
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

leaving the savage land and meeting white widow(chapter 87)

previously in chapter 86

Deep within the icy lands of the Savage Land, where every single breath froze solid in a matter of seconds, this fact alone made it impossible for life to thrive. And yet in this unforgiving environment, two giants were colliding. One of those giants was a 20 feet rhinoceros-looking beast with ice scales for armor, but some of the scales were burned and melting and sharp and large ice horns that looked like crystal. It was currently running through the ice, colliding with the sides of mountains and creating avalanches as something ran alongside it, but it was more or so chasing it. The creature chasing it, of course, was Salva, who was now twice the size.

Standing at an impressive 14 feet, his scales were even more solid, his fangs and claws sharper, as were his senses. His muscles were stronger, overall he had received an all-round improvement, and this happened yesterday after he finally hunted a Sarcosaurus, which he had been beefing with for the last couple of days. It was not only bigger than Salva, but it refused to step out of the river it was on, and Salva, well, he doesn't like water. Not since drowning isn't his favorite pastime. That wasn't the only thing he hunted, as Salva developed a habit of picking fights with things that were several times his size. Since he couldn't die by normal means, that bolstered his confidence, allowing him to take on more dangerous fights, like fighting a horse of Triceratops and getting impaled a thousand times.


Chapter 87

Yet he walked out being the only thing alive in that horde. In fact, he was the only thing remaining from that fight period as he had consumed the whole horde, and the tribes in the Savage Land came to call him the Devourer. In fact, he was so famous that the protectors of the Savage Land came to him, aka Ka-Zar and Shanna the She-Devil. As you might have expected, she gave him an earful after finding out that he was intelligent and could understand their words perfectly. Of course, Salva wasn't trying to hear all of that so he turned. Shanna, however, was more adamant about being heard so she tried grabbing his tail.

It was safe to say that she found out what it's like to hit a tree at nearly 200 mph. Salva was not as patient as Oliver and he was willing to fight both of them to the death, which fortunately for them, they didn't. It was safe that the Savage Land knew who he was, and even on Earth, he was getting some renown. But most importantly of all, Salva has finally figured out how to take on a human form. The problem was he was trying to take on the form of Oliver before, which something preventing him, even if he was Oliver in essence, he still couldn't take on the form of Oliver. If, in fact, he couldn't take the form of anyone that existed, no matter who it was. So he figures he couldn't think of the appearance of someone that doesn't exist, someone who he wanted to look like.

Once he did that, he immediately transformed into the person he envisioned, which was a man, of course, with mostly white hair with some black, reflecting that deep blue sea. His height was 6 feet 5, and he had the skin of someone who had never seen the sun before. So the reason why he couldn't take on someone else's form is that the shape-shifting the option was talking about was a secondary form, not an actual polymorph, as he couldn't take on different forms like Mystique, which disappointed him a bit. At least for now, he could wear the teleportation ring. The reason why he hadn't left already was that he wanted to hunt this icy rhinoceros beast, which he was currently chasing in his true form.

Using his weight to push the armored tank to the side of the mountains, and when the beast wanted to do the same to him, he would slow down and dodge before breathing an even hotter fire breath that continued to burn the rhino. But the icy armored beast decided it had enough as it suddenly stopped, causing Salva to also stop as the rhino did a 180 turn before its horn glowed. Knowing what was coming, Salva then used all of his strength to jump to the side, which he did just in time to avoid the large ice spikes growing from the ground in a straight line. They were sharp, durable, and most importantly, they were deadly. However, this wasn't the first time this rhino attacked, and Salva was already prepared for it. So he dodged it before he lunged at the rhino, taking a large chunk out of it.

Causing the rhino to roar and wallow in pain, but Salva didn't stop as he continued to attack, taking bite after bite, until eventually, the rhino was down. Salva then immediately dug in, finishing the entire rhino in just a couple of hours. With a full belly, Salva could be seen leaning against the bones of the creature he just killed as he thought, "Well, I am full." He grunted as he released a low hum, which no human could hear. After his body digested the food, he got up as he thought, "Well, time to go. I can't stay in this place for my whole life. I need to know what happened to Oliver." Salva yawned as he then got up before using his tongue to look through his teeth, "Ahhh, found it." He finally made contact with his ring, which was stuck between his teeth. "I really hope I don't swallow this ring; otherwise, that is going to be a hassle and a half to get out." While he remained in contact with the ring, he thought of a place as he groaned, "Damn you, Oliver."

"There is no place like home," he said, which caused him to disappear from where he was. Inside an apartment, where a blonde woman wearing yellow spandex could be seen eating ice cream as her white pit bull with a black eye patch chewed on a tennis ball, she was staring at her monitors, which had Deadpool and other sorts of information on them, reminiscing about the past. Suddenly, a light appeared, immediately expanding into a large figure. The blonde woman, also known as Yelena, immediately got on guard as her dog, named Clint, started to bark. The light then faded, revealing the figure of Salva in his true form. Yelena yelled, "какого черта," before she took out her pistol and fired at Salva, who said, "Wait, wait, don't." The bullet just bounced off his hard scales, hitting the wall as he slightly tilted his head. Yelena, stunned, then said, "дерьмо, a talking dinosaur?" Salva then explained.

"Don't shoot, I am not going to hurt you, plus you can't really kill me," he said as Yelena regained her cool and said, "I am the best assassin in the world. I can find a way to kill you, even if you're bulletproof." Salva gave a confused look and asked, "Isn't Elektra the best assassin in the world?" Yelena replied, "бред сивой кобылы." Salva sighed as he said, "I don't really speak Russian, but anyways, sorry for scaring you. This is not where I wanted to appear. Agh." He tried to maneuver his way around, only to hit his head on the ceiling and nearly step on the dog. "Hey, watch where you're going." Yelena then swan-dived and picked up her dog out of the way as Salva said, "Oh, sorry," before taking on his humanoid form. He was now a man, standing at 6 feet 5, with powdered skin, silver eyes, and silver hair with black accents in the front. If the expression on Yelena's face was anything to go by, Salva packed more than Oliver.

"Ебать," Yelena couldn't help but curse as she saw the thing between Salva's legs, which he, of course, realized. So he said, "Do you have some clothes I can put on?" Yelena shook her head as she left the room. The moment she passed through the door, she peeked her head back in and said, "What?" before shaking her head again and getting the clothes. Ten minutes later, Salva, now wearing black pants and a red rose shirt, turned black glasses around. "So, what are you, some sort of weird dragon and T-Rex mix?" Yelena, who was still chomping down her ice cream, asked. Salva chuckled and said, "Yeah, precisely that is what I am." "Where did you come from?" she asked as Salva replied without hesitation."Antarctica, or more so from the Savage Land," causing Yelena to nod with affirmation as she said, "Right, plenty of странный there. And how did you suddenly appear?" she asked, leaning forward. 

"Oh, this," Salva then showed her the ring between his fingers, which caused Yelena to have a strange look on her face, forcing Salva to clarify, "It's a magic teleportation ring," he said. Yelena shrugged while Salva was staring at the papers on the wall, which had a list of things she loved, things she liked, and things she was neutral about.


A/N: Another chapter, and gosh, does it feel great to have more than 10 chapters in stock. It's a nice feeling, I tell ya. Anyway, Salva's weird and bizarre adventure is going to start soon, and he is going to be overpowered. I'm talking about on the same level as Jin Mu-Won (well, not entirely; he is more powerful than that, but you'll see what I mean). So yeah, the unkillable devourer is going to make his mark in the Marvel world, and who better to be his stepping stone than the first overpowered character Oliver met in his early days.

PS: I don't speak Russian; I just used Google Translate (and we know how that goes). So, if any Russian doesn't make sense, please bear with me.