

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER -6 -The training and Danny's challenge


The next day I woke up half an hour before sunrise took a bath and got myself ready, by the time of sunrise I was on the roof of the building I was living in.

As the first ray of Sunlight lit up the sky, I took in a deep breath and let the air fill my lungs and as I exhaled I chanted 'Om Namah Shivaya' and continued doing that for the next 15 minutes.

Once I completed the 15 minutes I started doing Surya namaskar for the about 5 minutes.

It has become my daily routine due to the time I spent training with my great-grandmother

This was the first exercise we used to do every morning, I once asked the reason for doing this and what I got was an explanation of benefits and limits.

She explains that the chanting and the breathing are ways of gathering energies as they let our body harmonize with the energies present in our environment at dawn and doing the Surya namaskar lets us strengthen our body using them.

After the first movement of Surya Namaskar, we have exactly 288 seconds before the energy is dissipated from our body.

  The number of times we complete a perfect cycle of Surya namaskar can be converted into the hours of training our bodies to the extreme in the amount of enhancement they provide, but every moment and transition between moments for each cycle of Surya namaskar must be perfect or the effects diminish drastically.

By the time I finished my training I could perform three perfect Cycles when I asked how many cycles my great-grandmother and grandmother could perform both of them scoffed at me in response.

When I was done with my morning routine I climbed down the roof and saw Lei Kung looking at me he said

"Looks like you have some foundation for physical training and have been trained properly."

When I asked if he knew about the cycles of Surya Namaskar he said he knew and I asked him to tell me more about it.

"Every three cycles starting from 1st is a stage and every time the number of cycles we can complete increases by a multiplier of 3, physical fitness is enhanced by a stage."

"What is the highest number that can be performed?"

"The highest number the human body can theoretically achieve is 18 cycles at its peak but actually there is no upper limit as there have been stories of people who have broken past the threshold of the theoretical peak of the human body."

"Why theoretically?"

"Because that would require extreme development of each muscle group extreme control over each of them and a perfect sense of balance breathing and reaction to execute, which would require both a mind capable of multitasking and each movement made into instinct or a superhuman body."

"Like Captain America?"

"Who kept Naame Rika?"

"Never mind, I can do three cycles, how many can you do?"

"Heh, let's go it is time to begin training."

'Did he just scoff at me, what's the problem with these old people and that question?' I wondered as we reached the training field where everyone had gathered.

After the basic training in the morning when he saw that I could keep up with the rest, he separated me from everyone and tested me a spar.

He asked if I had learned any fighting style till now and when I replied no

"What form of training have you received?"(Lei Kung)

I replied "Kalari payat"

"So that's what it was, looks like you have been trained in the authentic one, so we can forgo your basic physical training." He said in affirmaton.

And so my training routine changed from various basic trainings to learning basics of punching, kicking and other basic fighting moments after which I would be dropped into various medical baths this continued for the next month.

After making sure I had perfected the basics he started various physical trainings in which my body was trained to breaking point and then again dropped into various medical baths this training continued for half a year.

"Now that all the muscles of your body have been developed to the extreme of human capacity it is time for you to learn about chi." 

After hearing this sentence one day my training regimen changed again during which he tried to make me sense chi by guiding his own chi into my body and another session of medical baths which continent for another 3 months after which I was finally able to sense my chi

----time skip 18 months----

About a year and a half has passed since I was able to sense chi and I have started training in various martial arts taught by old man Lei Kung I have become proficient in most of them by now and now I am developing my meridians for the passage of chi in my body.

The old man said that I am talented in the control of Chi and my Chi is heavily biased towards the nature of our family's thundering chi.

During these last 2 years, I have spent most of my time being trained by old man or sparring with Danny and I also realised in the last two years that Danny is probably the future 'Iron Fist'.

And about that Iron Fist thing, about 6 months after meeting Danny and hearing about the powers of the iron fist and the dragon challenge that needed to be completed by every iron fist.

I realised that he was probably the golden mask and green shirt wearing martial artist guy that followed Spider-Man along with a white catsuit woman, flying guy in a helmet and a black dude in sunglasses in the Spider-Man cartoon/anime show I watched during childhood in my previous life.

Talking about Danny, I have become friends with him and he is somewhat like a younger brother to me now.

Also while I was training in the compound he was currently undergoing the challenge of 'the many' which will be followed by the challenge of 'the one' and the battle with shou-lao for the power of 'Iron Fist'.

But I was not worried about him as he becomes the iron fist from what I know and because of my presence he has only gotten stronger than what he should have been otherwise.

While I never won against him, in our recent spars he never got an easy victory as even though I was weaker than him I had better stamina than him.

I later learned he was ambushed by some people and received help from some lady.

A lucky guy, instead of worrying about him I am more worried about that lady as women practising martial arts is forbidden in this city, I hope she's alright.