
Marvel : Biohazard

This is the tale of a man reincarnated into the Marvel world through mysterious means, endowed with the mind control ability from the game Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge. Follow his journey as he navigates and thrives in this perilous realm, determined to harness his newfound powers and rise to prominence. ----------------------------------------------------- This is a chinese novel which i am trynig to improve as it has many grammatical mistakes amd sometimes makes no sense. i am a new writer , a complete novice trying to present a novel as i was fed up from all the unfinished but amazing fanfic. Your feedback is appreciated and please no hate comment. All credit for the characters and OC goes to marvel and original writer "Heart and eyes". UPDATE Schedule: DAILY

He_who_will_be · Others
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14 Chs

Chapter 62 - Unveiling Shadows

Chapter – 62

Early morning after the heavy rain.

The light rain continued to patter, and a thin mist gradually appeared in the air.

Peering through the bedroom window, the landscape unfolds in a panorama of white vastness, creating a sense of distinct separation between the interior and exterior of the house.

On the spacious bed, Murphy awoke early, yet he showed no urgency to rise. Instead, he tenderly embraced Ada's supple waist, gazing at her serene and beautiful sleeping countenance, savoring the long-forgotten leisurely moments.

As Murphy's gaze lingered, time quietly slipped away, and gradually, Ada, having just undergone a profound experience, stirred from her slumber.

Upon awakening, Ada sensed a restraint and instinctively yearned to extricate herself from Murphy's embrace. However, a sharp, tearing pain in her lower body compelled her to emit a low, pained cry.

"Hiss~ It hurts!"

"Stay still; be cautious not to exacerbate the pain," Murphy cautioned Ada, who sought to rise immediately, his expression filled with concern.

The pleasure Murphy had relished the previous night persisted even after waking.

However, Ada, experiencing it for the first time, found it discomforting. Pain, particularly in her lower body, pervaded her, and her entire frame felt weak and sore. Tears lingered on her cheeks, serving as a reminder of the challenging journey into womanhood.

Ada grappled with the ache in her lower body. Murphy's words triggered a sudden recollection of the events from the previous night, prompting her body to react. In that moment, she became aware of Murphy's firm embrace, a realization that left her startled. The situation was undoubtedly inappropriate for the workplace.

Prior to his departure, Murphy cast a tender glance at Ada, articulating, "Today, you'll remain in bed and rest. I'll arrange for a maid to attend to you during this period. Regarding your injury, I'll contemplate potential measures to aid your recovery. For now, just concentrate on resting and recuperating." With these words, Murphy exited the room, leaving Ada to convalesce.

Confronted with Murphy's gentle yet authoritative instructions, Ada felt a sense of embarrassment and uncertainty, rendering her speechless. She quietly nodded in agreement.

As Murphy prepared to depart, he bent down to plant a gentle kiss on Ada's forehead. Afterward, he proceeded to freshen up before leaving the bedroom.

Beyond the bedroom door, Number 18 stood vigilantly, faithfully guarding the entrance. The moment Murphy emerged, he issued a command to the guardian, "Fetch my satellite phone."

Upon hearing the directive, No. 18 acknowledged with a silent nod before vanishing instantly, utilizing the same teleportation ability.

Murphy had summoned Number 18 to retrieve the satellite phone, intending to contact Pierce. Uncertain of the motives behind the presence of the two HYDRA agents the previous night and disinclined to engage in a thorough investigation, Murphy opted for the straightforward and efficient approach of addressing the matter directly with the adversary's leader.

Deep in contemplation about Pierce, Murphy's attention shifted to the closed door behind him. Concerned that the situation might escalate into a full-fledged conflict between the two factions, he pondered the wisdom of assigning someone to protect Ada.

In a moment of reflection, Murphy acknowledged that safeguarding Ada was one of the drawbacks of their relationship. While he comprehended the instinctual desire for men to shield their women from harm, his initial intention had been to foster Ada's potential and witness her flourishing. He recognized that the true beauty of flowers lies not in being confined to a vase but in thriving independently.

'It is important to face certain challenges in order to grow, and one cannot simply be sheltered from these difficulties like a delicate flower in a greenhouse. Murphy was aware of this issue and contacted Magneto before reaching out to Pierce.

Regardless of how beautiful flowers may be, they are still fragile buds before they bloom. Given that Ada is unwell, Murphy has decided to assemble a team to ensure her safety. Additionally, he will be able to guard the manor.

Upon completion of all necessary arrangements, Murphy will proceed to meet Pierce in a one-on-one setting.

Now Murphy is going to meet Pierce, while Norman Osborn, who has been busy all night, is also going to meet his son Harry Osborn, who is very important to him.

An apartment located in the suburbs of New York, low-key and away from the hustle and bustle, this is the residence of Harry Osborn.

At this time, the light rain outside had stopped, but the sky was still gloomy, just like Harry Osborn's mood at the moment.

After all, anyone who is suddenly awoken when the quilt is suddenly lifted will be unhappy, especially when the weather cools after the heavy rain.

Harry Osborn's bedroom in the apartment was originally covered by heavy curtains to block the light from outside, but the heavy curtains at the moment have been completely opened by his father, Norman Osborn, and the bright light shines on Harry through the windows. On the bed, Harry, who had already woken up, subconsciously avoided the light and hid in the shadows.

Upon seeing this picture of Harry, Norman Osborn felt a surge of anger in him and began to mock Harry relentlessly. He said, "Look at what you've become. You resemble a mouse in the New York sewers – dirty and timid!"

His father's words made Harry, who was originally upset, completely angry: "Who is at fault for me to be like this? It's all you, Norman Osborn's fault. You shouldn't have let my mother die in the first place. Giving birth to me!"

As Harry spoke, he was suddenly exposed to the light, revealing his terrifying appearance to Norman Osborn. Harry's face was covered in green, hardened bumps, some of which looked like broken abscesses. The bumps were all over his cheeks and forehead, making his face appear very bumpy. There was even some light green pus flowing out of the bumps when Harry got agitated. Norman Osborn's cold expression was moved by Harry's words and appearance. He sat down on the bed, sighed and said, "This is fate. This is a nightmare that the Osborn family will suffer from generation to generation, but I didn't expect it to become so serious for you."

Harry calmly retreated back into the shadows after his terrifying face had been revealed. He said, "If it's fate, I'm happy to let it end early."

Norman Osborn found a comfortable angle and leaned against the baffle at the end of the bed. He said, "I used to think the same way when I didn't know the first time I got sick! But my father told me that as long as people live, there is still hope. The Osborn family has been studying the diseases that have affected us for generations."

Norman Osborn continued, "This is a rare genetic disease caused by a retrovirus that is rooted in our genes. It cannot be solved perfectly with current methods. However, my father established the Osborn Industry to solve this problem. Although he couldn't completely eradicate the virus in his lifetime, he laid a good foundation for us to do so."

Harry looked at his father with hope and asked, "Can it be cured?"

Norman Osborn replied with a smile, "Definitely! Recently, I extracted a viral substance in the form of RNA from a biological body. Although it is only a small amount, this virus is completely capable of killing the virus in our body."

Norman Osborn took out a small blue injection from the pocket of his clothes and handed it to Harry.

This is a translated and edited version of an existing fanfic which I have uploaded for my enjoyment and another fanfic reader.

All credit goes to Marvel and the original writer of this fanfic.

if some people insist, I will consider uploading the starting chapters of this fanfic.

thank you for reading this.

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