
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Avenger Mess(Chapter 51)

"I should probably use the demon blood goggles to determine the effects of this flower," Oliver noted to himself, his mind already considering the possibilities. However, his focus was abruptly interrupted by the sound of crashing trees nearby.

In a cloud of smoke, Captain Marvel emerged, groaning as she struggled to rise. "Oh, lookie here," a voice taunted, followed by the crackling of flames. Oliver glanced up to see what could only be described as a green Ghost Rider, a skeletal figure wreathed in eerie green flames, riding a hovering board and brandishing a flaming pumpkin.

Despite the spectacle before him, Oliver remained unfazed. He returned his attention to the soil where the flower had been, digging through it with purpose, seemingly unconcerned with the dramatic entrance of these two powerful beings. Captain Marvel and the ghostly rider were momentarily stunned by Oliver's lack of reaction as he retrieved the soil sample.

"What—" the Ghost Goblin began, before fury overtook him. With a menacing roar, he hurled the flaming pumpkin towards Oliver, shouting, "Let's see how nonchalant you can be after burning to ash!"

Captain Marvel, bound by her hero's instinct, leaped into action. She was an Avenger, a hero through and through, and she wasn't about to let innocent bystanders fall victim to hellfire, even if one of those bystanders seemed a bit eccentric. As she rushed forward to intercept the flaming projectile, a burst of abyssal energy surged from Oliver.

The energy enveloped not only Captain Marvel but also the flaming pumpkin, weakening both. In a matter of moments, the ground where Oliver stood was replaced by a swirling mass of yellow and black symbiote. Shocked by this unexpected turn, the Ghost Goblin hesitated, staring at Oliver's transformed state.

"A symbiote!" the Ghost Goblin exclaimed, his confidence not waning as he faced the creature. "So, this is where your confidence came from. But I am a Ghost Rider," he declared, summoning his courage, for Ghost Riders were known to wield hellfire against dark forces. However, this was a miscalculation on the Ghost Goblin's part, underestimating the symbiote's resilience and Oliver's power.

As Oliver, now empowered with a tenfold boost in strength, durability, and speed, scoffed at the Ghost Goblin, he yanked the spectral fiend out of the air and slammed him into the ground. The impact created a crater, the earth cracking in a spider web pattern from the force. Standing over the dazed Ghost Goblin, Oliver remarked, "The other Ghost Rider was better," before lifting him up once more, preparing for another bout of punishment.

However, his focus was abruptly diverted by distant yelling. "Another symbiote and an old sack of bones. Let Starbrand cleanse your unclean soul!" echoed a voice through the trees. Oliver turned to see a young girl, no more than 13 or 14, with blond hair and clad in a white suit emblazoned with a red Starbrand symbol on her chest. She unleashed a torrent of flames towards Oliver, who swiftly used the Ghost Goblin as a shield, the bone and green flames absorbing the fiery assault.

"Starbrand, no!" Captain Marvel's voice rang out with concern as Oliver deftly parried the flames. When the torrent ceased, the Ghost Goblin lay unconscious, his flames dimmed. The forest behind Oliver bore the scars of the inferno, a swath of charred trees and scorched earth. Discarding the Ghost Goblin to the side, Oliver turned to face Starbrand, who was preparing to attack again.

Captain Marvel stepped between them, her authoritative stance halting the girl's advance. "He is not one of them," she stated firmly, her eyes meeting Oliver's briefly. Just then, Captain America arrived with a group of half-decayed, half-cyborg individuals.

Starbrand, still brimming with youthful arrogance, retorted, "I could have dealt with that sack of bones myself." Oliver, unbothered by her attitude, deactivated his symbiote suit, revealing his appearance. He then turned away, paying little heed to the unfolding conversation.

Approaching Captain Marvel, Captain America inquired, "Do you know who he is?" Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, paused in thought before replying, "No, but he was picking up some sort of plant, even ignoring me and the Ghost Goblin initially before retaliating after Ghost Goblin attacked him."

Captain America considered this information, his mind spinning with possibilities. "He doesn't seem to be scared, even after witnessing the capabilities of Starbrand," he mused aloud, contemplating the mysterious figure. Before he could delve further into speculation, Carol interjected, "Given his nonchalant reactions and the fact that he mentioned fighting the other Ghost Rider, we could positively assume that he is capable."

"I'll do some investigating after we return to Avengers Mountain," Captain America decided as they walked away, the night shrouding their discussion.

[1 week later]

Under the cover of darkness, in an expansive, unknown forest beneath a towering mountain, thunderous sounds echoed through the air, followed by large earthquake. A colossal creature, its size rivaling that of skyscrapers, raced through the terrain, each heavy footstep shaking the very ground. Quadruple in size, with skin resembling white snow and hardened ice, the creature's limbs were massive, its teeth towering like trees. Blood trickled from its mouth, several teeth missing or hanging precariously in the gaping holes.

A lone figure could be seen within the beast's maw, navigating its insides with purpose. The figure, a human male, quickly disappeared into the creature's gaping maw. Suddenly, the creature came to a stop, its dilated pupils betraying confusion and pain. With a thunderous crash, it began pounding its head against the mountainside, dislodging chunks of rock and earth.

The creature's belly emitted a faint glow, growing more intense by the second. Orange light radiated from its mouth, eyes, and nostrils, intensifying until it burned a hole through its stomach. Roaring in agony, the creature's entire form glowed with the searing light, a spectacle of destruction and pain in the heart of the forest.

As the colossal creature crashed to the ground, a deafening roar echoed through the forest, sending dust billowing into the air. The sheer force of impact nearly deforested the entire area, shattering mountains and splintering the earth. As the dust began to settle, revealing the aftermath of destruction, a curious sight emerged on the creature's belly.

From the beast's gut, a bone blade erupted, followed by a scarred, blood-soaked hand adorned with razor-sharp nails. The hand belonged to Oliver, who emerged from the creature's innards, bathed in its blood. A thin, shimmering membrane enveloped him, the nullification guardian effect of the anti-metal blade he wielded in his other hand. As the membrane dissipated, the creature's blood vanished without a trace, leaving Oliver standing amidst the carnage.


Another chapter, and hhhhhh, it's time for what? I don't know. You are just going to find out. Also, Thor's sister, like GODDAMN (I know she is lesbian, but this is fanfiction and, ah, I AM THE WILL AND THE WAY).