
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

King In Black: part 5(chapter 4)

prevously in chapter 3

As the battle raged on, the number of demons began to dwindle. Salva's relentless assault left piles of ash and charred remains in his wake. The lead demon, seeing its forces decimated, charged at Salva in a desperate final attack. 

Salva met the charge head-on, parrying the demon's blows with his spear. With a final, powerful thrust, he drove the spear through the lead demon's heart, lifting it off the ground and holding it aloft as it burned from within. The demon's eyes dimmed, and its body crumbled to ash.

Breathing heavily, Salva looked around at the devastation. The swarm of demons, once two hundred strong, lay defeated. He took a moment to catch his breath, then turned his attention to the sky. "I need to keep moving," he thought, determined to continue his fight against the symbiote threat. 

He began walking again, the Eternal Flame spear glowing brightly in his hand.


Chapter 103

Salva finished consuming the last of the demons, feeling the power surging within him as he stood on the cusp of evolving. Suddenly, he sensed a presence behind him and turned to see a group of familiar figures. His eyes widened as he recognized them: Storm, the Thing, Captain America, and Cyclops of the X-Men, all taken over by Knull's symbiote.

"You have devoured enough," said the symbiote-possessed Captain America, his voice a dark echo of the hero's usual tone.

"You shall join us," added the symbiote-possessed Cyclops, his voice equally sinister.

Without further warning, they attacked. Salva gripped the Eternal Flame spear tightly, readying himself for the fight. He didn't want to kill his friends, so he had to hold back, controlling his immense power to incapacitate rather than destroy.

Storm attacked first, summoning a furious tempest. Dark clouds swirled above, and bolts of lightning crackled towards Salva. He spun his spear in a defensive arc, using the flames to dissipate the lightning. The ground beneath him scorched from the residual electricity, but he remained unharmed. 

"Ororo," Salva shouted, hoping to reach the Storm buried beneath the symbiote. The Thing charged next, his rocky form making the ground tremble with each step. He swung a massive fist at Salva, who sidestepped the blow with incredible speed. Salva jabbed the spear into the Thing's shoulder, the flames scorching but not penetrating his tough exterior. The Thing roared in pain, but the symbiote's control over him remained strong.

Captain America, with his enhanced agility and combat skills, lunged at Salva, his shield aimed for Salva's head. Salva blocked the strike with his spear, the clang of vibranium against the Eternal Flame resonating through the battlefield. Captain America pressed the attack, using his shield to bash and strike, but Salva's superior strength allowed him to hold his ground. 

Cyclops, keeping his distance, fired a powerful optic blast. The beam of red energy shot towards Salva, who managed to leap out of its path just in time. The blast seared the ground where he had stood moments before. Salva needed to neutralize Cyclops' ranged attacks while fending off the others.

Salva took a deep breath, exhaling a controlled stream of fire towards the Thing and Captain America, forcing them to back off momentarily. He then focused on Cyclops, closing the distance between them with blinding speed. Cyclops fired another optic blast, but Salva deflected it with his spear, redirecting the energy harmlessly into the sky. 

Using the butt of his spear, Salva struck Cyclops in the chest, knocking him to the ground without causing serious harm. Before Cyclops could recover, Salva bound him with tendrils of fire, temporarily incapacitating him. 

Turning back to the others, Salva saw Storm summoning a massive whirlwind. The gale-force winds threatened to throw him off balance, but Salva dug his heels in, grounding himself. With a powerful thrust, he launched a burst of flames into the whirlwind, disrupting it and sending Storm staggering backward.

Captain America and the Thing attacked in unison. Salva ducked under the Thing's wide swing and deflected Captain America's shield with a precise flick of his spear. He delivered a rapid series of strikes to Captain America's legs, making him stumble. Salva then used the shaft of his spear to trip the Thing, sending the massive hero crashing to the ground.

Despite their symbiote-enhanced strength and resilience, Salva's superior skills and controlled use of power kept them at bay. He didn't want to harm them more than necessary, focusing on subduing rather than killing.

Storm recovered and launched herself into the air, summoning another storm. Lightning bolts rained down, but Salva anticipated her move. He leaped into the air, meeting her head-on. With a swift and precise strike, he knocked her out of the sky, catching her before she could hit the ground and laying her gently aside.

Cyclops struggled against the fiery bindings, but Salva reinforced them with a wave of his hand. The Thing tried to rise, but Salva pinned him down with a fiery spear tip hovering just above his chest.

Captain America, the last one standing, raised his shield for another attack, but Salva was faster. He disarmed Captain America with a quick flick of his wrist, sending the shield flying. He then delivered a powerful but controlled strike to Captain's midsection, knocking the wind out of him and bringing him to his knees. Breathing heavily, Salva stood amidst his fallen friends, their symbiote forms writhing but subdued. He had fought hard to hold back, to avoid causing irreparable harm, before an idea popped into his head as he flew at a high speed just to impale a dragon and devour it.

"Maybe I could try to burn the symbiote off of them?" he mused, but remembering his control over his fire made him hesitate. "No," he denied, then tied them up before leaving. "I am close," he muttered to himself as he continued his slaughter. Of course, Knull sent many after him, sometimes even coming himself, but Salva avoided a fight with him until he evolved his fifth time. His flight led him to parts of the city he had never been to before, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that there were symbiote dragons, and he was going to kill them. One symbiote dragon was currently busy trying to devour a civilian, so Salva used the spear to dive-bomb the symbiote into a rooftop, controlling his descent as he killed and ate the symbiote dragon.


A/N another chapter, hope you guys like it.