show moving to China 4 years ago and returning about 1 year ago, there are signs of hydra involved in his parents death, and apparently when captain was a fugitive some people who helped worked for him, oh and he holds 3% stake in Stark industries now."

"So why did he come after you?"(captain)

"Why don't we just ask him?" said Natasha pointing at the screen where the subject of their discussion was seen sitting cross-legged with the back of his palms on his knees and his index fingers making a circle with his thumbs three fingers flat and his mouth moving like he was chanting.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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