
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

MBH #09 I GOT X-GENE! -4

Hello readers, from here I'm going to take a tiny break. I'll need to think atleast 1st arc plot properly and I'm not clear about current situation ahead because I have made many changes while writing the story. So, see you next time. Until then, 

Here's the chapter. 



[MBH #9 I GOT X-GENE! - 4]


The winter snow on the road, made it difficult to walk but that didn't stop people from having fun outside. Alex stood in front of his house, facing the nearby shopping mall. The cold wind blew across his face. While his winter clothes protected him from the cold, it didn't make him immune to it. 

Making his mind, Alex touched the hidden 'Silky' inside his pocket through his gloved hands. At last, taking a deep breath, Alex walked towards the Shopping mall. He walked across the main road, and went near the entrance. 

His eyes wandered across the entrance of the mall, and spotted an old couple taking a heavy bag. He approached them and said, "Merry Christmas, I can see that you have a heavy bag to carry, if you don't mind let me help. You see, my name is Alex and I live just across the street", Alex pointed toward his home, "and I think I may have seen you last week, at Chicago high's annual festival. I'm a student there.",

The old lady immediately spoke, "My! Clark do you see this, such a good boy." The seemingly old husband, tapped his cane on ground and replied, "I can see that, you don't need to tell me and you Boy!" Turing to Alex, the old man said, "Don't you have friends to play with. Go! I'm strong and healthy, I don't need your help."

"Clark how many times do I have to tell you, don't yell at others and he's just a young boy. You don't have to prove anything." The old lady angrily commented on her husband's behavior, then turning towards Alex, she said, "Merry Christmas Dear, don't mind this old man, he's gone even more grumpy these days. Here help me in taking this bag." 

Alex then helped them carry bags up to the parking area. Placing them in the back seat of the car. He said, "I placed your bags on the seat behind." The old man hurriedly replied, " Just gonna then, no need to wait here" 

"Clark! Have some manners." The old lady spoke sharply, and suddenly changed her face to innocent and said to Alex "Thank you, boy for helping us old people, here take some sweets. Merry Christmas and have fun, Bye. " Accepting the small box of sweets Alex bade farewell to them while, the old couple sat in the car. 

"I don't like him. He seemed like a troublesome kid. You know those crazy ones that are popping out in the news these days. What if he was one of them, We'd be killed Sarah!" Clark, the old man spoke while starting the car. 

"Maybe but I didn't see anything wrong with him, he just seemed a little lonely, poor child", Sarah, the old lady replied. "let's go! We need to reach home, I have so much work to do."


'That old couple was very perceptive, maybe I'm dumb thinking that people will accept an unknown boy helping them. Of course, Considering the news, the government is propagating these days anyone will be suspicious.*sigh* I'll be more careful next time." Alex planned ahead, while he entered the mall. 

The mall was bustling with people, small kids were shouting in the kids area, obviously the mall at Christmas will do its best to attract small kids. Alex then went towards the most populous area, the food section. 'It seems there's something new here or prices are off due to the festival.'

Alex then went to every corner of the bustling food section, saying 'sorry' and 'excuse me'. Trying to be closest to the people, he even asked a pretty blond girl, who seemingly came with her girls group. "Hello, Merry Christmas, Do you know how to read this?" Showing the Italian text on the pasta box. 

While Alex thought, 'Thanks, the Internet and smartphones aren't here otherwise I couldn't find an excuse to talk to the girls group.' 

The girl was puzzled by the sudden question, took the pasta box, seemingly unable to understand Italian she showed it to her group "Hey! Does anyone know what's written here?" Getting a negative response from the group, she gave it back to Alex, and said, "Sorry, we don't understand it." 

"No problem, I'll buy another one" Alex replied, he put the box back and went towards a different section with a large smile on his face and thinking inwardly, 'Got atleast thirty!'

Alex repeated such events in different areas until he encountered a black haired small girl, in a pink woollen jacket, seemingly of his age, at the sweets section of the shopping mall. Alex felt a strong buzz in his pocket. Alex understood the situation and spoke to the girl, showing a polite smile, "Hello my name is Bruce, what's your name? " 

"Mommy said, Don't talk to strangers" The girl replied curtly. Alex felt perplexed by her answer but spoke further, " But I introduced myself, didn't your mom or teacher say to be polite."

"No I don't have any teacher and mommy said not to talk to strangers"

Alex knew he couldn't control the situation easily like this so he picked a box and asked, "You like sweets right?" 

The girl turned towards him and nodded. Alex replied to her affirmation, "so will you tell me your name, if I give you this box of sweets for free?"

Alex caught the hesitation on her face and spoke, "Just keep it secret from your mom. It's not like you didn't lie, tell here if she asks about the box ok?" 

The girl nodded again and said, " Mindy, my name is Mindy" 

Alex smiling replied, while giving the box of sweets, "nice to meet you Mindy, here take it as your gift for Christmas."

Alex watched the girl take the box from his hand and ran towards the other side. Taking it as a cue, he ran on the opposite side. Reaching a few sections away he stopped running and caught his breath, 'She probably has an awakened X-Gene. let's stay away from her, maybe it's better to go to the next floor and avoid her.'

'Her mother would probably need to pay for that box, but what has got it to me, I'm Alex, not Bruce. Seeing her abnormality, people will likely believe her. While I didn't do anything wrong.'

Alex then used lift to reach the next floor, though he enjoyed the crowd filled elevator as his mission was being fulfilled easily but his joy filled face scrunched up suddenly, 'damn the smell, who farts in the lift. Wait a minute, Just a little more and I'm done here.' 

Alex consoled himself while standing in a cranked, smelly space, he was surprised that frankly no one spoke about such inconvenience. 

Numerous sighs were heard when lift stopped and gate opened. The elevator was empty in just seconds, no one wanted to remain in such place any longer. 

Alex continued his actions of associating with people, the Christmas occasion helped in his endeavor, people let down their guards at such spaces, especially encountering a polite kid. 


Alex passed the snowy road again, this time walking towards his house. 

'Mission successful,' reaching the door of his house he thought about the plan he formed. 

Entering the house, Alex sat on the couch and took out Silky from his woollen jacket. 

Alex: Silky, how many people did you scanned? 

Silky: 276 people Boss. According to your plan, I cross referenced their DNA with your DNA. I think we have found the 'X-Gene' sequence areas in the genetic code.

Alex: Great! What about the black haired girl? 

Silky: As you may have suspect, she is what you call 'Mutant', according to her DNA, her body is constantly producing large number of keratin. Which can be used to increase her hair and nail length. Her muscle density is augmented by two times of normal strength. She may have some degree of control of her body hairs also. 

Alex: Thank God! I didn't become a living target for human porcupine. Did you get substantial data on X-Gene to procced calculations? 

Silky: Yes Boss, 194 people have been detected to have anomalies in their genetic data, while 2 people have been identified as 'Mutants' possessing 'X-Gene'. 

Alex: two? The black haired girl and another? 

Silky: The old man, whom you met earlier before entering the mall. I couldn't signal you at that time due to lack of data, but his DNA provided enough information. 

Alex: Fu*k, now I knew why he was wary of me, I thought it was because of those Government propaganda against mutants. So what's the old man's power? 

Silky: It's closely linked to energy manipulation at Microwave frequency, but his energy levels were very low. It seems, due to his ageing, his bodily organs are failing and he may have left 1-2 weeks atmost. 

Alex: Fu*k! Energy manipulation, such a useful power. I almost died there, that old man could have killed me if he wanted to. Next time careful Alex. Silky, Cross referenced it with my DNA and, Tell do I possess any sort of energy manipulation? 

Silky: Yes Boss, calculating the probability... 

Boss, good news for you! It's detected that you may have variation of energy manipulation, your DNA is absorbing certain radioactivity frequencies, similar to the old man's DNA. The major problem is that the amount of energy absorbed is very low, it may take 2-3 months for your body to fully saturate itself and proceed further and-

Alex:- 2-3 months! No, that shouldn't be! I can't allow it. Silky, Calculate any other means of activating 'X-Gene'. 

Silky:- Boss, the duration maybe due to lack of radioactivity in atmosphere. I have calculated the range of required frequencies needed. If we can stimulate an artificial environment, with controlled radioactivity. It may decrease the duration to one week. But-

Alex:- one week! Perfect. Let's do it.

Silky:- Sorry sir, but before that you need to wait for atleast 6 months.

Alex:- eh! why six months? Didn't you say one week? 

Silky:- Because, Your Body can't handle the radioactivity levels currently. More importantly! You have been not letting me explain properly.

 There is another good news for you, Boss. Your 'X-Gene' is already active but it is in dormant stage, due to lack of energy. I theorize that, Your 'X-Gene' has been stimulated through unknown means just recently. 

 The sudden absorbing of atmospheric ambient energy should have caused a massive headache and exhaustion in your body. When Silky previously scanned your body, at that time Silky had detected the abnormal hormonal changes and exhaustion and due to exhaustion your body wasn't absorbing anything at that time, But now your body is perfectly healthy. That's very unusual. But it's because your body healed you faster through absorbing energy. 

Please check your injured knuckles. Silky thinks, you may find there the proof of Silky's theory. 

Alex:- Wait! Let me check. 

Alex immediately removed his gloves and found, a pair of perfectly healed hands with no sign of any injury on knuckles. They healed in just two hour. 

Alex:- Awesome! I have power, wow! I have superpower! Silky, Did you see I have superpower. Hahaha! 

Silky:- Boss, please refrain from disturbing neighbors by laughing loudly.

Alex:- Yeah, right. But did you see I have superpower now, woohoo! Silky, tell me range of my power? What other things can I do now? 

Silky:- Nothing for now. Your body is adapting to the changes. Your body is currently healing itself using the energy, and also strengthening it. Silky theorizes that, within 2-3 weeks your strength, speed, stamina, etc body related abilities may surpass normal humans. Your body will keep growing power until your power is fully integrated. It seems like, the Energy absorbed by your body, is influencing almost every aspect of your being even your brain and your intelligence. They may grow at great speed. 

Alex:- whaaat! Fu*king awesome! That's so cool! I'm already loving it. Body, Brain and Energy all three in one, superhuman-package gene. I love you My X-Gene! Thank you Silky for giving me such good news. 

Silky:- Boss, please behave otherwise. I may have to message Ms. Mercy to take me away from you. 

Alex:- eh! How did you contact Mercy? 

Silky:- Silky is a Titanian, so I used your Holocall to contact Ms. Mercy and she told Silky everything. She also asked silky to keep an eye on you and not do anything harmful to you. I have recorded our current conversation. Do you want Silky to send it to Ms. Mercy and Ms. Ayrise. 

Alex:- *ahem* No! No..don't ..don't.

I was very happy about it so, I couldn't control myself. I'll not do it next time, ok. 

Silky:- Silky understands Boss's mentality so, Silky warns Boss, try not to lose control. 


Alex:- wait, when did you talk to Ayrise then?

Silky:- Before contacting Ms. Mercy. 

Ms. Ayrise gave Silky this idea of recording the conversation. 

Alex:- I'll let this blackmail slide for now. But no more recording next time. 

Silky:- Silky can't promise anything. 

Alex:- Well, I'll leave this argument for now, I want to eat. Let's order pizza. Do you like to eat pizza, silky? 

Silky:- very funny Boss. 

Alex:- hahaha! Got you.

Sh*t! I remember, Silky send the 'X-Gene' related data to Ayrise and tell her to continue her research on it. 

Silky: Yes, Boss. 

Alex finally got power! *Sigh* it took so long.

I may have made small mistakes, please help me in this regards.


Comment on which characters you want for Alex to interact.


Your every comments makes me think, it's worth it.

Thank you.

kaizer20creators' thoughts