
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

King in Black: part 1(chapter 99)

previously in chapter 98

If he could, he would stop eating as well, but he needed to evolve. The reason why he was doing this was simple: he wanted to have perfect control over his strength. Nay, he wanted perfect control over his body. He was getting there, but he wasn't there yet. After repeating the same movement 99 more times, the dense clouds above him were nowhere to be seen, and neither was anything in front of him. Mind you, this wasn't the first mountain peak he had settled on since he arrived in the realms of the dwarves. He had been to other mountains and had destroyed many more. After his practice was done, he returned to his hut, where a forge could be seen. Inside the forge was a piece of golden metal.

"Well, hello again," he greeted the piece of metal, which had arrived in this realm in the form of a meteorite at the same time he did. He liked the metal, so he decided to pick it up and forge a weapon out of it. He tried to use his flames to melt it down, but he couldn't; the thing was highly resistant to his flames, which were hotter than the surface of the sun. Yet since he arrived, he had tried to melt it down but couldn't. However, he didn't give up, so he tried every day. It sort of became a ritual, to the point where he didn't miss a single time.


Chapter 99

Today was no different. He picked up the metal as he started to forge. He began by heating the metal. He didn't use all of his breath; no, if he did, he would melt the whole mountain down. So he just breathed a little, but this breath was enough to melt a person down to the bones and even turn the bones to ashes. He continued to breathe this stream of fire, and if he hadn't tried to melt this thing every day for a long period of time, what happened today wouldn't have happened. Finally, after some period of time, after days and days of breathing fire on this metal, the piece of metal finally decided to melt. For the first time, Salva smiled as he used his bare fists to hammer the piece into shape. Every strike from his fist shook the hut and the mountain.

If he didn't have control over his strength, he would have shattered the mountain. But hammering this piece of metal into shape wasn't easy either. It took him days and nights of continuous hammering to finally shape the metal into a spear. The spear came out red and beautiful, and the moment he finished forging, it immediately lit aflame, into a bright and hot flame that burst the hut and burned the air, trees, and everything around them in a matter of seconds. The spear shook and vibrated as it continued to glow hot, so hot in fact that it caught Salva on fire. But Salva was part dragon, and he was highly resistant to flames. So after hours of the spear continuing to throw its tantrum, it finally calmed down as Salva uttered, "Heavenly Flame, your name is Heavenly Flame." As if it heard Salva, the spear shook and hummed with pride as it released a torrent of flames into the sky in celebration.

-scene change-

Back on earth, Salva stood amidst the desolate cityscape, now a blackened husk of its former self, with buildings and streets covered in a thick, viscous black liquid that shimmered ominously. The sun was obscured, casting the world into an eternal twilight. Above, giant black dragons, their bodies made of a rubbery substance with pearly white jaws and large red tongues, soared through the sky. These were the symbiote dragons as salva being oliver he knew what they where, and he knew whom their creator was.

As Salva looked around, he sighed, taking in the desolation. "This is something," he thought, his gaze sweeping the ruins. One of the dragons, sensing his presence, dived toward him with terrifying speed.

In one swift motion, Salva removed his cloak, revealing his human form, and unsheathed his spear which was wrapped in a fire resistant hide. The dragon's descent was like a dark comet, but Salva remained unflinching. As the beast neared, he leapt into the air with incredible agility, meeting the dragon mid-flight. With a powerful thrust, he drove his spear into the dragon's skull, black ichor spraying from the wound as the beast let out a deafening roar.

The dragon crashed to the ground, but Salva was already moving, landing gracefully amidst the carnage effortlessly. More dragons descended, their monstrous forms blotting out the sky. Salva's spear spun in his hands, a blur of motion as he faced the oncoming horde.

A dragon lunged, its jaws wide open, but Salva sidestepped effortlessly, his spear slicing through its neck in one fluid motion. The dragon's head hit the ground with a thud, its body convulsing before going still. Another dragon attacked from behind, its claws outstretched, but Salva ducked and thrust his spear upwards, impaling the creature through its chest. The dragon howled in agony before collapsing. His movements were precise, his strikes lethal. He fought with a calm fury, each attack executed with perfect control.

One dragon breathed a torrent of living abyss towards him, intending to infect him. Salva responded with a mighty leap, soaring above the black wave. Mid-air, he hurled his spear with devastating accuracy, skewering the dragon through its gaping maw. The beast fell, writhing, as Salva landed and retrieved his weapon.

The sky darkened further as more dragons amalgamated into a colossal two-headed symbiote dragon, an avatar of Knull. This monstrous entity landed with a ground-shaking thud, its dual heads roaring in unison.

Salva tightened his grip on his spear, his eyes narrowing. This was the true test of his strength. The two-headed dragon lunged, both heads striking simultaneously. Salva dodged to the side, his movements a blur. He countered with a sweeping arc of his spear, slashing one head across the snout. Black blood sprayed, but the beast barely flinched.

The dragon retaliated, one head snapping at Salva while the other breathed a jet of fire. Salva rolled beneath the snapping jaws, his spear spinning defensively to deflect the flames. He surged forward, his spear thrusting into the dragon's flank. The beast roared in pain, its massive tail swinging around to swat him away. Salva was thrown across the street, crashing into a building, but he quickly recovered, leaping back to his feet.

He charged again, undeterred. The two heads attacked from different angles, but Salva was a whirlwind of motion, his spear dancing between them. He drove his weapon into one head's eye, the dragon screeching in agony as it recoiled. With a swift motion, he yanked the spear free and spun around, severing the tendrils that the other head had generated.

Realizing it was outmatched, the dragon combined both heads' attacks, unleashing a torrent of fire and tendrils. Salva stood his ground, his spear spinning to deflect the onslaught. The ground around him melted and cracked under the intense heat, but he remained unscathed.

With a final, powerful leap, he launched himself at the beast. He drove his spear with all his might into the junction where the two heads met, piercing deep into the dragon's core. The creature let out a final, deafening roar as it convulsed and collapsed, its massive body shaking the ground.


A/N: Well, it has begun—the final part of this arc before we enter the final arc. Yes, unfortunately, there is only one more arc left in this story. No, I am not ending it for some arbitrary reason; it's just the natural conclusion of the story for Marvels: Overgeared. This doesn't mean it's the end for Oliver or his soul clone(s, if you know what I mean). So, while the story might end, it's not the end of Oliver, and it's definitely not the end of my writings. talking about writing why don't you check out my new story, MCU: as an alchemist, if you are into villains mc's