
Marvel: Born in Fire!

Born in blood and fire, scarred by priests, destined to whatever I want. I am Hiro Kala, the son of Hulk and the brother of Skaar. And this is my story! Warnings: -Strong to OP MC -Harem -Morally ambiguos MC -Son of the Hulk MC -Mutant MC -Waifu Catalog used as CYOA(but no mind controlling waifus or company)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 12

Scott would like to think that he had grown quite a bit from his past self and became a calm adult. It was quite admirable as most of his past experiences should have just made him insane instead. Experiences like his first wife turning evil due to being possessed by a giant bird of fire, his second wife turning out to be the clone of his first wife, his daughter from a dystopian future time traveling back and etc.

Yet he could feel his calmness leaving his body the more he stayed around the son of Hulk. Worse part was that it wasn't even anything the boy was doing, things happening around and about him was just so tiresome.

Like the gladiator friends of Hulk from outer space coming to his school in order to meet his newest student kind of tiresome.

"It is very nice to meet you, Korg the Kronan." The son of Hulk said with a smile as he clasped the hand of the giant stone man.

'Quite the gathering, isn't it?' A voice resonated inside his head, an occurrence that was not only common but also unavoidable when one was in relationship with a telepath.

'At least they aren't demanding us to surrender the professor this time.' Scott thought back with a mental eye roll which was answered by a giggle.

'Oh stop it, none of them were there when Hulk demanded Charles' head; luckily for us.' She thought to him and Scott had to admit that she was right.

The full rooster of the available X-Men and the god damn Juggernaut had faced the green berserker when he had came to the school, and he hadn't left because they had been anywhere close to beating him. Add his gladiator buddies, things could have been far uglier.

'No matter, you go and mingle with Kala and his new buddies. Make sure they don't try to recreate Gladiator. I'll go calm down the students after that little fiasco that you decided to not deal with.' Emma thought at him and Scott could already feel the sensation of the couch on his back. So he decided to not give Emma any further ammunition on him and went towards Kala and the warriors of Sakaar, catching the end of Kala's question.

"…where is Hiroim Oldstrong?" The son of Hulk asked and Scott was somewhat curious about the whereabouts of the shadow priest as well. Though he got a pretty good idea about it when he saw the solemn expressions on the rock man's face.

"…Hiroim is no longer with us. He has perished in battle against an enemy of your father named Samuel Sterns. His old power was turned against the innocents and our friend chose to sacrifice himself in order to protect them, transferring the last of his power to our friend Cate Waynesbro here." Korg explained and he had Scott's sympathies. Losing a friend was never easy, he would know.

"Then may the prophet embrace Hiroim Oldstrong as he crosses over to the other side and may the cosmos know…" And then Kala's eyes hardened, holding a look that Scott had seen on many before.

"…Samuel Sterns will not die well." Many like Magneto, Nick Fury and Logan.

"But not today." Then the look in his eyes softened as he turned towards Waynesbro.

"Today I greet another member of our family. Well met, Cate Oldstrong." The young man said with a smile as he offered his hand to the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who took it with a smile after a moment of hesitation.

"Well met then, Hiro Kala."

"Now then, please come, I want you all to meet my brother. The cosmics know that the little brat needs more people to socialize with."


"And you two know about… Miek?"

"We learned through the old power when we first connected with it. We saw the traitorous insect have one of the reds who were still loyal to their fool king plant the bomb, then the fires of Sakaar claimed the murderer of the capital city." Hiro Kala explained to them as they sat on the grass in the backyard of the school and Elloe had to hold back a flinch at the knowledge that one of her people had been responsible for the bomb, along with the smile that tried to force itself on her face at the knowledge of the bastard's death.

To be perfectly honest, she had been… wary when she had learned that the sons of her king had survived on Skaar and had arrived on this world. She was glad that they were alive, no doubts about that, but she knew how much Sakaar could effect someone. There was still a part of her wanting, starving, for battle; for carnage. A part of her that shamed her and that she tried to keep under control ever since the revelation of Miek's treachery. She could not allow herself to be driven by anger anymore, never again. She had been afraid that the sons of the Green King may have arrived to this world with such intentions. She was happy to see that she was wrong.

"We heard about what you said to Osborn." Cate Waynesbro said as she looked at them with worry but Elloe could also see a calculating light in the new Oldstrong's eyes, she was fishing for information.

"You mean the man of Nor? Is there anything important?" Kala asked as he also kept an arm around Skaar, she wondered why the two brothers looked so different; as in why Kala looked older than Skaar.

"Yeah, you pissed him off."

"I don't care."

"You should, Osborn may be a bastard; but right now he is a bastard with power and connections. Simply getting on his nerves can be a death sentence to many, he will try something against you soon." The newest member of the Warbound warned but Kala did not seem to care.

"Then he will fail. If you expect me to act respectfully towards that sentient slime, then I must apologize as I will be disappointing you Cate." The elder son of Holku said with a shake of his head and Elloe had to put her hand in front of her mouth in order to hide her smile. In her opinion, it was about time someone took Osborn down a notch or two. And she could admit that the thought of the one to do so being the son of her king did make her feel rather joyful.

"Let us not speak more of these dull matters. Would any of you be interested in sharing tales, I am rather interested in the stories of the Warbound of my father. I might even tell you of the dreadful trial of teaching this brat how to wear pants if you tell a story impressive enough." The shadow tribe member said as he ruffled the hair of his brother who glowered at him and finally, Elloe could no longer hold her laughter.



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