
Marvel : Biohazard

This is the tale of a man reincarnated into the Marvel world through mysterious means, endowed with the mind control ability from the game Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge. Follow his journey as he navigates and thrives in this perilous realm, determined to harness his newfound powers and rise to prominence. ----------------------------------------------------- This is a chinese novel which i am trynig to improve as it has many grammatical mistakes amd sometimes makes no sense. i am a new writer , a complete novice trying to present a novel as i was fed up from all the unfinished but amazing fanfic. Your feedback is appreciated and please no hate comment. All credit for the characters and OC goes to marvel and original writer "Heart and eyes". UPDATE Schedule: DAILY

He_who_will_be · Others
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14 Chs

Chapter 63 - "Covert Allegiances: Shadows of Power

"Is this the solution to our illness?" Harry asked, taking the small blue injection from his father's hand with confusion.


Norman Osborn carefully observed the perplexed expression on Harry's face. He began with a nod, transitioning to a shake of his head. Addressing Harry's evident confusion, he explained, "This virus is exceptionally potent, effectively countering the viruses within our bodies. However, it hasn't been long since I acquired it, and the development of a genuine antidote is still underway."


"Moreover, even if the antidote is researched, it's not guaranteed to work for us. Someone will need to personally test the drug's effectiveness!" Norman Osborn's voice became a little low, and he looked at Harry with a complicated expression.


"I am old, so after the antidote is developed, I will be the first experiment, but the risk is very high. If I am not careful, I may die because of it. So before that, I must explain things to you and the last things you can do for your father."


"I left you the huge family business of Osborn Industries, but first, I have to make sure that you can inherit it intact!"


"Osborn Industries was founded by your grandfather and has always been a family holding company. However, with the company's development over the years, equity is inevitably dispersed. Although I am still the largest shareholder, the proportion is not too high. I didn't have much when I was alive. Once I die, it will be difficult for you to inherit Osborn Industries."


Harry, hearing about these things for the first time, seemed at a loss and said timidly, "I just want to solve the damn genetic disease. I don't understand anything about the company. It's better to... give up Osborn Industries and be a rich man?"


Norman Osborn interrupted Harry sharply.


Harry knew he was wrong, so he could only remain silent and not speak.


Observing Harry's timid and apprehensive look, the anger on Norman Osborn's face gradually turned into disappointment. "Harry, you've truly let me down. Ever since you became like this, you've secluded yourself in this small apartment, evading reality. I didn't blame you back then because I too couldn't see a glimmer of hope at that time."


"But now that there's a way to solve the genetic disease, you're contemplating relinquishing the inheritance from our ancestors. If that's the case, I'd prefer you to be engulfed by the familial nightmare passed down through generations."


Confronted with the reprimand, Harry chose to stay silent.


Suddenly, Norman Osborn found himself reluctant to continue the conversation.


His current mood was one of lamenting misfortune, as he felt a sense of frustration at being angered without a chance to counter.


"I have a drug here that can temporarily suppress your illness. During the time when the antidote is developed, you'll accompany me and learn how to manage the company!" Concluding this with a subdued tone, Norman Osborn extracted a vial from his pocket and tossed it onto Harry's bed.


Before Harry could utter a word after taking the antiviral injection, Norman Osborn turned and exited, leaving Harry with the suppressive potion and a sense of solitude.


Just as Harry and his son parted ways on a disheartening note, Murphy had already encountered Pierce smoothly.


"It's quite a challenge trying to meet with you!" Murphy, blindfolded and brought to an undisclosed military base, immediately grumbled upon seeing Pierce!


"I apologize; as the Director, there are certain matters beyond my control. Luckily, I'm on the verge of retirement. You won't have to visit me then; I'll be at your service whenever you call," Pierce quipped, holding Murphy's hand.


In response to Pierce's amicable words, Murphy not only ignored them but also adopted an ironic tone, stating, "Oh, that won't do. Even if you retire, I wouldn't dare manipulate you in such a way; otherwise, you might meet an untimely end. It wouldn't bode well in my own abode!"


In response to Murphy's ironic comments, Pierce remained unaffected. However, the agents trailing him displayed displeased expressions. Yet, in the absence of Pierce's response, they refrained from speaking out of turn, opting instead to shoot fierce glares at Murphy.


'A bunch of fools!' Murphy thought to himself, sensing the gaze of these agents.


Judging by the genuine reactions of these agents, Murphy deduced that they were not HYDRA undercover agents but rather operatives from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. HYDRA agents wouldn't openly display their emotions, reserving hostility for instances when superiors issued orders to confront and assail their enemies.


Nevertheless, since these agents were not HYDRA undercover operatives, Murphy pondered on their peculiar behavior. The impeccable façade of the old man Pierce was flawless. He portrayed himself as a dedicated official in the eyes of the public, while behind closed doors, he assumed the role of a director who cared for his subordinates like a son. Even in his domestic life, he exhibited qualities of a loving husband and father.


Pierce's flawless disguise garnered him the love and support of his agents. Yet, he also held a leadership position within HYDRA, an adversarial organization to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. This ironic duality in leadership was one of the biggest contradictions among HYDRA's top figures. Murphy, considering it all absurd, chose not to concern himself with the foolish behaviors of these agents who blindly supported Pierce.


"Step aside; I'll converse with Mr. Spencer privately." Sensing a hidden meaning in Murphy's words, Pierce approached the situation cautiously and quickly instructed his subordinates. While his words may have seemed like an attempt to set a friendly tone, the agents perceived them as an effort to control the atmosphere and prevent any conflict with Murphy. Consequently, as Pierce's favorability rose, the agents' discontent with Murphy became increasingly evident.


As she parted ways with Murphy, a female agent murmured, "A disturbance to the nation."


Despite her hushed tone, everyone in close proximity overheard her!


Murphy's countenance grew icy. After the agents exited the room, he expressed his displeasure and dissatisfaction with Pierce through words.


"Pierce, your oversight of your subordinates is lacking. What's all this talk about being a 'disturbance to the nation'? It's only natural for you to conduct your business. Am I causing a disruption by selling something to you?" Murphy voiced his discontent to Pierce.


Pierce, in a helpless tone, responded to Murphy, "Alright! Don't act like you're unaware. I can't control this group. Even if they were truly my subordinates, I wouldn't object if you decided to eliminate them. As for her, I'll deal with it later and find an opportunity to reprimand her!"

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