
Marvel: Become a slime

A Marvel fanfic where the main character becomes a slime based off of Rimuru in the cave Tony Stark got kidnapped in! Read to find out how the main character adapts to being a slime in Marvel! No harem, and no Romance. If you see any grammar mistakes please point them out, I regularly skim through the comments. Note- Don't blame me if some details are wrong I haven't watched Marvel in a while. On another note, I love reading your comments as it not only inspires me but also makes me laugh, so please comment on things you find funny or things that need to be changed

Rei444 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Going To School Was A Bad Idea.

"Peter help me!!!!!" On the way to school, Limulu saw the little spider and asked for help, if it were not for the fact that she covered her shoes with a barrier her shoes would have already been lit on fire from the constant friction of being dragged by Naraku.

"G-good morn- ha?" Peter was a bit nervous when talking to Limulu because of past 'experiences' however when he saw Naraku dragging Limulu like a doll he got confused.

Naraku just ignored the little spider, she didn't have much friendship with him and she was in a hurry to get to school.

"Peterrrrrrrrrrrrr help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" Even though the little spider was confused he still went to help Limulu, after all, she was screaming with a tear(Fake) crawling down her cheek.

Noticing the little spider following them, Naraku took a turn into a nearby alleyway and turned invisible. She could teleport to school however she was really enjoying dragging Limulu around.

"Huff, Huff, Naraku could we just talk this out or somethin-" Looking into the alley the little spider who was trying to negotiate became stunned, two living people just disappeared in front of his eyes. While he knew that Limulu had superpowers and guessed that Naraku did as well he didn't expect that they would disappear.

"Hehe" Naraku let out a little laugh looking at the confused little spider, however, that was her biggest mistake.


The little spider's head turned so fast that it made a cracking sound. 

"AH!" Even though Naraku was an 'evil god' and loved scaring people she wasn't the best at scary things.

Her fear caused her to pass out, allowing Limulu to escape.

"I'm free!" Limulu first teleported behind the little spider and then put her hands on her hips, looked up to the sky, and proclaimed her freedom.

Meanwhile, the little spider was on the ground massaging his neck. Earlier he heard Naraku laugh behind him which scared him so much that he turned his head so fast that he not only pinched a nerve but also caused a spasm in his neck muscles.


Limulu looked towards the passed-out Naraku and the spasming little spider and gave a long sigh.

She gave them both a piece of her slime… This triggered the passive skill [Healing Body] which is one of the many things she wished for when she rebirthed. The skill allowed anyone to fully recover from all status effects as long as they ate a piece of her body. She had to wish for such a thing since she couldn't wish for healing magic as it wouldn't let her wish for active skills.

Not sure why Predator was allowed…


"Limulu? What are you doing here?" The little spider twisted his neck so hard he somehow got memory loss…

"We're going to be late!" Naraku was still concerned about getting to school on time. 

"... we still have 5 minutes…"

Naraku proceeded to give a look towards Limulu that basically said 'We. Are. Going. To. Die.'

'Ah? Late?' The little spider started to get nervous, if you were late then the school would call your parents, and he didn't want Uncle Ben and Aunt May to know.

"... Instead of wasting time let's just go ok?" Limulu had given up not going to school for today.

"Good Morning, today we have a new student!"

Ah? Limulu looked towards the door and had a bad feeling.

"I wonder if it's a girl"

"I hope she's pretty"

"Why are you assuming it's a girl? It might be a violent guy who's over 20 years old!"

"We are in elementary school, how would a 20-year-old get in?"

"If he is too stupid and fails for a bunch of years he could."

"Wait really?"

Hearing the students conversing Limulu laughed, if the transfer was actually 20 years old he would probably be a shield agent.

*Step, Step, step*

Coming through the door was a girl with blond hair with an arrogant look. 

"Please introduce yourself." The teacher felt she might have gotten yet another problem student but as a teacher, she won't be stumped by such things.

"You can call me Mindy." The girl didn't even say her last name.

"Could you tell us something about yourself?" The teacher felt that if she left it like this the girl might not make friends.

Mindy first gave a glare towards the teacher then pointed at Limulu and said, "I want to be like her." 

Limulu felt she really shouldn't have come to school today.

Didn't expect this one now did you?

Also why don't you wear pj's, do you sleep naked or something? -.-

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